Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
'Kronan, the Librarian' is a short adventure game for the Adventure Jam. (Link to the Jam:
I am bending the description of one game a week a bit here because it is not ready at the moment. To be exact, there is no gameplay for now, just two scenes to walk in. But that is according to my own plan, as next weekend is Ludum Dare, where a game will be produced, and I thought, why not use the first days of next week for this adventure, too.
So I will update the game in the next few days with content.
Art-wise, I cleaned up the main character and painted the bag for the interface, otherwise, most time was spent on other stuff.
Uploaded the final game to GameJolt
I almost missed your update, just saw it by accident.
Great game! Really enjoyed it, fun, very playable and and a great atmosphere.
I Guybrush Threepwood, proud transgender babarian with a huge backpack found only two things: "the end" is a bit flickering, and I had difficulties with spending my money. She almost didn`t accept it, only when I was giving it her directly she accepted it. The status dialogue, where I can discuss my babarian approval status with the lady, didn`t seem to work properly.
I really like the mood in your graphics.
@Bobbo It's not just your feeling, it's what I am struggling with. Animations are still hard for me, and here it get's particularly difficult here because the scene is not realistic. The person gets smaller further back in the room, but walking speed isn't slowed down, because I thought that might be annoying, letting the person walk at slow speed. Perhaps I should try that and then try to match animation speed to the movement speed.
Thanky you very much for your feedback.
Oh, and most of the programming was done in the last months, here and there. I have a visual editor tool in Unity for creating dialogues and cutscenes. Maybe I find the time at one some point to release this tool for the public.
This is a great start and the engine seems to work well. I have a reoccurring dream of making an episodic adventure game with each episode matching up to the Ludum Dare theme. This is inspiring to work on my own adventure game engine.
The game looks beautiful. The only feedback I can give is to maybe slow down the walk animation. Kronan's feet feel like they are sliding along the ground to me because the lead foot moves to the back faster than the body moves forward. That might just be my feeling though.
Great job.
joined 3,611 days ago
@Anja Thank you very much for your feedback. :)
I also saw that flickering when my wife played through the game. Couldn't reproduce it in the editor. Still stupified by that bug.
Treasure should be accepted in dialogue. One of the many things that would probably be corrected if there is more time spent on the game. I feel like so many things could be improved by spending more time on it.