Submissions by logan.sarkar tagged 2d

Genre: Platformer, 2D Side Scroller, RPG, Action-Adventure. Single Player
Platform: Nintendo Switch, PS4, XBOX ONE, PC
Audience: 5+ A platformer that is for everyone and tackles the very real problem of pollution.

In this game you control a seed that's trying to grow into a tree by collecting sunlight, water and CO2 dropped by pollutants. You control the seedling by using the joystick on your controller and the different buttons to jump or use an ability. Fresh soil will be save points that are also resting spots.
The enemies are pollutants and herbivores. The pollutants would be common items such as cans, plastic bottles, aerosols and automobiles. As the seed grows it becomes harder to dodge enemies. But, it gains a bigger health pool and abilities to fight off enemies.
As the game progresses the seed will travel through different scenarios and places trying to find its one true home. Each scenario will lead up to a battle against the boss of each pollutant. The player will have to use everything it has learned up to that point to mitigate the CO2 emissions caused by the pollutant and successfully banish it. Liberating and ridding it and its minions from the world.
Once fully grown and finished with its quest, the seed, now a tree finds peace and settles down its roots to live out the rest of its life.

Genre: Strategy, Time Management, Single-Player
Platform: PC, Mobile
Audience: 8+ (People who like micromanaging, strategic time management and being under pressure)

In this game you are the new IT hire at an up and coming company. Your job is to fix office appliances and any problems the employees might be having on their devices. You control the game by using your mouse/finger and clicking/tapping on the employee that needs help and clicking/tapping the correct task that must be taken care of. You must complete each task in the order that they were placed and must learn how to prioritize certain tasks and employee types. Certain task like changing the toner in the printer might not take up as much time as having to change out a component that stopped working. Common, younger employees will have higher patience and tolerance than your higher ups or older employees which will be integrated at higher instances of the game.

The game works by instance based workdays. It ends when the workday is done or if you had too many unsatisfied colleagues with you getting terminated. If your day was unsuccessful, you’ll have to restart that specific workday and manage it correctly. At the end of each workday you’ll receive experience points that will contribute to how fast you perform tasks. You’ll also receive your salary as in-game currency which can be used to buy cosmetics and booster items.

Género: 2D, Runner
Plataforma: PC, iOS, Android, Switch
Audiencia: 3+ (Personas que le gustan runners con opciones de dificultad y upgradability)
En este juego controlas un globo que fue soltado. Te mueves de izquierda a derecha con las teclas direccionales de izquierda y derecha del teclado, con el joystick izquierdo de un control o con el gyroscope del celular. La mecánica principal es evadir obstáculos mientras el globo flota hacia arriba. Mientras más arriba sube, diferente son los obstáculos. Al principio son solo pájaros y edificios. Al progresar, salen helicópteros, aviones y tormentas. El juego termina cuando el globo explota por el principio de Archimedes al llegar a los 10km de altura. El punto del juego es evadir obstáculos por proximidad. Mas cerca estas del obstáculo, más puntos ganas. En el menú principal se puede elegir entre dificultades. Entre más alta la dificultad, más obstáculos van saliendo y más rápido sube el globo. Tambien, las dificultades mas altas dan mejor puntaje final.

Al final de cada partida tu puntaje se convertirá en un highscore que se puede disputar en leaderboards. Dependiendo de tu puntuación al final del juego, recibirás puntos canjeables. Estos se pueden usar para hacerle mejoras al material del globo. Mientras mejor sea el material del globo, más resistente es y por ende podrá subir a 50km como punto máximo dando mas tiempo para un mejor highscore.

Genre: Idle, Collection, 2D
Platform: iOS, Android Devices
Audience: 3+ People who like idle games where you check on it whenever and also enjoy collecting and customizing.

In this game you collect different fruit creatures while tending to them. You as the player start off with a small ranch with one common creature of your choosing. These feed off sunlight and water and must be tended to and put in the right environment to survive. To collect these creatures, the player can lure them by setting down different types of fertilizer.

Each fruit will be part of a category which defines their personality, their needs and their wants. These categories are: spicy, sour, sweet and savory. Each category will have common, uncommon, rare and legendary fruit creatures. To gain the more uncommon fruits, the player will have to craft higher standard fertilizers. These are done by trial and error with the droppings acquired from creatures that have already been captured. Certain fruit will be attracted to sweet fertilizer while others might be attracted to a combination of different fertilizers.

As the player progresses, they can upgrade their ranch to house more creatures, also giving them the ability to cosmetically change the environment. The player can also customize the creatures with accessories and different skin patterns.

Was inspired by the pumpkin dog from Steven Universe:

Genre: Single-player, 2D, Pixel-Art, Shooter, Single-Button, Survival
Platform: Mobile, PC, All Consoles
Target Audience: early teens to adults (13+), People who like uncomplicated shooters with upgradable aspects.

Game Description:
Set in one plane, the character has a weapon and a set amount of equipment used for defense. The character cannot move from its initial position, they can only use their gun. Once the characters defense is depleted, the game ends and you must begin again. The player must destroy any monster coming at them. These monsters come in waves until the player becomes overwhelmed and losses. Each wave is faster, more difficult than the last and is timed. If by the end of a wave, there are still enemies remaining, the new wave will still spawn. With each wave the enemies have a higher HP pool than the last. At the end of each 11th wave, there's a mini-boss the player must defeat; with the final boss being at the end of wave 300. The character's weapon and equipment can be upgraded with points and loot that is obtained. Thus, making it less difficult for the character to get through the waves of enemies. The points are awarded at the end of each wave with loot dropping from every mini-boss. At the end of the game, the player has the decision to keep going, with each wave becomes increasingly more difficult or to do a full reset with higher base stats.

Music would be like Warehouse Escape from Megaman X7: