A criminal adventure in a fantasy inn. You are the investigator and inquisitor. A murder has happened, and the Oracle suggests that mysteries lie hidden in this age-old inn.

Again, horrible time management this week. I'm getting worse at this. :(

And the game is also smaller/more broken than planned.

Unfinished version (Unity Web Player): http://www.craftinglegends.com/games/adventures/wa...

(Game is missing dialogues and greater part of the investigation.)

I will not finish this. Will impose a new rule on myself: No overtime. Either it get's ready sunday evening, or not. This should hopefully force me to get better with my time management. Probably also not a good idea to make a story game in a week when not fully committed to this.

Stephan9 years ago

@Bobbo Ah, nice ideas. But this is what really happened (in the script): The Merchant was murdered by the young boy, servant in the Inn. But the one responsible was the Merchant in the most upper floor, who is the brother of the murdered and wanted him dead to control all of the company "Morgan and Sons". The boy did it because he was 1. blackmailed (has no permit of residence, is from foreign country) and 2. got promised gold. You, as the player, have to decide at the end, who you find most guilty, the boy, the brother, or both.

@Anja Thank you very much for your nice comment. And as you see, the workload was too much for me. And as I am now working with someone on his greater game project, I will probably have less time than now. Will have to plan accordingly for small but doable projects.

Anja9 years ago


My detective skills are extremly poor against @Bobbo 's Imagination.

What a giant workload for one week!

I like your artwork again, the color harmonize with each other very well.

Bobbo9 years ago

I am disappointed that my investigation was fruitless, but I understand the time constraints :)

The art looks great and the engine seems to work well. I think the innkeepers wife had some goods on order from the merchant, but his business partner cheated him and sold them. The wife killed the merchant and the servant witnessed it but is intimidated into silence. The not-Oracle from across the sea sensed all this and is struggling to make sense of it.

I obviously made all that up.

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