A dwarf named Mjonir travels across the land of Artoria in search for the perfect minerals to re-create the sword of Masters and summon your ancestors to protect the land over strife. In this adventure puzzle game you must venture to various towns of Artoria and collect a vast amount of minerals in the hopes of creating the sword once more. You are not given a list of which minerals to collect, the aim of the game is to create multiple items before coming to the sword. You may find it on your first go or you may never find it as the mineral combination is randomly generated to prevent online searches for the sword. Can you find all the minerals and create the sword?
Mechanics: This styled game is mostly puzzle based, there will be separate puzzles for gathering the materials and creating the sword to prevent monotonous gameplay
Platforms: This game will be released on all platforms
Stages: There will be over 50 stages to travel to, but it is not required to do so the bare minimum can be 10 if the player wished
Minerals: All minerals will be generated in towns randomly and these minerals are all able to turn to crystals with preparation (They will also be real)
(A drawing will be added soon)
Sit down and buckle up with one to three of your friends because Apotheosis will show you exactly why local multiplayer is the best. Sent to the Underworld for your misdeeds in your life, you are each offered a final shot at life. Absolve yourself in battle by reaping the souls of your opponents' fallen heroes and heroines and offer them to the Divines - and perhaps you will ascend and finally regain your mortality. But your friends won't be offering their souls freely; only the glorious heat of mortal, clean combat will cleave their anima from their reanimated corpses and wrest you enough power to channel for the divinities to accept your ill-begotten prize. Offer enough and perhaps the Underworld will be a soul shorter come solstice; but let your soul be stolen and you'll soon find yourself a flesh-less skeleton with only the power to chase and maim those who would deal harbor a soul away from your decrepit grasp. As you slice, dice, and slash your way through your opponents' lively (and not so lively) bodies, the environment itself will crumble and break - leaving you scant breath for a prayer, let alone a chant. You have been found guilty, repent and you may be absolved. But the price of absolution is steep; only the souls of the guilty will whet the Divine's appetites.
Game Features:
Unique Selling Points:
Image Source: Austin O'Brien
After explain the first two part of the battle system, the last but not least part comes up -- Attack.
The process of this part will show as slow motion, in order to display every detail of how the animals hunt, and also let the player feel the satisfaction of hunting strategy made before.
After every hunting progress, player will obtain the prize, which is survival point, and unlock some new features in the game.
pic ref: http://i.imgur.com/V7nyb3G.jpg
Play as a member of a sentient race of space faring androids in the process of invading a solar system, belonging to another, slightly less technologically advanced space faring sentient race. You play as an AI with the task of attaining either the surrender of the resisting race or facilitating their forced assimilation. As an AI you can transfer yourself into multiple different 'models' that serve different purposes such as battle, flight, stealth and diplomacy among many other roles. The player can control the diplomacy model and traverse the planets in the system attempting to peacefully assimilate the new species so as to not cause already assimilated races to rebel and lead to negative effects on System Controlled Space as a whole. Sometimes diplomacy does not work and a precision strike on some important targets is needed to help break their resolve with customised combat units and lethal orbital artillery etc. Operate from the Citadel Forge alongside other AI also working to assimilate the solar system. As a hyper advanced mechanical species, the AI is self-aware and have 'evolved' to the point of having behaviour similar to that of organic species with emotions, ambitions and so on. This game is a look into sentient machines and what happens outside of the cliche post-apocalyptic machine overlord scenario, looking through the eyes of a machine doing the same thing that humans have been doing to each other throughout history but now it's in space and you're playing as machines.
Image Credit: http://www.wall321.com/Space/Outer_space/outer_space_stars_robots_futuristic_galaxies_1400x1050_wallpaper_39481, http://redskittlez-da.deviantart.com/art/War-Machine-0-356560434, http://conceptships.blogspot.co.nz/2014/02/spaceships-by-garret-aj.html
Build That Wall
Build that Wall is a Tower Defense game with a twist! Instead of building and placing towers, you are tasked with building and creating a maze with walls. Each level will contain tower units, hero units and army units that will assist in the defence against the evil. Tower units are stationary, hero units and army units will move about in pre-defined paths. Each round, a horde of enemies will set out to attack your lands and your mission is to build walls to funnel the wave of enemies to the towers, heroes and armies while delaying them from breaching your walls.
Building the best defense and min-maxing to get the best maze with the best DPS output against the wave of enemies will be the unique challenge for players. Another feature is that while the map of each level will be the same, the placement of supporting units; e.g. towers, heroes and army, will be procedurally generated. This will result in players having to adapt on the fly instead of having one single strategy in building mazes for the whole game.
-Build Maze in a TD setting
-Procedurally generated towers
-Various different units with unique skills
Bud is a happy and cheery little tiny forest spirit, but one day it has lost its favorite acorn. Get it back by traveling across the great forest to find it. Everything is huge because Bud is so small, sticks can seem to be a large trunks. Bud doesn't have wings to fly, but it can jump pretty high and later be able to glide to reach farther places.
It'll be a puzzle-platformer where it need to avoid enemies and defeat it not by attacking or such but more to outwitting them. Meet fellow forest spirits, ask question, help them and they'll repay you back with hints and key items.
Artstyle would be inspired from Samorost/Ori and the Blind Forest. Graphic will have the immersive and atmospheric feel to it, to make it feel as if you are in that forest and you are indeed. That small. Soundtrack also will be mostly ambients from real forest.
Image retrieved from: http://nursecoachnancy.com/being-the-seed-you-wish-to-grow-in-the-world/
Genre: Simulation
Platform: Mobile
Mari's Flower is a business simulation game. It contains the basics of money management like a lemonade stand game. You are the owner of the flower shop "Mari's Flower" and specialise in flower delivery! Your business is named after your delivery daughter, Mari. The game will also contain high quality illustrations.
Your shop starts with a limited number of variety and stock on flowers. You will be able to access the city map, and will have one small section of a town unlocked at first. This section will have a certain amount of orders for flowers, and you must deliver them the flowers during the day. You must manage your budget well by balancing out the money used on seeds, amount of pots, kilograms of compost, transport and flower supplements and also saving up. Saving up money is crucial, because you will be able to unlock a variety of flowers. When new flowers are unlocked, you will unlock a new section on the map in which Mari can deliver during the day. Mari has a specific travel time based on distance, therefore the player must wisely calculate the time that takes for Mari to deliver her flowers and find the optimal travel path that Mari should take. When advanced sections of the city map are unlocked, some places will require flowers to be delivered at a certain time, which drastically changes the player's path of delivery. You are able to hire multiple transports which will be of great use for deliveries with a specific time, but could also affect your profit.
The rules are differnt in this realm and now you must find a new way to look at things to find a way to escape and save your kingdom. The game will support the oculus rift to allow players more freedom to look around the game world. Puzzles will include things like optical illusion puzzles, size perspective puzzles and traditional puzzle elements as the player tries to escape. After the player escapes they will have a final showdown with the evil wizard where they must solve puzzles against a timer. after escaping and defeating the wizard they player discovers they can now warp the real world just like they did in the magic realm, and can use these powers to help grow their kingdom. Managing and improving your kingdom will unlock new puzzle elements that will allow players to create their own levels and share them online.
Picture to be added when I get home and can use my computer =)
Spirit of the Mall is a co-op First Person Horror game, set in an undisclosed abandoned mall in the USA. Up to 4 players pick their characters from a variety of High School Stereotypes, each with their own skillset to tackle the Mall. Each map is Randomly Generated each time a match starts, randomizing the layout, stores, access corridors, bathrooms, etc. The object of the game is for the player(s) to navigate and investigate the mall, in hopes of documenting conclusive proof that not everything there is as it seems. By default, each character is armed with a flashlight and GoPro, to Illuminate and document. Beyond that, each class has it own set of special tools, that (assuming the character survives the match) upgrade with each game won. Should a character die at any point, all progress for upgrades and abilities is reset. Some classes would include: The Jock, armed with a baseball bat, able to defend against most corporeal entities, or the Scientist, who has on him an EMF meter, presumably able to detect Spirits, Ghosts, an other non-corporeal entities. But with each new Map, the beings within also change, so you never know which class you will need the most. Can you Escape the Spirit of the Mall?
Image Source: http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-01/5/11/enhanced/webdr10/enhanced-buzz-wide-32097-1420475747-12.jpg
A point-and-click adventure/strategy game where you play as a necromancer in a gothic hamlet. Your objective is to overrun the town with an undead invasion, but you are only a novice necromancer and your first raised dead are too weak to pose a threat. You must first root yourself among the town and its people before weakening it from the inside while you build your skills, using actions shown in the sample flowchart.
The constabulary stand ever vigilant against undead attacks, and the more the townsfolk suspect strange happenings, the more restless they will become. You must bide your time and do everything you can to remain undetected while you practice your dark art - but your necromancy requires a supply of fresh corpses from their graveyard, or even from among the living should no suitable vessels be available.
Ply your craft, avoid suspicion or throw the watchful townspeople off your trail, and do everything you can to bring your plan to fruition before some do-gooder stops you. Soon, this town will be yours...
Background: fullyramblomatic.com - The Trials of Odysseus Kent by Benjamin "Yahtzee" Croshaw
Indie 3D First Person Simulatior.
Play as a student working at a hospital put on the task of directing patients to their operating theatres and rooms, guide thier trolley/bed or wheelchair whilst avoiding co-workers, sick kids and patients alike. Make sure you get every patient to their room under the time set but make sure you're not too rough or the patient will be sick.
Earn a grade from A+ to D judging on speed and how well the patient feels at the end of the trip, nausiea levels increase with rough movement and a vomiting patient can deter your vision.
Time trial and multiplayer mode with object you can throw to mess up the other player like throwing drips in their path, spilling cough syrup etc.
PC, Xbox, Ps3
Inspiration: Surgeon Simulator, Goat Simulator
Image Used: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-womHTr0PZSg/UyZ-9RsNROI/AAAAAAAABH0/nQR6iNSPXgU/s1600/SS_newHEADER.jpg
The player plays as a piano teacher. Its a game where the player gets to smack their students when a wrong note has been played. The main goal is to make sure that your student is learning and remembering the right notes of the piano piece.
The main controls of this is mainly just clicking. The player can choose what objects to smack the student when they hit a wrong note. It could be bear hands(slapping), a fish, or a ruler. If the teacher smacks the student but there was nothing wrong with the played note, there will be consequences.
If this mistake is repeated 3 times, the game would be over and there will be a cut scene on the conclusion of whats gonna happen to the teacher. Depending on what objects the teacher smacked the student the more severe the ending of the game is.
How can the player know the right notes for the piano piece? In the beginning of the game, the piano piece will be played. It would only be 15 seconds and only once.
I came up with this will riding a really packed bus home from uni the other day.
Imagine a 2D side scrolling game where you play as a busy bus driver trying to cram as many passengers into your bus while also being on an extremely tight schedule. The aim of this game is fill up your bus and get your passenger to their destinations as fast as possible. There will of course be obstacles in your way such as roadworks, pedestrians, oncoming traffic and much more! While speed is one of your top properties, going too fast and crashing into stuff will rag doll your passengers and hilariously dismember them Happy Wheels style ;). When passengers get off at their stop all mangled and broken because of all the crazy driving moves you had to pull they will rate you on your awesome driving skills! At the end of the day you will be rated on your overall performance and how many passengers you managed to get killed.
Memory Ellipse is a game about stabilising emotions of a person by choosing which memories to remember, and which memories should be forgotten. Its game play follows a lot of the same mechanics as Puzzle Bobble in which you must destroy coloured bubbles which are at the top of a rectangular screen using a shooter device which constantly moves from left to right and can fire a bubble up the screen. By hitting a group of two or more bubbles of the same colour as the one that is being fired, you destroy all three.
In my version, the game play is the same except that there are some "memory" bubbles that need to be destroyed in order to remember them, and some that need to drop off the screen so that the person forgets. The player will be able to decipher which to keep and which to destroy according to mood bars to the right of the screen which should be kept in equilibrium with each other - Too much happy and the person will be too carefree, too much sad and you get quite the opposite.
The memories (bubbles) are of five different colours representing five different emotions. Red is anger, yellow is happiness, blue is sadness, green is disgust and purple is fear. While the memories are displayed on screen, they each contain a different picture inside each of them that shows the memory inside in as slightly darker shapes of the same colour inside the bubbles. The game also features different music depending on the highest emotional bar at the time.
In order to keep the player wanting to keep playing, there would be a storyline told by cut scenes with dialogue choices between the rounds of bobbling. Both the dialogue chosen and the general feeling of the scene affect the next round played and the dialogue choices and memories kept are what change the future story, although there would be a free play version within the game where you can play the levels while avoiding anything story related.
Fallen Spirit is a 3rd person Story based RPG. It is set in a modern day fantasy world. It is designed for PCs and consoles. This Game includes a multi-level story based system moving through the game in a linear fashion. This is done to draw attention to what is going on around you and make you intuitively follow the games story rather than a 2d arcade shooter game.
In this game you play as the main hero of the story. He is a fallen angel after defying Gods command he has been punished and all his power stripped away from him and left to wander the earth as a normal person. Since he has had his power striped away this has put significant strain on his mind and body causing him to forget who he is. Since God has done this he has caught the attention of the devil that has sent his hellish minions after you in hopes of adding you to his ranks. You must fight in order to relearn your lost powers and recover your stolen memories to find out who you really are and Ultimately in the end depending on your choices that you make throughout the game begin restored as an angle or becoming a demon and finding out your story in the process.
This game idea is inspired by various aspects of Diablo 3 and telltale game series.
Based off assassins Creed and Dracula you are a young boys growing up in the middle ages. Enjoying life as a boy you are attacked by some shadows one night and just make it out alive. After telling your parents they have something to confess to you. Since you have seen the supernatural monsters that lerk in the forest and town they reveal that you are apart of a long line of hunters who protect people from supernatural activities.
So you play as the child learning new things and gaining the skills and abilities you need to survive so its a mix between a survival Assassins creed. You have the option of free roaaming where you can find herbs to make poison or potions and you are free to do anything withing the game. But monsters will still cause chaos and destruction so you have to be aware of everything that happen.
So early on in the game you can only practice and train instead of hunting and fighting real monsters you start by figthing your older cousins, aunties, uncles and ever your own mother and father. For hunting training you have to move silently through crowds locating and beating your opponents. You learn the herbs and ways to heal from your mother mostly but other members of your family will teach you as well. Combat is taught by your mother and father and the free running from cousins.
As you get older you are able to fight real monsters of the night.
Believe it or not, global warming is occurring as you read this, every second of every day is one second closer to the earth becoming uninhabitable, and it is too late to do anything about it…
You work for NASA as a senior space travel expert and have been doing space missions all of your life, however, you are about to receive a mission unlike any other. Because of the inevitable death of the earth NASA has recently been looking at making a space shuttle to carry mankind, searching for another planet to start over, retrace history and fix the mistakes from before, and they have chosen you to command this space shuttle.
Your job, simple as it may sound, is anything but. You have to micromanage all of the civilians and fellow experts on board the shuttle, making sure that everything remains civil, and organised, while trying to please everyone. You have limited resources at first, and must learn and develop your space shuttle in order to gain more resources with minimal risk.
You also get to decide what areas of the shuttle are more important, and which are expendable. Want to find cures for space viruses? Put more resources into the science field. Want a stronger military force to control your people? Give the guards more training and payment. Every decision has a consequence, and it's up to you to choose what misses out…
(Image from: http://cupegraf.com/384987-space-station.html 10:50pm 27/07/2015 Author: Felicia Wert)
This game puts players behind the wheel of hover cars head-to-head in various party-game style competitions. Tournaments can be created which cycle through the games for maximum hilariousness.
Types of party-style games:
Some extra things:
Each player can setup a profile which tracks their gained points. This type of local multiplayer play would suit game consoles very well.
Romulus and Remus is an 8bit side scrolling turn based strategy game, where you play as either Romulus or Remus, the brothers who founded Rome.
In R&R, you build up a city on one of the seven hills of the area that would soon become Rome, and wage was against your brother, either Romulus or Remus. Build your city through building levels and upgrades, allowing you to recruit better units and defenses for the inevitable day when the Barbarians some knocking. Use these units to capture the surrounding lands and build outlying settlements. The first person to conquer all seven hills wins, and has the newly founded city named after them. each hill has bonuses and drawbacks, which combine to create a dynamic style of play in which the player must balance war, trade and city management to keep the cities from revolting against him. The art style would be in 8bit, as I think this would give the game a very happy feel, and would improve the replay-ability, as people would find the game light and fun.
The overall concept of the game was inspired by Reus, but the immediate setting and basic mechanics were inspired by the myths of the Capitoline wolf, who raised Remus and Romulus in roman mythology, Romulus of course going on to kill his brother and found Rome.
Image link: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/She-wolf_of_Rome.JPG