Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Genre: Idle, Collection, 2D
Platform: iOS, Android Devices
Audience: 3+ People who like idle games where you check on it whenever and also enjoy collecting and customizing.
In this game you collect different fruit creatures while tending to them. You as the player start off with a small ranch with one common creature of your choosing. These feed off sunlight and water and must be tended to and put in the right environment to survive. To collect these creatures, the player can lure them by setting down different types of fertilizer.
Each fruit will be part of a category which defines their personality, their needs and their wants. These categories are: spicy, sour, sweet and savory. Each category will have common, uncommon, rare and legendary fruit creatures. To gain the more uncommon fruits, the player will have to craft higher standard fertilizers. These are done by trial and error with the droppings acquired from creatures that have already been captured. Certain fruit will be attracted to sweet fertilizer while others might be attracted to a combination of different fertilizers.
As the player progresses, they can upgrade their ranch to house more creatures, also giving them the ability to cosmetically change the environment. The player can also customize the creatures with accessories and different skin patterns.
Was inspired by the pumpkin dog from Steven Universe:
Genre: Zombie, Post-Apocalyptic, Action-Adventure, Story Driven, RPG
Platform: XBOX, PS4, PC
Audience: 16+ People who like games with decision making system that have permanent consequences.
In this game the character lives in a zombie infested world. Even though society has been able to re-establish itself as the zombie population decreases, small breakouts have been happening again with people being scared and killing people who might seem infected. The main character is framed of being infected and is thrown out into the wild to survive.
Once outside in zombie territory, the main character runs into a zombie. Stunned, he is locked into place and can’t move. He notices that the zombie has moved closer but hasn’t attacked. Intrigued, the character moves in closer. The zombie backs up as he nears him looking somewhat afraid. Not understanding what is going on, the character runs away and search for refuge only to find a band of humans running from a horde. He decides to try his luck and runs directly at the horde. The horde stops in its tracks and the ones that do touch the character, disintegrate into nothing. Noticing his ability, the characters journey starts.
The game is based in an open world where the character must traverse and find other survivors. The player will level up the characters ability tree to be able to disintegrate or control the horde. Certain skills will only be able to be unlocked depending on decisions made. The player can decide to kill the survivors or confront the horde. Each decision will have an impact on his personality, the story, the world around him and the skills available to him.
The music would be somewhat like The Outbreak from The Last Of Us
Genre: Platformer, 2D Side Scroller, RPG, Action-Adventure. Single Player
Platform: Nintendo Switch, PS4, XBOX ONE, PC
Audience: 5+ A platformer that is for everyone and tackles the very real problem of pollution.
In this game you control a seed that's trying to grow into a tree by collecting sunlight, water and CO2 dropped by pollutants. You control the seedling by using the joystick on your controller and the different buttons to jump or use an ability. Fresh soil will be save points that are also resting spots.
The enemies are pollutants and herbivores. The pollutants would be common items such as cans, plastic bottles, aerosols and automobiles. As the seed grows it becomes harder to dodge enemies. But, it gains a bigger health pool and abilities to fight off enemies.
As the game progresses the seed will travel through different scenarios and places trying to find its one true home. Each scenario will lead up to a battle against the boss of each pollutant. The player will have to use everything it has learned up to that point to mitigate the CO2 emissions caused by the pollutant and successfully banish it. Liberating and ridding it and its minions from the world.
Once fully grown and finished with its quest, the seed, now a tree finds peace and settles down its roots to live out the rest of its life.
Genero: Sigilo, Open World, 3D, Third Person, Puzzle, Suspension, Action-Adventure, Escape
Plataforma: XBOX ONE, PS4, PC
Audiencia: 16+ Para las personas que le gustan juegos de intriga, suspenso y que son story driven.
En este juego el personaje es un aventurero que intenta escapar/deshacerse de un espíritu maligno que ha acechado a su familia desde hace siglos. La mecánica principal del juego es basada en sigilo, acertijos y combate.
El personaje viaja entre ciudades, haciendo trabajos insignificantes para nunca quedarse en un solo lugar a la misma vez tratando de averiguar porque su familia hereda este espíritu y nadie lo ha podido vencer. Estos trabajos pueden ser desde matar lobos que se están comiendo el ganado hasta transportar cosas entre ciudades de forma segura.
Si el personaje se queda en una ciudad por mucho tiempo, las cosas y el entorno de aquel lugar van cambiando progresivamente y de forma permanente. Comienza a llover, las personas alrededor comienzan a morir o enfermarse sin explicación y la personalidad del personaje se vuelve errática. El jugador sabrá cuando el espíritu está más cerca cuando la lluvia se torne negra y el juego se le va el color dejándolo en blanco y negro.
El personaje para poder deshacerse el espíritu debe encontrar y descifrar 5 palabras en cada ciudad del juego. Cada una siendo la palabra que escuchaba su ancestro antes de que el espíritu los tratara de consumir. Cada ancestro escuchaba una palabra diferente. El personaje necesitara 6 palabras para deshacer la maldición.
Ya una vez el espíritu aparece el jugador debe decidir entre huir o pelear. Para huir, el jugador tendrá que esconderse ya sea dentro de hogares, atrás de paredes, entre ganado o arbustos. También, poniéndole trampas al espíritu hasta que el personaje pueda escapar del lugar. El personaje puede intentar pelear contra el espíritu. Sin embargo, no llegara a hacerle daño hasta que encuentre y descifre como deshacerse de él.
La musica seria como la del Firelink Shrine de Dark Souls.
La musica del espiritu seria como la del Old Demon King de Dark Souls 3
Genre: RPG, 3D, Pattern-Based, Fantasy, First Person, Action-Adventure
Platform: PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch, PC
Audience: 13+ (For people who like rhythm style games and managing and creating their own towns)
In this game the character is part of a society of scholars from the biggest kingdom whom have been tasked with purifying the world of “abominations”. The character, a young scholar, is thrown into his first mission to purify the abominations he had been taught about in school, only to find out that these were just humans who had been outcast from their society and were just running away from the brainwash. The character, abhorred by the acts of his people, leaves and takes his scholar tools with him. He decides to rally the outsiders to make a kingdom that is welcoming to all.
The game is set in first person. The mechanics rely heavily on performing a set pattern of pressing buttons on your controller/keyboard to cast spells. If pressed in the wrong order, the player will either cast a completely different spell or no spell at all. The spells will always be readily available in the scholar book that will be in the right hand of the player during combat. Certain elemental spells must be cast with cards which the character can use at any time when not on cooldown.
The game will include a resource management system. This system will be used to train, deploy and customize the outsiders that join your new-found kingdom. It will also be used to manage the kingdom itself.
Genero: Escape, 3D, Third Person, Survival
Plataforma: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE
Audiencia: 16+ Juego para personas que le gustan premisas misteriosas y juegos donde debes escapar.
En este juego el jugar se encuentra en una estación de trenes del siglo 19 con un grupo de personas que están tratando de escapar su realidad por un laberinto secreto que se encuentra en ella. Unas cuantas horas antes de partir, un amigo cercano¬ del personaje se le acerca para informarle que debe escapar solo ya que el líder del grupo solo lo quiere usar para llegar al otro lado y después eliminarlo. El personaje escapa y entra al laberinto solo.
Ya una vez dentro del laberinto, el jugador debe encontrar la salida utilizando una luz mágica que irradia de la mano del personaje. La luz se hace más fuerte si el jugador sigue el camino correcto, pero esta pierde su luz poco a poco si toma el camino incorrecto. El laberinto no tiene monstruos, pero esta consiente de cuando hay alguien dentro de él. La luz normalmente es blanca. Si la luz se torna roja, el jugador no debe moverse hasta que la luz cambie devuelta a su forma original. Si se mueve, el laberinto reaccionara y le quitara la luz por tiempo definido. El laberinto cambia de forma cada cierto tiempo. El jugador será avisado cuando la luz se torna verde. Esta luz también se usará para leer los textos escritos en las paredes del laberinto. Estas serán acertijos escritos en las paredes que se deben hacer para seguir adelante. Algunos escritos en la pared también describirán la historia del laberinto y como fue creado. Entre más tiempo el jugador este pase dentro del laberinto, más difícil será escapar.
El juego termina con el personaje escapando el laberinto que lo lleva a una estación de trenes del siglo 21.
La musica seria del mismo tono que The Last Guardian.
Genre: Strategy, Time Management, Single-Player
Platform: PC, Mobile
Audience: 8+ (People who like micromanaging, strategic time management and being under pressure)
In this game you are the new IT hire at an up and coming company. Your job is to fix office appliances and any problems the employees might be having on their devices. You control the game by using your mouse/finger and clicking/tapping on the employee that needs help and clicking/tapping the correct task that must be taken care of. You must complete each task in the order that they were placed and must learn how to prioritize certain tasks and employee types. Certain task like changing the toner in the printer might not take up as much time as having to change out a component that stopped working. Common, younger employees will have higher patience and tolerance than your higher ups or older employees which will be integrated at higher instances of the game.
The game works by instance based workdays. It ends when the workday is done or if you had too many unsatisfied colleagues with you getting terminated. If your day was unsuccessful, you’ll have to restart that specific workday and manage it correctly. At the end of each workday you’ll receive experience points that will contribute to how fast you perform tasks. You’ll also receive your salary as in-game currency which can be used to buy cosmetics and booster items.
Género: 2D, Runner
Plataforma: PC, iOS, Android, Switch
Audiencia: 3+ (Personas que le gustan runners con opciones de dificultad y upgradability)
En este juego controlas un globo que fue soltado. Te mueves de izquierda a derecha con las teclas direccionales de izquierda y derecha del teclado, con el joystick izquierdo de un control o con el gyroscope del celular. La mecánica principal es evadir obstáculos mientras el globo flota hacia arriba. Mientras más arriba sube, diferente son los obstáculos. Al principio son solo pájaros y edificios. Al progresar, salen helicópteros, aviones y tormentas. El juego termina cuando el globo explota por el principio de Archimedes al llegar a los 10km de altura. El punto del juego es evadir obstáculos por proximidad. Mas cerca estas del obstáculo, más puntos ganas. En el menú principal se puede elegir entre dificultades. Entre más alta la dificultad, más obstáculos van saliendo y más rápido sube el globo. Tambien, las dificultades mas altas dan mejor puntaje final.
Al final de cada partida tu puntaje se convertirá en un highscore que se puede disputar en leaderboards. Dependiendo de tu puntuación al final del juego, recibirás puntos canjeables. Estos se pueden usar para hacerle mejoras al material del globo. Mientras mejor sea el material del globo, más resistente es y por ende podrá subir a 50km como punto máximo dando mas tiempo para un mejor highscore.
Genre: Endless runner, Platform
Platform: iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch
Audience: 3+ (Those who like silly concepts and endless runners)
In this game you control a meatball that is rolling down a counter. You can control the meatball by using your finger on the screen by dragging it to the side you want it to move, the joystick on your controller or with the gyroscope option.
You must collect a string of pasta while moving into sauce puddles and avoiding obstacles to keep the meatball rolling. You can also collect shredded parmesan cheese that will give a timed boost making it invincible for a few seconds. As the meatball rolls up in pasta it becomes harder to control and in need of more sauce. Each puddle of sauce can be a different flavor. Standard puddles will be Marinara sauce while others, for example, Pesto sauce will make the meatball oilier; therefor making it roll for a longer period before needing sauce again. The game ends when the meatball stops moving.
At the end of each run, the player will receive a score on the leader boards along with parsley as the in-game currency. This currency can be used to buy add-on cosmetics like different kinds of pasta and meatball flavors.
Music in line with: Cooking with Zess T. - Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door.
Género: Postapocalíptico, TPS, Sigilio, Sobrevivencia, 3D
Plataformas: PC. PS4. XBOX ONE
Audiencia: 17+ (Personas que le gustan los juegos de sobrevivencia y postapocalíptica)
Situado en un mundo postapocalíptico, el personaje principal es parte de una entidad pequeña del gobierno que se encarga de mensajería. Las mecánicas del juego se basan en parkour, sigilo y sobrevivencia en un mundo abierto. El setting siendo una ciudad ampliamente destruida y llena de crimen. El jugador comienza como un mensajero recluta con poca experiencia. Solo sabe lo básico de movilidad y como defenderse. Al ir completando entregas, vas ganando experiencia. Esta se puede usar para subir los niveles de parkour y sigilo. Dándole más libertad en maniobrarse por la ciudad. También, la plata ganada durante misiones se puede usar para mejorar equipamiento. Durante el transcurso del día el personaje se ira cansando y el jugador tendrá que buscar un albergue o regresar a las barracas y comenzar un nuevo dia. La misión del personaje es transportar cualquier mensaje dado, no importa la manera. Este puede ser tan simple como una carta o tan horrible como asesinar a alguien. Cada entrega será más difícil que la anterior. Ciertas entregas no se podrán hacer solas por el nivel de riesgo. Estas definirán el transcurso de la historia y las políticas de la ciudad.
El mundo seria algo como el de "I am Alive"
La musica como de "The Last Of Us" All Gone (No Escape)
Genre: Interactive Movie, Action-Adventure
Platform: PS4, XBOX ONE, PC
Audience: 17+ (Sensitive Material), Targeted towards those who like story driven games that aren't heavy on mechanics but do have decision making dialogue that will alter the outcome of the story.
In this game you control a person set in today’s world. Played in first person, you never really know what the character looks like. You must complete normal everyday tasks by performing actions that are highlighted on the screen related to buttons on your controller/keyboard. The game also has decision making dialogue that will impact the narrative of the story. As you progress through the game you are given hints from the people surrounding the character that there’s something terribly wrong with them. To the point where some people can’t even look at the character.
Building intrigue as to what is wrong with the character, the only thing you as the player know is that the character is going through medical treatment to try and cure this illness. The player doesn’t ever fully know what the illness is until the very end of the game. At the same time the character is going through with their treatment, people who used to be close to them will end up distancing themselves; including family. Towards the end of the story, the character is given the decision of doing a very invasive surgery that will help with their illness. Depending on the dialogues chosen up to this point, the character can decide to either seize doing their treatment in fear of losing more people and becoming an outcast or, keep on with their treatment. When all is done, at the end of the game, the character finally walks in front of a mirror. Taking a good look at herself and giving the player a chance to find out what’s wrong. The player might be surprised to find out there’s nothing visibly wrong with the character. No physical illness. No reason for the character to have been treated so poorly and in such an inhumane way at first glance. But, if you look closer, certain things are “off”. Her jawline is too defined, her back is too big, she lacks common female attributes. That’s when you finally know that the only thing that was “wrong” with her was that she was transgender.
Genero: Possession, Story Driven, Platformer, Single-player
Plataforma: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE
Audiencia: 16+ (Puede que contenga material sensitivo)
En este juego eres una bufanda que puede poseer objetos o criaturas. Cuando la bufanda posee algo, tiene control total sobre aquel cosa o criatura. Cuando se trata sobre objetos, porque son inánimes, la bufanda puede permanecer en control por tiempo indefinido. Pero con seres vivos, eventualmente se darán cuenta de lo que está pasando e intentarán recuperar el control de sí mismos y empezarán a luchar la posesión. Esta lucha causara una mecánica de fuerza de voluntad. Durante la misma, el jugador debe luchar por el control pulsando rápidamente una secuencia de botones especificados. Si ganas el check, la criatura quedara como un cuerpo sin alma. Si la bufanda deja de posesionar a la criatura, esta caerá muerta instantáneamente. Si la bufanda pierde el check de fuerza de voluntad, la criatura es capaz de quitarse la bufanda y proceder para tratar de destruirlo. La bufanda no puede re-posesionar una criatura que ha ganado el check de fuerza de voluntad o si ha muerto.
La historia se desenvuelve en un mundo steampunk donde una compañía multimillonaria ha creado estas bufandas como un medio para controlar a la población y crear un régimen autoritario. Esta bufanda en particular se vuelve consciente de sí misma. Al ver lo que está pasando y no gustándole la situación, intenta detener a su creador. Durante su viaje descubre que en realidad ella era un prototipo "defectuoso" hecho por uno de los científicos que trabajó en esta división. El científico al darse cuenta de la intención verdadera de sus superiores, codifico a la bufanda para que pudiera parar a su compañía.
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle, 3D Side Scroller, Single-Player
Platform: PS4, XBOX ONE, PC
Audience: Everyone. People who like 3D side scrollers like LBP.
Game Description: In a lifeless, colorless world there lives a girl who had grown tired of the greyness and emptiness of it all. With the arts being forbidden, the world slowly turned into dull scale of greys. Anything that made people feel joy was a crime. One day, as she walked the streets, the character finds a peculiar looking paint brush. Which she quickly picked up and hid in her bag. When she was finally able to open her bag again she noticed that everything inside her bag had somehow regained its color! Realizing this is no ordinary brush she sets off on a mission. To restore the world to its former colorful self.
As she progresses through the world, she must color everything in her path. Faced with obstacles and an overall sad looking world, she must figure out what colors work on certain objects and what color patterns work with each other to progress. As she keeps making her way through the world, she’ll learn new colors and possible patterns. All while the colors and patterns become more intrinsic and navigating becoming more difficult. Through her journey she’ll learn why the world has become dull and what lead to it being this way. She finds out that it’s a cycle caused by her kind and that the world goes through every so often as a hard reset button. She also learns that the paint brush comes along only when it deems it is time and that it has found someone who is truly pure of heart. The story culminates with her confronting the creator of the greyness and ultimately bringing the world back to its colorful self.
Género: Single-Player, Lineal, Puzzle.
Plataforma: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE
Audiencia: 3+. Para los que les gustan los rompecabezas
Descripción del juego: Al principio del juego, el personaje se encuentra con una puerta extraña. A lado de ella, hay una bolsa donde encuentra un par de botas de lluvia especiales que puede usar para atravesar charcas como puertas que la transportan a otros mundos. Una vez se encuentra en estos mundos, debe completar varios rompecabezas complejos para desentrañar la naturaleza de la puerta y continuar hacia los siguientes mundos. A medida que avanza en los niveles, adquirirá elementos que puede usar para regresar a mundos anteriores y explorar diferentes caminos que antes eran inaccesibles. Al final de cada mundo el personaje obtendra pequeños fragmentos que al final se unirán para crear la llave que se necesita para abrir la puerta que se encuentra al comienzo del juego. Una vez que atraviesa la puerta, el personaje debe usar todo el conocimiento que previamente acumulo de los mundos para completar este último nivel.
Genre: Single-player, 2D, Pixel-Art, Shooter, Single-Button, Survival
Platform: Mobile, PC, All Consoles
Target Audience: early teens to adults (13+), People who like uncomplicated shooters with upgradable aspects.
Game Description:
Set in one plane, the character has a weapon and a set amount of equipment used for defense. The character cannot move from its initial position, they can only use their gun. Once the characters defense is depleted, the game ends and you must begin again. The player must destroy any monster coming at them. These monsters come in waves until the player becomes overwhelmed and losses. Each wave is faster, more difficult than the last and is timed. If by the end of a wave, there are still enemies remaining, the new wave will still spawn. With each wave the enemies have a higher HP pool than the last. At the end of each 11th wave, there's a mini-boss the player must defeat; with the final boss being at the end of wave 300. The character's weapon and equipment can be upgraded with points and loot that is obtained. Thus, making it less difficult for the character to get through the waves of enemies. The points are awarded at the end of each wave with loot dropping from every mini-boss. At the end of the game, the player has the decision to keep going, with each wave becomes increasingly more difficult or to do a full reset with higher base stats.
Music would be like Warehouse Escape from Megaman X7:
Género: Single-Player, Survival, Thriller, Puzzle
Plataforma: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE
Audiencia: Young adults (18 – 26). Para los que les gustan los thrillers, juegos de intriga y de sobrevivencia
Descripción del juego:
En Unknown, controlas al personaje en tercera persona en setting de un open world que constantemente te está tratando de destruir. El personaje no tiene nombre. O, al menos, él no sabe y consecuentemente tu tampoco. Al estar en este mundo, el personaje debe encontrar comida y refugio. Debe buscar respuestas sobre quién es y sobre el mundo o poco a poco ira perdiendo su sanidad.
El personaje, explora un mundo desolado y olvidado conocido como Pryre. No sabe cómo y cuando llego a este mundo, quien es o como se llama. Con solo una torcha como fuente de luz y una navaja con un engravado en un idioma extraño, es arrojado a un mundo desconocido. Cada día busca respuestas y formas de sobrevivir. En el mundo encuentra que está poblado por animales extraños y entes que parecen humanoides.
La música sería algo como Against the Wind de FFXIV:
Los visuals serian como el concept art de Shadow of the Colossus:
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Post a comment
Hey Logan.
Okay, let me get this out of the way: You should have mentioned the controls. How does the player lay fertilizer? Is there a menu? How would the crafting menu be controled? Did you have any musical inspirations in mind?
Okay, with that out of the this game. It's cute, it's great, and I need it in my life.
From an Idle Game addict,