Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
I thought I'd try doing the timed gesture drawings again, as it's been a while since I've done that (been away from home for close to two weeks, and I was thinking I'd do it once a week minimum). Thought I'd try doing it with clothing too... the first image was of a skeleton dressed as the Grim Reaper... (and I was still working on setting up PS + browser side-by-side) so I missed more than half of my 120 seconds... :/
I'm pretty pleased with some of the later attempts in this picture. But I think I need to go back to nudes/nearly nudes to really get that anatomy practice in, which was really the whole point of this. Some of these would've been awesome (like that ballerina!) though, if I had more than 2 minutes to work on it with the reference.
My eyes also started leaking tears (BRIGHT SCREEN!) on the last 2-3 people... So... had to stop (hooray for end of the canvas I made!).
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