Submissions by Stephan tagged adventure

It's not really a game, it's more like a tiny dialogue thing. But I had fun painting it and it got done on a sunday, so I'm happy that it's not totally broken.

(Unity Web Player because the WebGL Build has a bug I could not figure out.)

"A foreign planet. The people have lived in peace since centuries, safe and secure in the living towers on the upper side of the world. But an uprising shook the society, many had to flee. Some of these remembered the old tunnels and caves at the surface level.

You are not one of those. You are a peaceful mutant that does not want to get killed by these anxious people."

This is really, really short. But it works, has beginning and end. I am rather happy about it considering the short development time. (Sunday + concept image on Saturday) So, maybe I'm getting better at time management?

Would of course have liked to add much more dialogue, but had to hunt down some bugs whick cost me some hours.



Mac OSX:

A criminal adventure in a fantasy inn. You are the investigator and inquisitor. A murder has happened, and the Oracle suggests that mysteries lie hidden in this age-old inn.

Again, horrible time management this week. I'm getting worse at this. :(

And the game is also smaller/more broken than planned.

Unfinished version (Unity Web Player):

(Game is missing dialogues and greater part of the investigation.)

I will not finish this. Will impose a new rule on myself: No overtime. Either it get's ready sunday evening, or not. This should hopefully force me to get better with my time management. Probably also not a good idea to make a story game in a week when not fully committed to this.

Some progress on the game. Painted the secondary characters.

'Kronan, the Librarian' is a short adventure game for the Adventure Jam. (Link to the Jam:

I am bending the description of one game a week a bit here because it is not ready at the moment. To be exact, there is no gameplay for now, just two scenes to walk in. But that is according to my own plan, as next weekend is Ludum Dare, where a game will be produced, and I thought, why not use the first days of next week for this adventure, too.

So I will update the game in the next few days with content.

Art-wise, I cleaned up the main character and painted the bag for the interface, otherwise, most time was spent on other stuff.


Uploaded the final game to GameJolt

A submission for Daily Art Club

Day 1 of this week's game project. In German I would say "Alles noch in der Schwebe." But I am unsure about the English translation. Perhaps like the following: "Everything undecided yet."

Finished my project for the week today. Lots of finishing touches on the artwork here and there, although most of the time was used for polishing the text.

Ylvar, a little story/adventure game.

PC Version:


Would love any feedback here or on Twitter:

The game is free.

Progress on the little story/adventure game I am creating this week.

Scene from yesterday worked over. I hope I have enough time to polish the other backgrounds. Still have to write much dialogue and create some audio.

This is for my weekly project, a mini adventure game.