Submissions by logan.sarkar tagged first-person

Genre: RPG, 3D, Pattern-Based, Fantasy, First Person, Action-Adventure
Platform: PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch, PC
Audience: 13+ (For people who like rhythm style games and managing and creating their own towns)

In this game the character is part of a society of scholars from the biggest kingdom whom have been tasked with purifying the world of “abominations”. The character, a young scholar, is thrown into his first mission to purify the abominations he had been taught about in school, only to find out that these were just humans who had been outcast from their society and were just running away from the brainwash. The character, abhorred by the acts of his people, leaves and takes his scholar tools with him. He decides to rally the outsiders to make a kingdom that is welcoming to all.

The game is set in first person. The mechanics rely heavily on performing a set pattern of pressing buttons on your controller/keyboard to cast spells. If pressed in the wrong order, the player will either cast a completely different spell or no spell at all. The spells will always be readily available in the scholar book that will be in the right hand of the player during combat. Certain elemental spells must be cast with cards which the character can use at any time when not on cooldown.

The game will include a resource management system. This system will be used to train, deploy and customize the outsiders that join your new-found kingdom. It will also be used to manage the kingdom itself.