Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Scene from yesterday worked over. I hope I have enough time to polish the other backgrounds. Still have to write much dialogue and create some audio.
This is for my weekly project, a mini adventure game.
Sidenote: Pausing my Daily Art at the moment. Too much work, not enough discipline. And somehow, after three years, I felt like I needed a pause. Have some days in my life where I didn't have to think about that one image I still have to do.
joined 3,705 days ago
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Using Photoshop for all graphics and Unity3D as a game engine with my own scripts for the adventure part.
Will link to the game when I upload it end of the week. In whatever state it is. ;)
Please link to the game here, if you make it publicly available.
The screenshots look really cool, which program are you using to create the backgrounds?