Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Mark Owen Cullen is a civilized, old-timey werewolf who is an accountant for the church by day. He's a character I created for an old-timey paranormal investigator game that ran in BESM 3rd Ed (D20). He did ride around on a Pennyfarthing - which was considered "new-fangled" then.
Pretty pleased with how it turned out. Didn't finish colouring (and crapped out on the hands) because I'm tired and I'm reaching the deadline time... I may finish this later...
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Oh! I just realized the placement of the shoulders are both pretty bad - the "background" shoulder is too far forward and the front looks pretty non-existent. The two should be reversed, so-to-speak. That's what I get for not sketching a body first... Besides the back line. ~_~;