The Nazis just don't want do die. They return as the living dead, ready to strangle mankind in their icecold grip. But Gavin McKillmore, proud local boxer from Scotland, is ready to bash all of them into oblivion.

The idea was to create a single-touch action game where you build up combo points by dashing left and right and thereby increasing damage. Not much to do at the moment besides bashing and dashing.

I am not sure if I have time this week to work further on this, so I am uploading the latest version now:

Unity Web Player:

Android APK:

Stephan8 years ago

@Anja You are right. I should have made it easier. Thank you for playing. :)

Anja8 years ago

I liked the idea, but the difficulty is way to high. My intention was "Oh cool I can hit Nazis" but after 10 seconds I got smashed by them, and this was happening unfortunatelly consecutively. I don't wanna have this feeling as player.

Stephan8 years ago

@starvingindie Thank you very much for this feedback. The dashing and the positioning was the main idea for the game, so I should have just done like a friend suggested and remove the melee attacks. And removing the "getting stuck" is a very good suggestion. Internally, it uses physics collider with a greater mass for the main character. It resulted mostly from workflow instead of design decision, because in other games it made sense to me that characters can't walk into each other. But here it is a hindrance to the gameplay, you are right. Thanks for playing and replaying. :)

@qubodup I see. Read that O from OK as as zero. Thanks again for testing on two devices.

starvingindie8 years ago

Ok so the first couple plays I have to admit I didn't like it, but something kept me retrying. I started to realize that the game isn't about mashing the green buttons as they appear, it's really (at least to me) about positioning yourself for an attack. This opened up the fun for me. I found myself having to make quick decisions and thinking a step ahead as to where to go next after committing to the attack.

And I think this is where the game shines (besides the art which is wonderful). The fun (again, for me at least) is deciding whether to find a better position among the crowd of attackers or commit to an attack.

Overall I enjoy the game.

My feedback for improvement is to allow better spacing to move around and make those choices I just described. It's too easy to get caught in a mob and not be able to wiggle your way out of it. I do think there's something to the crowd of enemies though, I just wish I had the ability to narrowly escape the crowd, reassess and recover before making my next attack.

I think being able to move past enemies without them getting stuck to you might help with this, though I'm sure this was done for design reasons I'm not aware of.

Great work!

qubodup8 years ago

ah. when i see a green button appearing while surrounded by enemies i just go for it taptaptap :) and yes, OK FPS = acceptable frames per second (I consider the Galaxy 2 Duos to be quite slow)

Stephan8 years ago

@Bobbo Thank you for your thorough feedback. Invincibilty while dashing was on my mental list. Should make a real list of those thoughts, maybe I wouldn't have forgotten it then. The other points are of course also valid.

@qubodup 0K FPS? I'm a bit confused. Your text sounds like it runs with good enough performance. Thank you for testing it. :) The fist buttons were for melee, the boot buttons for dashing.

qubodup8 years ago

I'm happy to report that it runs on my Samsung Galaxy 2 Duos at OK FPS! Takes about 20s to load though. It's confusing (what are all those red and green buttons?) but fun :D Works even better on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0!

Very thoughtful that the game restarts soon after death.

Bobbo8 years ago

A couple quick comments since I had something more substantial typed up but then my web browser refreshed and I lost it.


Graphics and animation.

Flying around comboing zombies was satisfying.

Didn't like as much:

I would be hit by a zombie that I was dashing towards.

The regular attack was so weak that being stuck near a zombie with no others to dash towards meant you just took a lot of damage with no real options to do anything about it.

Zombies would spawn right on top of me. Especially annoying with the weak regular attack.

Would have liked:

Invincibility during the dash.

A score display so I know if I'm doing better or worse each game.

I understand this is unfinished and unlikely to get expanded on. It is a good concept and fun to mess around with!

More submissions by Stephan for One Game a Week

This is just a short interactive Twine story. Might be a bit confusing, given my current state of mind.


It's not really a game, it's more like a tiny dialogue thing. But I had fun painting it and it got done on a sunday, so I'm happy that it's not totally broken.

(Unity Web Player because the WebGL Build has a bug I could not figure out.)

This is my sunny sunday afternoon project.

I took some of the scripts from my earlier Prototype "Crowd" and meshed them together to another small game where you walk through a couple of patrolling zombies. It's just this one level and probably easy. Once they touch you, it's over.

I'm pretty sure the animations can be done better. :)

So, I'm reducing my scope from week to week, which for me at the moment is a good thing.

A very simple math game which I made this afternoon/evening. And it's my first try at "flat" graphics.

I am not really happy with it, as the gameplay is kinda boring and the style and interface could use more animations. But it's playable, so that's that.

Improvements would be adapting the difficulty to the player, balancing the numbers and perhaps mix it with other types of quizzes. And the owl could use more personality.

"A foreign planet. The people have lived in peace since centuries, safe and secure in the living towers on the upper side of the world. But an uprising shook the society, many had to flee. Some of these remembered the old tunnels and caves at the surface level.

You are not one of those. You are a peaceful mutant that does not want to get killed by these anxious people."

This is really, really short. But it works, has beginning and end. I am rather happy about it considering the short development time. (Sunday + concept image on Saturday) So, maybe I'm getting better at time management?

Would of course have liked to add much more dialogue, but had to hunt down some bugs whick cost me some hours.



Mac OSX:

There are a lot of thirsty travelers in space. Luckily, your "Booze Galaxy" is well known as a fine drinking establishement. Manage your own space tavern by sending the waiters/waitresses to the tables to serve drinks and clean the tables afterwards so there is place for new guests.

This is broken right now. Will upload a new version later/tomorrow.


This is hard for me, but I have to remind me of my own rule: No overtime. So, this stays at it is now, without working timer and more feedback of what is going on, without animations and sound. Another reminder of how I misjudge my time resources. Next entry will be a very small thing that is finished.

A criminal adventure in a fantasy inn. You are the investigator and inquisitor. A murder has happened, and the Oracle suggests that mysteries lie hidden in this age-old inn.

Again, horrible time management this week. I'm getting worse at this. :(

And the game is also smaller/more broken than planned.

Unfinished version (Unity Web Player):

(Game is missing dialogues and greater part of the investigation.)

I will not finish this. Will impose a new rule on myself: No overtime. Either it get's ready sunday evening, or not. This should hopefully force me to get better with my time management. Probably also not a good idea to make a story game in a week when not fully committed to this.

Well, this is rather broken. Mostly because of not enough time this week.

My goal was to experiment with realtime action/stealth/groups of people. This I did, but the result is not finished at all. No sound, no animation, no game goal. You can just walk and run through the people and be chased by the guards until you are dead.

I saw many problems with the structure of my code. And there are some bugs to be solved. But I think I will take parts of this as foundation for another game.

"Hold space to fart" is a little game for the Ludum Dare Game Jam. It's about farting at a vernissage to chase the visitors off the food tables.

Painted minor things today like the portrait at the wall.

Update: Uploaded the game to Ludum Dare

'Kronan, the Librarian' is a short adventure game for the Adventure Jam. (Link to the Jam:

I am bending the description of one game a week a bit here because it is not ready at the moment. To be exact, there is no gameplay for now, just two scenes to walk in. But that is according to my own plan, as next weekend is Ludum Dare, where a game will be produced, and I thought, why not use the first days of next week for this adventure, too.

So I will update the game in the next few days with content.

Art-wise, I cleaned up the main character and painted the bag for the interface, otherwise, most time was spent on other stuff.


Uploaded the final game to GameJolt

"Botti" is a little memory game targeted for kids. It's about a robot finding his way through a minefield to get to the plutonium energy he desperately needs.

The system shows you the correct path, you have to memorize it, there is a short pause and then you click and drag the robot the same path. (Had touch controls in mind for this.)

It is not really finished and it is possible that I will add one or two things later/tomorrow. Another possible scenario is letting it rest for a few weeks and then returning to it.

UPDATE 1: added difficulty levels and countdown timer

One Game a Week

Create any kind of game - each week

weekly from 2015-03-30 to 2016-03-28