Submissions by isabelledelatorre tagged piano

The player plays as a piano teacher. Its a game where the player gets to smack their students when a wrong note has been played. The main goal is to make sure that your student is learning and remembering the right notes of the piano piece.

The main controls of this is mainly just clicking. The player can choose what objects to smack the student when they hit a wrong note. It could be bear hands(slapping), a fish, or a ruler. If the teacher smacks the student but there was nothing wrong with the played note, there will be consequences.

If this mistake is repeated 3 times, the game would be over and there will be a cut scene on the conclusion of whats gonna happen to the teacher. Depending on what objects the teacher smacked the student the more severe the ending of the game is.

How can the player know the right notes for the piano piece? In the beginning of the game, the piano piece will be played. It would only be 15 seconds and only once.

Photo Credit by David O'Reilly's External World