Submissions by AnimeCanuck tagged wip

I've been listening to They Might Be Giants a lot lately, and they tend to have a lot of random little songs... Either the old Dial-A-Songs, or Fingertips on Apollo 18...

Anyway, this randomly happened...

(The song was originally about poop... I just altered the lyrics after writing the initial ones down...)

I'm mad at the fact

That you don't like my hat

All of a su-uh-den

I'm enraged by the notion

That you started this commotion

All of a su-uh-den

I don't understand what is wrong with my hat

I got it off the discount mat(or I found it on the discount rack?)

I'm sad at the fact

that you don't like my hat

All of a su-uh-den

Want to get this in before the deadline. I'm still working on it. :D

EDIT: And... the second picture is what I feel satisfied with for the moment. I have something else going on with the clouds... So I need to work on them more... And I might just add more detail in general... But that's it for now. :)