Submissions by amberjulian tagged match-3

Memory Ellipse is a game about stabilising emotions of a person by choosing which memories to remember, and which memories should be forgotten. Its game play follows a lot of the same mechanics as Puzzle Bobble in which you must destroy coloured bubbles which are at the top of a rectangular screen using a shooter device which constantly moves from left to right and can fire a bubble up the screen. By hitting a group of two or more bubbles of the same colour as the one that is being fired, you destroy all three.

In my version, the game play is the same except that there are some "memory" bubbles that need to be destroyed in order to remember them, and some that need to drop off the screen so that the person forgets. The player will be able to decipher which to keep and which to destroy according to mood bars to the right of the screen which should be kept in equilibrium with each other - Too much happy and the person will be too carefree, too much sad and you get quite the opposite.

The memories (bubbles) are of five different colours representing five different emotions. Red is anger, yellow is happiness, blue is sadness, green is disgust and purple is fear. While the memories are displayed on screen, they each contain a different picture inside each of them that shows the memory inside in as slightly darker shapes of the same colour inside the bubbles. The game also features different music depending on the highest emotional bar at the time.

In order to keep the player wanting to keep playing, there would be a storyline told by cut scenes with dialogue choices between the rounds of bobbling. Both the dialogue chosen and the general feeling of the scene affect the next round played and the dialogue choices and memories kept are what change the future story, although there would be a free play version within the game where you can play the levels while avoiding anything story related.
