Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Game Dev veteran of 25+ years.
Producer at
Developed #adlEngine: #TIGAawards Finalist
Founded #30daydev which reached an audience of over 1.5 million with over 15 million impressions world wide in January 2018.
Busy launching #devinfocus: a games industry initiative.
2nd day of launch on Facebook Instant Games, starting to see some serious traffic, plus checking the leaderboard for calcul8² clearly shows people are playing it and some for rather long play times.
This is why I love publishing to Facebook Instant Games. Seeing people actually playing your game.
1st day of being live on Facebook, slow start, but as they say, slow and steady wins the race, either that or its a) to do with the ² in the name or b) they've switched things since I last used it.
Wrote a case-study about the development of Calcul8² at
And live tweeted it at
Facebook verified my business over night! Time to hit global launch on Calcul82 today!
So my incorporation came through today which means I am now officially Director of Ltd.
In other news I'm now just waiting for Facebook to approve my new business and then I can start hitting the magic go live buttons for Calcul82.
Literally just this second received approval on Facebook Instant Games. Exciting! Just tested it out too and interstitial ads are live and good to go.
That's right, after being approved and having my listing live on Microsoft Store, I sold my first copy of Calcul8², and it was through Microsoft, so kudos to them for doing something more than the others it would seem (taking my deliberate experiment in zero marketing into account).
insert victory dance
Added Calcul8² to the fifth platform. Gamejolt. Bit of a faff getting id verified by stripe but otherwise super easy as I had already got all the assets, finally one that favours uniformality!
Well let me tell you, publishing to Windows Store is complex and was far from smooth. However I did it and now await their decision =D
Lot's of things that threw me with this one:
Huge install times (hours)
Problems importing the package.
Lengthy validation fail process and packaging.
Revision number kept firing back as incorrect. Revision numbers MUST have 0 on the end (i.e. as the final 0 is reserved for MS use.
Plethora of new image (90+ so far) assets to create (there is supposed to be a generator tool, but it wasn't there so... manual)
Thought I'd get this one in early, gives me the rest of the day to chillax. Literally just submitted Calcul8² to Google Play, to gauge interest from the mobile side. This will be the first time I've actually published an app on Amazon / Google that will be paid. So interested to see whether there's any precedence over paid vs free from 'store' side.
Relatively easy as a few images matched the resolutions from amazon images and the APK signing was a doddle and all handled with Construct 3's export functions.
Because Calcul8² is so simple there really is little to change / update (unless bugs surface) so I've just spend half the day pushing to Amazon App Store to make it available on Kindle Fire devices etc.
Another 7 images! All of which 'again' required unique image resolutions. Super easy to submit though which used a .zip file with html5 genned code inside.
Hoping the approval process is swift! In the meantime I will see what other stores I could release to.
Today has been spent creating the plethora of images required to submit your game to Facebook Instant Games.
All done, and Calcul8² has now been submitted for review! Fingers crossed I covered every base.
Point your device/s at to play!
OR on itchio at
Spent the day implementing a smart save system to replace the old 'rudimentary' version. Plus interstitial ads will be in this time round (shall see how they pan out).
Point your devices at:
The remainder of my #30daydev will now be spent making all the images, icons, banners, screenshots and video required in order to pass review xD
Been a while since I did any what I'd deem 'hardcore' coding, all about the wysiwyg and fast iteration nowadays, so I spent a few hours working through Chris Deleon's JS+HTML5 tutorial.
Reminded me no matter how many years away from it you'll never forget the solid coding principles, so found myself jumping ahead and predicting what was to come next.
Here is the result. Rusty, but still, a solid result.
That's right, if the last two months have taught me nothing else its the importance of taking breaks. So apart from making a few slight changes to Calcul8² I've been busy with life today.
Also managed to hit my Samsung health 60 minutes of activity target too.
Was great to finally be able to throw my hand at a light bit of game dev. Started a remake of Calcul8 which I've very cleverly named Calcul8² (Calcul8 squared)
Check it out at:
One of the downsides to picking the main goal I have means it's not generating alot to share.
Going to set a few mini goals to give me more to share and start putting the hashtag back on the map.
I will be using #30daydev to help get me back on my feet following a difficult two and a half months with depression and anxiety.
My primary goal is to work on content, resources and tools for #devinfocus; my upcoming game industry initiative.
Main Quest: Create module 1 of #devblueprint; a tool I am designing for game developers to help aid, define and support their entire game development process.
In this brief blog post I question where we go from crafting in game development?
In this short blog post I discuss briefly about assigning different roles to each device you own.
So this week to break back into the writing mood I've started a new mini-series which looks at ways to hold your players hand throughout your game without necessarily holding it.
Read the blog post at:
The series I've pretty much written out ready, just needs expanding upon and will be released slowly over the next weeks, I'm now aiming to write a new blog post every 3 days to keep my mind in writing zone.
Good job I posted so many last time!
My latest post actually talks about the importance of taking a break, which I wrote because I was ready for a break from everything #gamedev related. This is a message we all need to heed regularly as failure to take regular breaks can potentially be damaging.
Read and share the post at:
So this week has been a busy one for blogging!
As I'm currently running a series for #Gamedevology exploring practical AI its all systems go.
The first 4 articles you can find below...
1. Exploring Decision Based AI:…/exploring-decision-based-artific…/
2. Adding Priority to AI:…/adding-basic-priority-to-ai-deci…/
3. Using Queues for Priority in AI:…/…/06/using-queues-for-ai-priority/
4. Adding Properties To The World To Affect AI
Now.. if only I got more points!!!
First up not blogged on my personal blog for a while and then I had a random thought about save games this morning that led me to writing the article How loading and saving killed the magic of video games.
I also put a poll out to discover which Topic of the month I would be covering for Thus it was determined that we will be Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Games, an interesting and exciting topic that I can't wait to delve into and write about.
daily from
Best streak: 18, Completion: 4%
weekly from
Best streak: 6, Completion: 20%
daily from
Best streak: 4, Completion: 13%