Started 9 years ago (2015-02-01T12:00:00Z). Goes forever.

The rules are simple: Work on some art every day for as long as you can. Submit something visual that represents your effort by uploading an image or file. All art styles are allowed, there are no limitations on the medium 1. This streak is not a competition, it's for you to grow as an artist by giving you an excuse to practice every day.

If you're working on a multi-day piece feel free to submit progress images each day. If you do a bunch of things in one day then submit them all! You can upload multiple images per submission on Streak Club. Good luck!

If you're away from the computer and can't submit, don't worry, late submitting is enabled for this streak! Just head to the particular day by clicking it on the sidebar, and click the late submit link.

Sharing your stuff on Twitter? Use the #dailyartstreak hashtag!

P.S. There's also a Weekly Art streak!

1 Note: This streak is for Human Art. If you want to post the output of your AI prompts use another streak

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Recent submissions (25,957 total)

no sketching, just paint!
(Couldn’t figure out the right color for her fur 😓)

rough sketch of those crane claws

low energy today... wanted to finish the lines of this but my heart wasn't in it

A submission for Daily Art Club

Lumiplancton (symbolic image) (couldn't take a photo, so google it. It's beautiful)

tried to mimic brush painting with a brush pen

A submission for Daily Art Club

This is supposed to be a sloth I saw today. But I'm feeling lazy.

#1 - 3 2m30s
#4-5 - 30s
#6 - 10s

I think I saw these clouds at Lake Johnson in 2020

A submission for Daily Art Club

local tour guide took us to the favelas of Medellin today (though they're not actually called favelas here), and full of pride told us about the progress the city's been making over the past 10 years. Even though the people are still poor, it's actually so good here, that some rando tourists can just come by, walk around and talk with locals - without having to worry about anything. That cablecar is a symbol for the progress made, he said.

won this bad boy in a hackathon last year & managed to nab him from the office last week. check out how the light shines on his weird weird texture.

A submission for Daily Art Club

Am now in a very different time zone.

fin, but upset that i shouldve had him popping out of the pocket instead 😭

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