Submissions by leonheart515 tagged 60-min

Coworker asked if I'd make a little design to celebrate a birthday in her friend group. The icons are repurposed and modified from online sources as time was short.

Small Valentine's Day gift I made for my girlfriend!

Wanted to draw 400 of something, then realized how much of a pain that was.
So it ended up being a lot of tiny emoji-ish dudes and dudettes.

Who would have guessed I'd have TWO pop-tart posts?
At any rate, another Valentine's Day box because I'm an adult.
Pop-Tarts for scale.

Part 2 of my nerdy data illustration!
Did I spend too much time on the little icons? Yes I did.

You've all been stuck with me for one year...
I decided to look at my tags and do nerdy data stuff.

A friend mentioned she'd like to see her cat as pixel art, so here's the start of that!

Birthday gift for my girlfriend! Don't often paint/watercolor

Part of the Zack Pack gift set - you can sport a messy bit of facial hair just like yours truly!

One of the times where I wanted to color him in but worried it wouldn't come out right so I did it digitally instead!

Decided to do a little isometric building to celebrate 300 days. And then halfway through, I realized I had no clue what I was doing, and it was getting late. So uhh... enjoy?

Weird that I've now illustrated two yellow trash robots from anime...

S-U-G-A-R, jump into your racing car!

(struggled a lot with this one, but its late soooo)

Our first anime character in the series!
(Pokemon doesn't count...)

Oh my lumps... Like, are you calling me plump right now?!

Depicted the Dagger from the cult-classic movie Romeo+Juliet for the fun of it -- and then a little dagger roughly inspired from an anime I watched a while back.

I don't know who would build a card castle in the grass -- though that might actually work out?...

I've shaken things up a bit!
(which will no doubt continue to change)