In this weeks post I talk about some of the terms people entering audio may not know.

What's a DAW

More submissions by Voidswimmer for The 52 Week Game Dev Blog Challenge!

Hey everyone! sorry about not posting for the past couple of weeks. I just got a job and I was at GDC. Here is my submission

GDC cautionary tale

Here's my 2nd post for the challenge. This post covers one of the most misunderstood term when it comes to audio. I'm not sure I wrote enough about it but it is such a broad study that I can't make one blog post about it. So Hopefully it's enough for a small introduction to Psychoacoustics.

I do not think it means what you think it means

I've been really bad at keeping a blog or anything about myself and I'd like to change that. It seems that it's becoming more important to be personal no the internet so when saw this challenge on twitter I jumped on board.

Blog Intro

The 52 Week Game Dev Blog Challenge!

Can you write a blog a week for 52 Weeks!?

weekly from 2015-02-01 to 2016-02-01