Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
A friend of mine asked me to draw her "something silly" because she was down.
Second page was extra stuff I did after the fact, since I was at work all day (double shift).
I realize this isn't great... I did 3 other full canvases worth of stuff (and a full page of doodles on the back of something at work).
They're all rather sad, and blue, mood-wise, quality-wise, ...and colour-wise. I'm most pleased with my weirdest final one... which isn't here.... because I don't think people would like it, even though I do. It is totally how I'm feeling though, I guess! XD
EDIT: I added the weird one that was/is my mood. XD
So this was my first attempt at actually using marker paper along with my Copics (and greyscale Prismacolours). Finally, I could use my blender!
... Not my best colouring or shading (or hands). But essentially, this is me dressed up as a pirate (I do that as often as I can... Hahaha) but with purple eyes because I like purple. :D
I'm pretty happy with the pose; I was drawing from memory from my last set of gesture drawings.
What do you all think? Any tips for marker usage? Any critiques in general?
(Photo of drawing taken with my phone.)
I thought I'd try doing the timed gesture drawings again, as it's been a while since I've done that (been away from home for close to two weeks, and I was thinking I'd do it once a week minimum). Thought I'd try doing it with clothing too... the first image was of a skeleton dressed as the Grim Reaper... (and I was still working on setting up PS + browser side-by-side) so I missed more than half of my 120 seconds... :/
I'm pretty pleased with some of the later attempts in this picture. But I think I need to go back to nudes/nearly nudes to really get that anatomy practice in, which was really the whole point of this. Some of these would've been awesome (like that ballerina!) though, if I had more than 2 minutes to work on it with the reference.
My eyes also started leaking tears (BRIGHT SCREEN!) on the last 2-3 people... So... had to stop (hooray for end of the canvas I made!).
Want to get this in before the deadline. I'm still working on it. :D
EDIT: And... the second picture is what I feel satisfied with for the moment. I have something else going on with the clouds... So I need to work on them more... And I might just add more detail in general... But that's it for now. :)
Not a lot of time lately... So here's a digital pencil sketch (2B). Maybe 30 minutes???
Adding something else I started late in the evening... Almost an hour ago. It's a WIP so far. A thousand faces...
Just wanted to paint something starting with a background colour again. The kanji in the centre can both read "Tai", and the WaniKani mnemonic for the first one says "imagine a big an in a tie-dye shirt" (it means big). It can also be read as "dai"... The second means body... *shrugs*
It's late! Gotta draw fast. I have no attention span, either.
Done with 8B and 3B digital pencils. No erasing!
Also, Mermaid(s?) done today.
I'm not going to post it here because it's kind of boring, but I did some work in Photoshop for a friend that I'd been promising for about a week.
I might do some more of that or write a bit tonight. If I write, I'll be updating to include some of that. (Fiction, whee!)
Later, I recorded myself singing a bit in Japanese... I didn't really create it, but singing is still art... So... WARNING: my mic is very sensitive, and picked up my PC's fan... and when I started to belt a bit in the end of the second file, it gets fuzzy, so if you listen (especially with headphones) turn the volume DOWN.
1/2 Cardcaptor Sakura OP:
Witch Hunter Robin OP (Shell by Bana):
I don't think I did as well as I did yesterday with the anatomy practice. :/
I was really excited for the second last pose (bottom left)... but it was gone too fast! Same settings as yesterday (120 seconds each).
Also... my first attempts drawing male genitalia.. (so bad!)... I still need a lot of work, obviously. My personal goal is to work on this once a week. I didn't really mean to do it today, too, but I had no ideas, so I shrugged and was like "why not this again?".
Oh well, at least I tried...
Then I wanted to do something fun, so I quickly drew the lynx guy, and coloured him, all in under 15 minutes. *shrugs*
I want to get better at anatomy, so this is my first time doing timed gesture drawing - EVER!
I had each pose set at 120 seconds (2 minutes) but the first one I was futzing about with my windows trying to get the image and Photshop side by side in a way that I could draw, so I wasted at least 20 seconds, if not 30-40. Anyway, right-to-left, top-to-bottom, I did 7 until I "ran out" of digital paper. :D
I did a lot better than I thought I would. YAY! :D
This was using the timed poses at
I may go back and work on this more later. I wanted to do something detailed... But ran out of time. Also, it's harder than I thought it would be without actual measurements... Been a while since I did this!
I was thinking about something from Emisan's Text Adventure thread... :D
Approximately 1 hour.
I felt like giving her a mint green shirt... Then laziness turned to a monochromatic scheme turned to looking up the correct stroke order for the kanji 緑 (みどり).
Some digital ink... Then digital painting. One of these days I'll get back to my Alien Mermaid and finish her... Maybe finish the werewolf too. I need serious anatomy help and some kind of discipline! Critiques okay.
I was humming a theme from something, then a theme from Card Captor Sakura during the second piece - all done with the same "brush" at different sizes.
Again doodling from work - this time I made sure to use the back of a page so it would be blank.
It was my first time ever drawing a dragon (besides Trogdor, The Burninator) - so I'm quite pleased with how he turned out! I did mean for him to have a longer, more graceful neck at the outset, though... And you can see where I knew I had the rear leg wrong... ^_^;
I wanted to do something different today... So it's neon purple (purple with layer on screen) on black. I tried standard and opposite colouring for eyes. Which do you prefer? Just some randomness.... Including a mini-sketch of what I dreamed about two mornings ago: a Pancake Stapler.
I was supposed to practice anatomy... But it degenerated into this. I'm not in a good mood and wasn't when I started. Approximately 20 minutes.
:/ Critiques welcome but I'm aware of some of my mistakes. I know it's bad.
Mark Owen Cullen is a civilized, old-timey werewolf who is an accountant for the church by day. He's a character I created for an old-timey paranormal investigator game that ran in BESM 3rd Ed (D20). He did ride around on a Pennyfarthing - which was considered "new-fangled" then.
Pretty pleased with how it turned out. Didn't finish colouring (and crapped out on the hands) because I'm tired and I'm reaching the deadline time... I may finish this later...
Sketched my friend while sitting in S'bucks. And gave him anime eyes... of course.
I also have another Doodle In June streak for less serious stuff!
joined 3,576 days ago
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