Submissions by logan.sarkar tagged action-adventure

Genre: Zombie, Post-Apocalyptic, Action-Adventure, Story Driven, RPG
Platform: XBOX, PS4, PC
Audience: 16+ People who like games with decision making system that have permanent consequences.

In this game the character lives in a zombie infested world. Even though society has been able to re-establish itself as the zombie population decreases, small breakouts have been happening again with people being scared and killing people who might seem infected. The main character is framed of being infected and is thrown out into the wild to survive.
Once outside in zombie territory, the main character runs into a zombie. Stunned, he is locked into place and can’t move. He notices that the zombie has moved closer but hasn’t attacked. Intrigued, the character moves in closer. The zombie backs up as he nears him looking somewhat afraid. Not understanding what is going on, the character runs away and search for refuge only to find a band of humans running from a horde. He decides to try his luck and runs directly at the horde. The horde stops in its tracks and the ones that do touch the character, disintegrate into nothing. Noticing his ability, the characters journey starts.
The game is based in an open world where the character must traverse and find other survivors. The player will level up the characters ability tree to be able to disintegrate or control the horde. Certain skills will only be able to be unlocked depending on decisions made. The player can decide to kill the survivors or confront the horde. Each decision will have an impact on his personality, the story, the world around him and the skills available to him.

The music would be somewhat like The Outbreak from The Last Of Us

Genre: Platformer, 2D Side Scroller, RPG, Action-Adventure. Single Player
Platform: Nintendo Switch, PS4, XBOX ONE, PC
Audience: 5+ A platformer that is for everyone and tackles the very real problem of pollution.

In this game you control a seed that's trying to grow into a tree by collecting sunlight, water and CO2 dropped by pollutants. You control the seedling by using the joystick on your controller and the different buttons to jump or use an ability. Fresh soil will be save points that are also resting spots.
The enemies are pollutants and herbivores. The pollutants would be common items such as cans, plastic bottles, aerosols and automobiles. As the seed grows it becomes harder to dodge enemies. But, it gains a bigger health pool and abilities to fight off enemies.
As the game progresses the seed will travel through different scenarios and places trying to find its one true home. Each scenario will lead up to a battle against the boss of each pollutant. The player will have to use everything it has learned up to that point to mitigate the CO2 emissions caused by the pollutant and successfully banish it. Liberating and ridding it and its minions from the world.
Once fully grown and finished with its quest, the seed, now a tree finds peace and settles down its roots to live out the rest of its life.

Genero: Sigilo, Open World, 3D, Third Person, Puzzle, Suspension, Action-Adventure, Escape
Plataforma: XBOX ONE, PS4, PC
Audiencia: 16+ Para las personas que le gustan juegos de intriga, suspenso y que son story driven.

En este juego el personaje es un aventurero que intenta escapar/deshacerse de un espíritu maligno que ha acechado a su familia desde hace siglos. La mecánica principal del juego es basada en sigilo, acertijos y combate.
El personaje viaja entre ciudades, haciendo trabajos insignificantes para nunca quedarse en un solo lugar a la misma vez tratando de averiguar porque su familia hereda este espíritu y nadie lo ha podido vencer. Estos trabajos pueden ser desde matar lobos que se están comiendo el ganado hasta transportar cosas entre ciudades de forma segura.
Si el personaje se queda en una ciudad por mucho tiempo, las cosas y el entorno de aquel lugar van cambiando progresivamente y de forma permanente. Comienza a llover, las personas alrededor comienzan a morir o enfermarse sin explicación y la personalidad del personaje se vuelve errática. El jugador sabrá cuando el espíritu está más cerca cuando la lluvia se torne negra y el juego se le va el color dejándolo en blanco y negro.
El personaje para poder deshacerse el espíritu debe encontrar y descifrar 5 palabras en cada ciudad del juego. Cada una siendo la palabra que escuchaba su ancestro antes de que el espíritu los tratara de consumir. Cada ancestro escuchaba una palabra diferente. El personaje necesitara 6 palabras para deshacer la maldición.
Ya una vez el espíritu aparece el jugador debe decidir entre huir o pelear. Para huir, el jugador tendrá que esconderse ya sea dentro de hogares, atrás de paredes, entre ganado o arbustos. También, poniéndole trampas al espíritu hasta que el personaje pueda escapar del lugar. El personaje puede intentar pelear contra el espíritu. Sin embargo, no llegara a hacerle daño hasta que encuentre y descifre como deshacerse de él.

La musica seria como la del Firelink Shrine de Dark Souls.

La musica del espiritu seria como la del Old Demon King de Dark Souls 3

Genre: RPG, 3D, Pattern-Based, Fantasy, First Person, Action-Adventure
Platform: PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch, PC
Audience: 13+ (For people who like rhythm style games and managing and creating their own towns)

In this game the character is part of a society of scholars from the biggest kingdom whom have been tasked with purifying the world of “abominations”. The character, a young scholar, is thrown into his first mission to purify the abominations he had been taught about in school, only to find out that these were just humans who had been outcast from their society and were just running away from the brainwash. The character, abhorred by the acts of his people, leaves and takes his scholar tools with him. He decides to rally the outsiders to make a kingdom that is welcoming to all.

The game is set in first person. The mechanics rely heavily on performing a set pattern of pressing buttons on your controller/keyboard to cast spells. If pressed in the wrong order, the player will either cast a completely different spell or no spell at all. The spells will always be readily available in the scholar book that will be in the right hand of the player during combat. Certain elemental spells must be cast with cards which the character can use at any time when not on cooldown.

The game will include a resource management system. This system will be used to train, deploy and customize the outsiders that join your new-found kingdom. It will also be used to manage the kingdom itself.

Genre: Interactive Movie, Action-Adventure
Platform: PS4, XBOX ONE, PC
Audience: 17+ (Sensitive Material), Targeted towards those who like story driven games that aren't heavy on mechanics but do have decision making dialogue that will alter the outcome of the story.

In this game you control a person set in today’s world. Played in first person, you never really know what the character looks like. You must complete normal everyday tasks by performing actions that are highlighted on the screen related to buttons on your controller/keyboard. The game also has decision making dialogue that will impact the narrative of the story. As you progress through the game you are given hints from the people surrounding the character that there’s something terribly wrong with them. To the point where some people can’t even look at the character.
Building intrigue as to what is wrong with the character, the only thing you as the player know is that the character is going through medical treatment to try and cure this illness. The player doesn’t ever fully know what the illness is until the very end of the game. At the same time the character is going through with their treatment, people who used to be close to them will end up distancing themselves; including family. Towards the end of the story, the character is given the decision of doing a very invasive surgery that will help with their illness. Depending on the dialogues chosen up to this point, the character can decide to either seize doing their treatment in fear of losing more people and becoming an outcast or, keep on with their treatment. When all is done, at the end of the game, the character finally walks in front of a mirror. Taking a good look at herself and giving the player a chance to find out what’s wrong. The player might be surprised to find out there’s nothing visibly wrong with the character. No physical illness. No reason for the character to have been treated so poorly and in such an inhumane way at first glance. But, if you look closer, certain things are “off”. Her jawline is too defined, her back is too big, she lacks common female attributes. That’s when you finally know that the only thing that was “wrong” with her was that she was transgender.