Scene from yesterday worked over. I hope I have enough time to polish the other backgrounds. Still have to write much dialogue and create some audio.

This is for my weekly project, a mini adventure game.

Stephan10 years ago

Using Photoshop for all graphics and Unity3D as a game engine with my own scripts for the adventure part.

Will link to the game when I upload it end of the week. In whatever state it is. ;)

jp10 years ago

Please link to the game here, if you make it publicly available.

The screenshots look really cool, which program are you using to create the backgrounds?

More submissions by Stephan for Daily Art Club

Sidenote: Pausing my Daily Art at the moment. Too much work, not enough discipline. And somehow, after three years, I felt like I needed a pause. Have some days in my life where I didn't have to think about that one image I still have to do.

I don't know where this is going. Maybe nowhere.

Repainting some elements on the world map.

Daily Art Club

Make art every day, how long can you last?

joined 3,705 days ago
