Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Some digital ink... Then digital painting. One of these days I'll get back to my Alien Mermaid and finish her... Maybe finish the werewolf too. I need serious anatomy help and some kind of discipline! Critiques okay.
I was humming a theme from something, then a theme from Card Captor Sakura during the second piece - all done with the same "brush" at different sizes.
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@Majora Hm... That's going to be tough, I think. But you make a good point. Yeah, I don't think anyone I draw really has "weight" to them. Their clothes might... but not them. Hmm... Good to note and keep in mind. Thanks!
Also, (and I don't do a ton of figure drawing, but I do some) I found it helps to think about where the person's weight is, specifically in reference to the ground. I don't want to complicate things too much, but especially during the skeletal sketch phase, try to think about whether or not the character has most of their weight on their left foot/leg or right foot/leg (or any other part if they are not touching the ground with their feet). Once you understand drawn weight and gravity, it will be easy to make your characters seem grounded and more believable.
@artbohemian Thanks for the tip!
We used to have some kind of... line... thing, that was to express the shift of weight in Fashion class... like, you draw the vertical line... then after that any kind of straight line or near-S shape could become the basis for the person standing. (Like when you lean on one leg, how your hip sticks out more.) That's essentially what I was going for (but my memory at the time of drawing was more poor than it is now, explaining it) with the S-ish line that became the "horse leg?".
Keeping what you've said in mind... I might just try to draw skeletons with some detail, too... Hmm...
you seem to have a pretty good grasping on how anatomy works, but some times the bodies lack structure and weight. My suggestion would be to practice drawing skeletons and movement. Not detailed skeletons, just brief general sketches of the shapes of structures, then try drawing the body over it (since a body houses a skeleton anyway!). I've found that more helpful than any how-to-draw-anime/manga book I've picked up. Hope that helps! Hang in there, you're doing great!