Started 10 years ago (February 1st 2015, 12 am).
Ended 9 years ago (February 1st 2016, 12 am).

52 weeks, 52 blogs. Now that's some potential promotion right there! You don't have to aim for the full 52 as the way I see it, any amount is better than none.

Last year I wrote 22 blog posts to help level up game dev. This, along with launching #30daydev has massively raised my profile going into 2015. So, this year I'm aiming to double that and bring even more content to game developers across the globe following my launch of Gamedevology, game dev thinking.

Join me in my challenge. Start maintaining an active blog.

Your blog posts can live where ever you like, whether you want to tap into the marketing clout of sites like Gamasutra, or whether you'd rather keep them close to home. The most important thing is to get into the habit about writing about your journey in game dev.

It'll be tough, you'll wind up hating writing (or loving it) you'll struggle for ideas, you'll hit brick walls, BUT you'll be able to sleep well in the knowledge that more and more people will slowly be drawn to read about what you do, make and may well become fans of your work and who knows, might even wind up buying your games or shouting them from the rooftops!

Remember it's not just your audience you are trying to attract, but also publishers, the media, journalists, youtubers and anyone else influential who can you help bring your creations to light and help spread them so your audience can find them quicker!

Are you up for the challenge?

Recent submissions (33 total)

I apologize again for being so still. Delta Quadrant steam version is almost done. Catch a Falling Star is progressing good and I talk about some dev tools I purchased.

I talk about my game being greenlit and explanation for my absence. Also about an upcoming game we are working on.

In this short blog post I discuss briefly about assigning different roles to each device you own.

Read: Splitting Game Dev Roles Between Devices

One, two miss a few... whoops!

My latest blog post for carries on my discreet game tutorial mini-series...

This blog post explores how to tell your players where to go, without actually spelling it out to them.

Embedded image permalink

I talk about marketing my game and my steam greenlight losing some momentum. Also some good news on the horizon.

So this week to break back into the writing mood I've started a new mini-series which looks at ways to hold your players hand throughout your game without necessarily holding it.

Read the blog post at:

Creating Discreet Game Tutorials Image

The series I've pretty much written out ready, just needs expanding upon and will be released slowly over the next weeks, I'm now aiming to write a new blog post every 3 days to keep my mind in writing zone.

Good job I posted so many last time!

My latest post actually talks about the importance of taking a break, which I wrote because I was ready for a break from everything #gamedev related. This is a message we all need to heed regularly as failure to take regular breaks can potentially be damaging.

Read and share the post at:


In this weeks post I talk about some of the terms people entering audio may not know.

What's a DAW

So this week has been a busy one for blogging!

As I'm currently running a series for ‪#‎Gamedevology‬ exploring practical AI its all systems go.

The first 4 articles you can find below...

1. Exploring Decision Based AI:…/exploring-decision-based-artific…/

2. Adding Priority to AI:…/adding-basic-priority-to-ai-deci…/

3. Using Queues for Priority in AI:…/…/06/using-queues-for-ai-priority/

4. Adding Properties To The World To Affect AI

Now.. if only I got more points!!!

Hey everyone! sorry about not posting for the past couple of weeks. I just got a job and I was at GDC. Here is my submission

GDC cautionary tale

First up not blogged on my personal blog for a while and then I had a random thought about save games this morning that led me to writing the article How loading and saving killed the magic of video games.

I also put a poll out to discover which Topic of the month I would be covering for Thus it was determined that we will be Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Games, an interesting and exciting topic that I can't wait to delve into and write about.

I talk about my hectic week and all the different "hats" I had to wear. Also the end is in sight to finish my game :D

This week I wrote another article for #Gamedevology exploring the idea of how time could affect games could affect the game world, evolve it or alter the experience.

This actually sparked from writing a blog exploring AI in games which I will be crunching down into digestible chunks and releasing over the next few weeks.

This week I published my second article in a series on developing games in elm. I introduce using signals to make your game reactive and compare them to the more traditional event pattern.

Read it on - "Developing Games in Elm: Signals"

Me learning Blender 3d and discovering a treasure trove of sci-fi 3d models. Also new Delta Quadrant screenshot.

This week I wrote a blog post all about my thoughts on connecting the player to the character that they play. I'd love to see more games make more of a connection.

Read it on -> Bridging the connection between player and character

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