Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
An action RTS game with multiplayer versus and co-op.
Play as a commander in a group of other players where you control heroes of different classes in a base building RTS scenario where you gather resources, build a base, defenses, raise armies and lead them to battle against your foes. When your army engages in battle you can switch to third person mode on your controlled hero an fight the battle yourself. Play alongside or against other players in small fast paced battle maps or wide expansive maps with large scale battles. Play in single or multiplayer campaigns with teams versing each other on both a campaign map and in battle maps. In the campaign; all captured areas can be built upon in real time to better protect vital areas, making fortress, towns, cities etc. without the need of a battle taking place and remains persistent throughout the campaign. Create trade routes with outposts and bases to protect them. Create custom heroes to use in battles but you can also appoint commanders to each army to control in case your hero is not there, these commanders can be customised as well, and in each battle you can attach a hero to a unit to give them boost in battle. There can also be a story campaign where players can also play co-op or versus, playing as the forces of both good and evil.
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Workingat a pet groomers, wash people's pets ranging from dogs and cats to iguanas and turtles.
The pets don't actually like being clean so you have to pull them back to the cleaning area while they are escaping, if they escape, you miss out on points. Different washing and grooming tools that are to be used on particular pets and you have a time limit to use the right one if you run out of time then the pet must go home dirty. As you progress you can points to unlock new pets.
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The world is falling into darkness, evil creatures plague the night and invade the day. Borders crack as kings seek power and glory, threatening to plunge the world into chaos and powers long passed are stirring in the deep.
Fantasy, adventure, action-rpg
World: Orodith
Races: Cetirish: human, live on the island nations of Cetirica, said to be born of bears and wolves as they share similar traits and a unique kinship with animals.
Unellan: Human, live in the country of Unell. The most culturally diverse group, which naturally comes with a large owning of land. They are comparably more advanced than their barbaric neighbours but their society is self destructive at best.
Freyn: A large, deer-like people who live in the massive northern forests of Fier and the plain lands of Studtfel in the south. They are a mainly peaceful race but their inner fight for survival is just as strong. They live quite secluded from the rest of the world.
Eldarlim- Elder races: More Commonly known as elves, are the most racially diverse out of all in Orodith. It is said that they once served the great spirits who lorded over this world long ago. Each were created with a purpose and to fulfil that purpose they have grown into very different forms making them truly stuff of legend. All races are descended from the Elves.
Nepheldarlim, Nosfeldarlim, Vareldarlim, Moreldarlim, Kahzeldarlim,
Nepheldarlim: The first to rise. A race of giants originally tasked with minding the expansive lands and great heights but they were also shepherds to creatures who could not find their own way. Once seen all over, they were last seen in the far icy north and have become known only as frost giants in stories to scare children.
Nospheldarlim: The second to rise. They watch the night and kept evil spirits and creatures from ruling the darkness in which they dwell. It is said that the evil of their enemies eventually corrupted them and they disappeared in the east and never returned. In their absence, the dark creatures now rule the night.
Vareldarlim: The third to rise. Arcane warriors sworn to protect the lands from the evils within and to keep peace throughout. They have defeated many a evil force. As the younger races began ably defending themselves, the warriors retreated to their mountainous fort cities ready to aid when needed.
Moreldarlim: The fourth to rise. One of the smaller of the Eldarlim, these are the most spiritual. They watch over the passing of the dead through the great forests to the next life , making them fierce guardians of spiritual grounds, as they continue
to be.
Kahzeldarlim: The fifth to rise. Another shorter member of the Eldarlim. The great spirits that ruled the lands had tasked them with the exploration of the underground and have excavated much of the mountains in Orodith. Being born craftsmen, they create many weapons and construct mighty underground cities and city forts above. They say the great spirits longed for the vast wealth that lay beneath the mountains of the world but others believe that they longed for something else.
Upri: With creatures in the dark growing in power, one of the most powerful was the Upri. They began to walk like men and spoke with their own language, forming clans and giving names. They had risen so quickly that dark magic was thought to be cause. The Upri are infectious and can turn others to a similar state if they don't kill them first. They once amassed a great horde and assaulted Unell but were eventually driven back into the tundra of far eastern Meskva.
Bodark: A group of werewolves who were once men and women that have chosen to forsake their former selves and become great hunters and warriors. Said to be originally created by the Vareldarlim to combat the overwhelming enemies of times past, but now they are their own people.
Heitners: Hailing from the northern Heitlands of Cetirica, they are a hard and robust people who defy all who try to subjugate them. They share many similarities with their southern cousins but they have distinctive red or blonde hair and high resistance to the frosts that cover their home.
Draken: A race of dragon people who were spawned by ancient powers to take the world as their own but were defeated by the worlds protectors and have long been extinct....
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A world where players tame and capture creatures and then train then in order to compete in a tournament to become the champion Monster Meister. The world is set in a medieval time period where science is powered by magic and fantastical creatures roam free but do not live harmoniously with the people of the world.
-Golem mechs
-Tools= magic tools
-Tournament town is a no battle zone.
-Players can each other to duels.
-NPC duelist that level up.
- avatars with changeable outfits and armours.
-weapons to fight creatures with.
-incentive to not die= when you die your stuff gets looted, option to put a recovery rune on limited number of stuff and be able to yield a battle. Cannot yield until all your creatures have failed.
Players can level up in Meister rank and in turn can level up their taming ability, which will affect a creatures wildness rank, dictating its loyalty to you and whether it will turn on you or not.If it does and you can't recapture it then you may have to kill it or run. Special items that are unique to the creature can be found and used to remedy this.
Creatures can level up and learn abilities.
Tournament Town:
-Tournament tower
-The Meisters tavern
- The Bath house
-The managerie
- The armoury
- earn money from winning duels, finding treasures or completing quests or jobs in the world.
- using creatures for non-combat tasks like crossing a lake or moving a giant boulder is possible.
- runes, power crystals and so on are used in conjunction with archaic machinery in the world
- training areas
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Set in in medieval Europe with the ability to travel to parts of France, Germany, Russia and Great Britain. Play as a knight returning from war in North Africa, landing in Southern France in a town that you later learn is deserted. After exploring some more you discover a group of people who tell you the dead have risen, hungering for the flesh of the living and have spread throughout the lands. The player must navigate the apocalyptic world in order to return home and find his family while surviving as best he can by fighting through hordes of zombies, working with other survivors and contending with bandits and the like.
Hold forts, castles or towns, raid survivor camps or simply run for your life from the undead masses. This is a horror adventure game where you must search for supplies, gear and weapons that will help you survive long enough to get home. The scarcity of resources force you to explore towns, castles and other structures and make contact with other survivors, taking the risk of them being hostile or buildings filled with zombies. Choose your weapons carefully as they could help in one situation but could fail you in other dire situations and lead to death.
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Action, Sci-fi, Adventure
Space warrior game:
Set in far future, high tech, laser swords. Player: courier who saves princess and is enrolled in "space warrior/police/explorer" academy. Princess falls in love with player early on. Treats player with favouritism etc.
The Legion
RANKS: Auxiliary, Legionnaire, Sarjent, Praetorian, Centurion, Major, Centurio Major, Adilitor, Praetor, Quesator, Consulor.
Multi race universe
Player works as courier,saves a Princess in a random encounter and is invited to The Legion training academy. He trains there, goes on missions in a team. Graduates and is leader of a team. The Legion is a militarised exploration force that searches for new worlds and races to build a galactic community and protect it. The characters' life has drastically changed since meeting the princess and must make many decisions to navigate this new path while being treated with animosity from many sides.
The game will switch between third person and over the shoulder views when using either melee or ranged weapons respectively. The Legions' soldiers wear a high tech battle suit that augments the characters' abilities as well as granting them a wide array of gear to use for a variety of situations. The character can also command an Explorer class ship to carry out missions in a team of troops of his choosing to explore new systems and planets, meeting new races and civilizations who may be friendly or hostile. Their are also pirates, mercenaries and rebel systems to contend with and the character is sometimes drawn into conflicts as part of his duty. While doing this he must also deal with how the affections of a princess affects his situation as well as deciding to return the feelings or choosing another path.
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Sentient alien parasite that infects people's minds, turning them into drones of war against the human race. Similar to a zombie outbreak instead people are violently reprogrammed. People don't die from it but humans do not know how to remove the alien without death.
Set in Europe.
Story follows three brothers from England who try to survive the alien invasion. The oldest brother, who lives with both brothers in the south west of England is at a work meeting in London as he trying to make a new career for himself out of the army in order to support his brothers after their parents died in a car crash.
The invasion begins before the meeting starts and Dominic is forced to survive and escape London in order to get home and get his brothers somewhere safe. They travel towards northern Scotland meeting other survivors and perilous situations. They only make it to Newcastle and are forced to get on a boat heading to Scandinavia. The ship experiences a mutiny and the brothers are forced to escape and try to continue on their own. This is a story of survival and desperation as the eldest brother is tested constantly while trying to protect his younger brothers from the madness of this post apocalyptic world avoiding the alien parasite as well as the people who are trying to survive by any means necessary.
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A game where you must fight monsters by tracing the pattern on their body which causes them to explode. There are levels of creatures in order of increasing difficulty ending with their own boss which has changing body parts making different patterns to challenge the player to quickly trace the pattern before it changes. Each level can have a distinct theme where the creatures are designed to match it, such as: medieval, sci-fi, horror, neon, fantasy, fire, ice, earth, wind, lightning etc.
With each creature you defeat, you gain light orbs that will be added to your completion grade at the end, the faster you trace the pattern the more orbs you get, resulting in a higher grade. Runes will also light up in the environment at random times, if the player traces them before they fade then they get bonus light orbs. Each level gets harder and harder as you progress, with more monsters and more challenging bosses. After you complete each you will get a trophy to put in your trophy room and marvel at your conquests.
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Play as a member of a pandemic response team who tackle potential disease pandemics across many planets in the galaxy. You are part of the security detail who ensures the safety of the medical staff, patients and their equipment. Your team is called to an inter-planetary space station that has been reported to have had an outbreak of a disease that has been spreading on the planet below and urgent measures must be taken to combat the spread as there have been reports of unusual behaviours from the infected. When you reach the station you learn that the outbreak has spread and half the station has been sealed off as the residents tell you that the infected become very aggressive, unresponsive to normal human interaction and began attacking and killing everyone around them. After multiple failed attempts to treat the infected, a plan to find the source of the disease so that a vaccine can be made before HQ initiates the Gromme Protocol to cleanse the infected areas. This means that you and the team have to navigate through the quarantine to the shuttles that enable travel to the surface so you can search for patient zero, this means that you will be forced to kill any infected that try to attack you in order to make it through the mission alive and healthy.
This is a very difficult task to take on and can even be considered a suicide mission as the teams mettle will be tested as they try to survive through hordes of infected as well trying to navigate a space station which has fallen into disrepair, making for a dramatic and tense time. The infected people are not mindless killing machines, they are still people who are scared and dying, coupled with the mind effects caused by the disease, making them violent and unpredictable, but some who are not as infected may be willing to help you but deciding to trust them can mean you compromise your mission and your team will die.
I took inspiration for this from Dead Space, and the Star Wars zombie comic book series.
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Ever heard of Wrapping kids in bubble wrap? Well with this young boy you really do, because he's made of glass. Young Grayson the glass boy has tucked away by his mother for fear of him breaking to pieces. Yearning for adventure Grayson leaves his home to explore the outside world and discovers how to live with his glass body. Adventure is a far riskier business when made of glass so Grayson must take extra care and learn as much as he can while outside. Grayson will learn to use the unique properties of his glass body and use them in his adventures to keep himself safe until he reaches the theme park in the next state and finally have some fun for a change. Your role as the player is keep Grayson from breaking up so he can get home in one piece while having the adventure of a lifetime.
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Play as a bounty hunter set in sci-fi fantasy universe working for an agency specialising in out of the ordinary contracts. The character is fully customisable aesthetically as well as with skills and attributes which can help in missions or when interacting with other characters. Contracts can range from assassination missions on a remote world, snatch and grabs from fortified bases or even high speed chases through bustling metropolises and each success earns you money and reputation. The more money you gain, the better gear, weapons and vehicles you can buy and even hire other mercenaries to help. The more reputation you gain from either contracts or from exploring the galaxy, the more valuable the contract and the more people know you, which can have adverse effects, forcing you to rethink your original approaches. Failure in missions will mean you do not get paid and can sometimes lead to bosses placing bounties on you meaning you will have to watch your back. Partners can be recruited through various means such as: Payment, saving them, having the same target, building them and so on.
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An RPG set in an alternate world in a Napoleonic style era. The land is a fantasy world with magic and creatures from stories and legend. Much of the influence for the story and overall feel of the game would be the Lord of the rings universe and Sharpe TV series. The basic idea of the story is you play as someone whose life is turned upside down by war and decides to save their land and unify it against its enemies and either become its saviour and lead their people to glory, prosperity with good or bad intentions. When you begin leading troops you can raise regiments, name them, choose their role, customise their uniform, gear and weapons and their regimental colours and badge. You can send troops on missions and track their progress as the march in real time and can march with them and take command or allow them to manage themselves. Build forts at strategic point and customise them to suit your armies' needs then garrison and defend them from enemy attack. Invest in technological, alchemical and arcane advancement to get an advantage in battle. Mystical creatures and magical beings are still prominent in the world and have great influence over events and cause many problems for people or aid them throughout the world.
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Chosen by mysterious beings to defeat the evil creatures that plague the world. Branded with the 'burning hand' to protect from curses and diseases, made highly strong and resilient and then washed of mortality. Given in-human powers and sent back to earth to hunt creatures across the world and until his mission is completed, he must continue to live. Whilst being able to give others the burning hand, which can also cleanse some curses and diseases of the affected, these people are not made immortal or completely immune to evil powers.
The story begins in ancient Britain in the midst of a Roman invasion. Life is made all the harder by the evil creatures who rule the night and invade the day, threatening mankind's survival. Play as a brave Celtic warrior fighting to repel their invaders was saved from monsters by the beings. The Celt begins to build a clan of hunters to help him fight with men and women from across the lands, employing many strategies, such as trapping, stalking, assault and ambush. Being a warrior unable to die, the Celt is pulled into many wars all over the world during his time being part of many famous historical events.
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A spy game action, adventure with RPG aspects. In a world where information and technology is at the cutting edge. An age long past where grand armies fought for their country and the gallantry of brave knights were remembered in song. Now discretion and espionage is the battle ground of the worlds' most elite warriors and the Knights of the British Realm are some of the top in the world.
Play as a serviceman chosen for selection to join an elite clandestine branch of MI6, working within small teams to complete missions around the world. Once selection is completed the player will be placed in a team to begin their career in the agency and after a few missions chasing leads on a group of extremists with a new world order agenda they learn of hidden caches from the war, filled with all manner of priceless valuables. The team decides to go rogue and take the caches for themselves and ask the player to join them. If the player refuses they are framed for treason and forced to run from the agency they fought for; if they agree then they are still hunted by the knights but with the team. All of the iconic parts of spy adventures, new and old will be incorporated into the game. Love interests, rivals, betrayals, undercover and overt operations will be available.
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A third person, sci-fi action, adventure online sandbox game. Join a group of hunters and hunt dinosaurs and dragons across the Rinfali system. Travel to different planets and hunt a variety of interesting alien creatures that are unique to their home planet. All of these creatures are highly dangerous and not to be underestimated as hunting in a group is recommended. You can hunt alone but in a hunting party you take on creatures of greater size and difficulty. Fly ships in space and in orbit as well there being a large choice of land vehicles available which you use to track prey across the varying landscapes and take on the largest creatures each planet has to offer.
Each planet has a functioning ecosystem of exotic creatures that have their own behaviour patterns. Alpha creatures of each pack you find are mini-bosses that have the potential for a big payout but are harder to kill and if the party fails, the alpha becomes larger and more dangerous while becoming unique with battle scars and so on. At the moment three planets have been thought of for players to go to:
1- Meyfor: A habitable planet closest to the sun, making it quite arid with plateauing mountain ranges and huge cave systems.
2- Rinfal: The second habitable planet and the capital of the Rinfali system. An arboreal planet and the most hospitable in terms of flora and fauna, so it is the most populated.
3- Enuurn: The third habitable planet with most of the surface being water with archipelago, jungle continents and undersea landscapes.
Parties can raid other parties and their ships or bases to poach whatever they have gathered from their adventures and effectively become pirates which can mean bounties will be placed on them, opening the door for parties taking on a bounty hunter role. Players can pool funds together and buy ships in order to travel to others planets. In space combat, one player pilots the main ship while other players operate turrets or small fighters and carry out extra vehicular assaults and board the enemy ship. Parties can raid settlements and gain money that way but also incur the wrath of law enforcement and the posting of bounties. Ships, weapons and gear can all be upgraded and customised to fit play styles and emblems can be created to emblazon armour and show who you roll with. Parties or crews are encouraged but players do not have to fully commit to a group where then the game places you in. It is instead used in a less official way, making it a little more social and more like real life.
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Choose between different types of dinosaur to play as like: T-Rex, Raptor, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and maybe more. The aim is to grow and survive in the pre-historic wilderness and eventually start a pack of dinosaurs of your own for safety and added ability to hunt other dinos and grow your territory and protect it. These dinos are clever your average lizard and have the ability to build dens and create hunting strategies and even make alliances with other species. Another goal of the pack is to grow in numbers by either adding dinos from outside the group or making their own. When nests are made, they must be protected by outsiders who will be trying to hinder your growth so their own dominance can grow. This game has the potential for multiplayer with groups duking it out for control or allying to take down larger enemies and so on. Each player's dino grows in size with experience and other attributes such as speed and strength can be increased as well as adding customised patterns or pieces like feathers, horns, spikes and create your own unique member of your chosen species.
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A game where you play as a window cleaner for different buildings with the goal of cleaning all the windows on the building in order to complete the level. As you clean windows, there will be random occurrences that will cause windows to become dirty, such as: bird poo, messy by passers and vehicles etc. With maps ranging from two story buildings to skyscrapers and a variety of mess causing events along with famous buildings being available as levels each with unique events. Power ups can be available that help the player like super speed, extra washers, timed event stoppers, slow motion and so on. At the end of each level, the player gets a grade and assorted points to add to their overall rank and can rank themselves against other players. For bonus points a random event can cause a special event to occur that causes a special mess that will disappear within a certain amount of time so the player must be quick to clean the mess in order to gain the extra points.
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There is a man named Rob walking the earth with the ability to explode at the slightest touch, meaning that he must travel alone, keeping everyone outside of arms length. Although exploding can be considered quite deadly, Rob is largely unaffected apart from the fact that he loses his clothes each time. Everything around blows up, buildings, cars, people and he leaves quite the trail of destruction so he travels alone in search of somewhere he can live in peace but people seem to harass him at every turn. These people try to catch him or kill him for being to dangerous, others try to use him for their own plans but whatever happens, Rob always seems to be blowing stuff up. This can sometimes leads to Rob going explosive rampages through towns, cities and so on in an attempt to escape, leaving him alone and butt naked as always, scrambling for clothes from a washing line. Follow Rob on his explosive journey in search of peace and quiet, but with his powers and terribly cynical attitude and short temper could see this dream never come true.
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Play as an immortal Elven warrior who travels the land, fighting evil either for his own personal war or in a war under a lords' flag against another force. Take part in large scale, action packed battles in various settings, such as: castles, mountain passes, rolling hills and so on. Lead troops into glorious horse back charges, grinding infantry melee, archer volleys, stealthy ambushes, special operations and more. Help a faction of your choice rise to superiority over the rest to finally bring unity to the land against its enemies. Find unique weapons and armour along with other equipment and magical spells to create the ultimate warrior as well as customising hair style. In times when battles are not the norm, travel and do work for local lords by dealing with their problems like rebels, monsters etc. You can also deal with magical problems throughout the world or just explore, looking for treasures and ancient powers hidden in the depths of the world.
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A game where you are a creature that emerges from an ancient tree in a grove in the depths of a cave, you then climb out, ready to explore the world. The creature can grow in size, which is dependent on exposure to a mysterious red stone which can be both helpful and/or hindering when adapting to the world. You can find villages and become part of their culture by protecting them, providing them with resources, building things for them etc. But it is possible for the village to expand and become a town, city or metropolis. These people could become evil and commit evil acts upon other societies; you can decide to allow them to continue their path, help them or punish them by stopping them or destroying something of theirs or obliterating them entirely. You can also allow people, plant and wildlife to on your back and create a walking city. You can live in the vast oceans and explore their depths. This may drown whatever is living on the creatures' back.
Your size will affect how you interact with the world and its wildlife. Where you choose to spend your most of your time can cause you to evolve in order to adapt to your environment; like growing fur in snowy places. or webbed feet in water. You may become a vengeful and malevolent creature; wreaking havoc and stealing riches and hoarding them away in a mountain where warriors come to try and slay you. It;s possible to find other colossal creatures hidden or wandering throughout the world and interact with them.
In a fantasy early age Ireland where magic fills the world and creatures of legend run wild. You play as a Faoladh, who is a man or woman who has taken on the gift of the wolf and given the task of protecting children, travelers and the wounded from the evils of the world, finding the lost and weary and protecting those who can't, sometimes even being called upon in times of war. With the gift of wolf the person is able to transform into a werewolf form, giving them special powers, such as super strength, speed, agility, senses, healing and other magical abilities. They do not only help people, magical creatures also require their aid. In wolf form they also develop a wolf instincts, which sometimes causes them to hunt things like livestock and other animals and can make them become violent when provoked or attacked and can be detrimental to your standing with locals. There are also other Faoladh in the world that the character can interact with and adventure with them and so on. Some Faoladh are not so good at their job and some neglect it completely and give themselves over to the darker side of their gift and use it to hurt the world and others in it, it is also part of your task to ensure this doesn't happen. You can learn what is happening in the world through a network of forest sprites who allow you visually access a "map" of the area and what is going on in it. The sprites allow the player to access other things in the forest, such as memories, visions and so on. People who take on the gift of the wolf are given this choice on their 18th birthday and must bare the gift and carry out the task for 12 years and then they are released at the age of 30, able to age but do not feel the effects of aging until their final days. Most take on the gift in a matched pair and are together for the 12 years but some take it alone or the pair can be broken as the Faoladh are not immortal. The Faoladh can transform freely between human and wolf but when they begin to stray from their task and use it for evil then their gift will become a curse and the transformation becomes a slow and terribly painful mutation into a werewolf, forced by the full moon, losing your humanity and killing all before you.
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Dropped into purgatory as a person who has neither been a good person or a bad person in order to show the powers that be whether you should be sent to heaven or hell. Take on jobs posted on the bulletin board by the administrators to complete the best you can, in which by completion you will be graded on your performance. Not all the jobs that appear on the board are good and can range from being the tooth fairy for a time to being the boogey man and scaring children. Playing as a set character who had a life prior to where you found him, you will learn more of his past and what lead him to this state as he has no memory of what happened. But seeing ghosts of his past may be stressful for him and sometimes impede his ability to work out of purgatory. The premise behind interim is that people sent to purgatory are essentially angels trying to earn their wings as they are seen as potential protectors of people on earth but must first prove. This game will employ a non traditional morality system in games as it is the game who is judging you and your actions along with testing your moral compass. This has a variety of gameplay with flying mechanics, stealth, collection etc.
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Play as a student in class with the goal to escape and play in the playground. This is a stealth game where the player must employ different strategies in order to escape. The player must avoid the teachers' notice along with snitches in the class. An array of items can be used, such as stink bombs, fire crackers, spit wads and more. Also hiding in lockers and using disguises and fake hall passes to get past teachers and prefects in the hallways and so on. There are many stages, starting from the classroom to the hallway, then the lunch hall, then the locker room, then the school gym and finally the playground where the player will be able to play on the play ground equipment while avoiding prefects and teachers. When the player is caught then they get sent back to their seat with a warning, when the player is caught three times then the game is over as the player is sent to detention.
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Play as an aspiring martial arts student in their attempt to train under a master and become a powerful martial artist. As a martial artist you can travel the land in search of different techniques and fighting styles, join in tournaments and fight other martial artists throughout the land. When training techniques and attributes, they consist of mini-games that would be iconic of martial arts training from real life and movies. Each fighting has unique animations with attacking, defending and countering modes, there are also elemental 'Chi' styles for powerful ranged attacks like fire, ice, earth, lightning and wind. Weapon styles are also available along with multiple types of weapons that do well against large monsters and heavily armoured enemies. Gain followers who wish to join in your adventure to become the ultimate martial artist and adding with their own adventures.
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Play as an aspiring animal breeder and tamer who travels the world in search of the wildest and most unique creatures to tame and sell to Zoos. The player can also have their own petting zoo where they can breed the creatures they tame with other types of animals to make cool new hybrids. As you build up the menagerie, you will get visitors to view the wonderful creatures under your care. Once it is big enough, the player can hire someone to run the zoo while the player continues to adventure with the creatures they have raised in search for more breeding combinations and perhaps setting up other zoo and even aquariums, each with their own unique creatures. Each play through is a randomly generated world with randomly place towns.
daily from
Best streak: 14, Completion: 76%