Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
You've just woken up.... You are at home... You have class.... But it starts in 20 Minutes and you are like 50 Minutes away, You must get to class as fast as humanly possible before they lock the door on your and you will not be allowed in, using your awesome human super powers you must try and get to class as soon as you possibly can by any means possible, Train?, Plane?, Crane?, Drain?, Running really fast? You name it you can do it, Each level gets harder and harder, And you will have to upgrade your abilities as you continue through the game, But if you fail then it is Game Over and you will be expelled from school forever. Better hurry time is ticking, See you in class.... Maybe, You have already missed class too many times this week.
This game is designed to be played on the Computer, using the Oculus Rift, it may also come out on the Xbox One using the HoloLens and the Playstation 4 using the Project Morpheus
Its been 52 Days since you last saw the light of day... You were forced into this game by your friends, Come up with 50 Unique Game Ideas, Without fail otherwise you will be killed. BUT NOW THAT IS OVER YOU HAVE MANAGED TO ESCAPE! But you better keep running, You need to escape this facility however you have only just discovered the beginning of it all What they were really doing with your Ideas, They built their facility using your game ideas, From Gladitorial Robots, and Jungle Parties on an Island Simulation, there is even a room where you must click the like button on a bunch of random facebook posts, you name it we've got it, Not too mention that one guy that locked a door with a Microtransaction (Like seriously who does that...) If you can survive and manage to escape you might be able to recover from the insanity, This game will not be for the faint of heart, Due to the insanity you have acquired you have begun to hallucinate and you aren't quite entirely sure to where you actually are or to whats actually going on but in your mind you are having a great time and adventure!, You'll be required to traverse through banks stealing as much money as possible, Even play a card game with some robots to save your life which is based around Fast Food Resturants, we even have that monster that loves to give people mathmatics questions but why you ask? Because this is a game where we don't like you, But its not our fault they captured you and now you have gone insane... Why you might ask? Because just go with it, We needed a way to not make this game seem like it was forced. The aim of the game is simple Search for the Greatest Game Idea of them all, How does one do this? WHY BY PLAYING THROUGH EVERY SINGLE ONE! Yes thats right every single Game Idea that you came up with has been converted into a Playable level by our State of the Art Idea->Level Creation engine ON THE FLY
The next many many lines are completely insane continue at your own risk of enjoyment and please have a sense of humor
What platforms are we launching this game on you might ask?? Well below is a "FEW" Words from our Q&A Team on this matter
So as you can see this video game features many "UNIQUE" Concepts that have clearly never been done before, It will be coming to the following platforms!, Magnavox Odyssey, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, OUYA, Playstation 1, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Android, iOS, Symbian, Playstation Portable, Playstation Vita (Not that anyone has one), Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U, PC, Sega Genesis, Sega 32X, Sega CD 32X, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Some Unreleased Sega Console, (Insert Generic Chinese Console Knockoff Here) and last but not least The Nokia 3310, Oh and also the Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Atari Lynx, Sega GameGear, Neo Geo, Arcade Machines (Like the ones they have in Arcades), The Phillips CD-i (Because thats awesome), Colecovision, TurboGrafx16, Nintendo 64, 3DO, Vectrex, Intellivision, Some Arbitrary Pong Console (Yes we somehow mmade that work) and the Atari Jaguar We hope you enjoy the rather large console base we have planned and that we plan to make many billions of dollars off this product
Unique Selling Points! (Oh my yes we have these too!)
- The Ability to express your emotions and soul into the game directly via our special Emotion->Soul->Computer->Game Translation software "ON THE FLY!"
- Play the Game on the Go, In your House, With your Local Homeless Guy!, OR EVEN IN YOUR MIND! (Our game is available on EVERY. SINGLE. CONSOLE. Listed Above)
- Great Multiplayer!
- 10/10 IGN!
- Just the right amounts of water.
- State of the Art, Brain->Computer Virtual Reality Services
- The Perfect Genre for Every Audience
Target Audience
We have Studied and Analyzed the gaming worlds over the past 51 Days, We have spent millions upon millions of dollars into this research hired the most qualified people in the world specifically for this sort of thing and our Target Audience is....... EVERYONE That's right our game is tailored towards anyone and everyone, Even your 2 Month old cousin that you didn't even know you had or even that Long Lost Nigerian Prince Uncle that you never knew you had but they felt like putting you into their will, This game will detect who the player is and using a special 100% State of the Art Brain Analyzer will tailor the game specifically to their enjoyment standards, Genre, and more there may be a few bugs here and there but its being worked out as we speak
How might you ask are we managing to create all this "State of the Art" Technology just for our game?
Well you see the thing is, In Business companies quite often will attempt to steal ideas from each other, But we haven't done that because we aren't bad people, Instead what we have done is pay a bunch of scientests and hardware engineers millions upon millions of dollars to help us come up with these concepts, test them against the laws of physics and to put them into working prototype action. Using a "State of the Art" Atoms->Money Converter we were able to exploit a bug in the Matrix that allowed us to literally convert atoms into money, This is how we earned enough money to afford to develop all these new technologies and really hope you have fun with it all.
Insanity Ends Here
Final Thoughts on the One Game a Day Assignment,
All in all this was a fun assignment, Coming up with ideas for the better part of 2 Monthes (52 Days in Total) I'd say it has definitely improved my thinking alot, This Final Idea is not mean't to be taken seriously and is an Adventure Style game based on all my previous ideas combined, The first 200 Words or so are not completely insane but I felt like pulling out all stops for the remaining part of the idea just for added funsies, If you find this offensive in any way please don't :)
An Idle game which has an end Goal, This game is designed for Windows/Mac OSX and Linux Systems the goal of the game is to beat every athletic race on the planet but to do this you need to get into shape, You up your skills by earning money and buying training sessions, And every few levels a Race takes place (Which is this games version of a Boss Fight) For each race you win, You earn a set of Medals, and with enough medals you can Roll back time but still keep your medals which gives you bonuses for each time you roll back time, Each time you roll back time though the required medals to do this increases greatly, Each medal owned when you go back in time gives you a +10% Money Bonus which helps you more in the future, Once you have beaten all the races on the planet the game is won and the only thing to do is get all the Achievements, There are over 1000 achievements in the game and getting them all will reward the player with a Steam Badge
Unique Selling Points
- End Goal!
- Clicking!
- Idle!
This game is all about Precision and quietness, Stack as many random objects as you possibly can on your Un-Named Sleeping Friend without waking them up, The game is designed for Windows/Mac OSX and Linux Systems, The User Interface features a Sleep Meter which displays how deep asleep the friend is but failure to stack objects properly or placing them to hard will cause that meter to decrease, The goal of the game is to get the most objects stacked before failing and your highscores are uploaded to an online leaderboard where everyone is ranked together for that month, Each Level of the game has a Seperate Online leaderboard as each level takes place in a different setting, From Classrooms to Deserts to Fast Moving Trains, whichever setting suits you best is where you can stack the objects but be careful as the level setting can change certain variables that can make it easier or harder to place objects on your friend, At the start of the game you only have access to one level which is the first level and after you reach a certain score on that you unlock every other level which you can play at any time, You can also change certain difficulty settings such as Wind Level, Light Level and also there are unlockable friends so that you can stack objects on different types of friends
Unique Selling Points!
- A New Take on the Tower Stacking Genre
- Fun!
- Interesting
- Non-DLC Free Unlockables!
In this game you are a person who is a Window Cleaner for the Sky Tower, except that you don't have one of those pulley things you have plungers which are attached to a special suit, The only problem is that people are throwing all kinds of trash out the windows which are somehow open, you must dodge the trash or fall to your death, You must clean as many windows as possible in each level, Each level has a certain percentage of how much of the tower must be clean by the end of the time limit or by the time you run out of lives, With each new level the percentage raises slightly until the final level where its at 100%, You can buy certain powerups that will make you immune to trash for a little while or some premium powerups that start you at a certain percentage by default, The goal of the game is to keep the sky tower clean, There are other game modes such as Main Mode which is the basic clean the windows, There is also a Endless mode where the windows will keep becoming dirty and you must clean them to rack up points and try and earn the highest score in the online leaderboards, Each month the Highest Scoring Player will be featured on the title screen of the game, This game is designed for Windows/Mac OSX/Linux systems
You are a Flying Truck in outer space and you must collect all the Apple Pies before its too late, Race through the cosmos at high speed dodging carrots and watermelons as you attempt to stop the evil Banana Pineapple Tree from eating all the Apple Pies, You must complete each level within the time limit and collect a specific amount or more of Apple Pies, fail to do so and you will need to redo the level, Alternatively you can pay $4.99 to unlock every level and not have to worry about all of that stuff, The game is developed for Android and iOS devices and will be Free to Play without advertisments but you need to wait atleast an hour to be able to continue playing if you run out of lives
Unique Selling Points
- Trucks!
- Space!
- Apple Pies!
- Microtransactions!
All the fun of a Triple A Console Title Packed into a Single Mobile Game, we also support Screencasting to devices like Chromecast
You have recently decided to open a Card Store where you sell anything Paper Related, Playing Cards, Birthday Cards, Christmas Cards, Tarot Cards, you name it if its card you can sell it, The goal of the game is to become the Most Popular Card Shop in Town for whatever reasons, the game runs with a Yearly Timer (which is not done in real time) About 1 Minute Real Time is 1 Day in Game, You start with next to nothing, Perhaps just selling sheets of paper in bulk, Eventually you'll earn enough money to start stocking trading cards, Maybe you'll get popular with that, Eventually you'll be stocking the latest and greatest card games from all over the world, Millions of People daily will come to your store, Which you can upgrade store space, Watch out as Rent depends on your store size, Try and become the most popular and earn the most money so that you can setup other stores elsewhere and run everyone out of business
Unique Selling Points
- Sell Cards!
- Money!
- Popularity!
You are the Brain, Sort of... You are the one who must decide what the brain needs to think about, This game is played out like a Single Player version of pong, Using the bat you must knock away all the bad memories and the things that stress people out, Letting through only the good and positive, The game plays out where you can only fail a certain amount of times, Each level has a Stress Threshold which goes up slowly and slowly over time but everytime you screw up by letting through a bad memory or stressful thought, Or knock away something good and positive that meter goes up, Until eventually the host of the brain becomes too stressful and explodes, You must prevent this from happening and help them pass their course in anyway possible, Have fun you'll need it
Unique Selling Points
- Single Player Pong?
- Brains
- Positive
This game is designed for the Nintendo 3DS
A Card Game designed around Decking your Opponent out to win
Decking Out is where your Opponent is no longer able to draw cards from their deck because its empty.
The Game is Simple and Split into a Few Phases
Each Players Deck Must Contain 60 Cards (No Less, No More)
Draw Phase (Each Player Draws 1 Card at the Start of Each Turn)
Play Phase (Players may play cards here, Counter Cards/Effect Cards etc)
End Phase (End of the Turn, Certain Effects take place now and then start the next turn)
Each Player starts the game by drawing 7 Cards A few different card effects are as follows
Continuous - These cards remain on the board until removed by other cards
Instant - These cards do their effect and then are discarded
Instant-Response - These cards are played to respond to cards and can be played even when its not your turn (EG: Counter a card)
Instant-Anytime - These cards can be played in anyones turn, and not just when a card is played
The Goal of the Game is to Deck your Opponent out by taking turns playing cards and stuff If at any point a player is made to draw a card and is unable too, then they lose Each new Set that is added to the game, Will bring new ways of decking your Opponent out
This First set will be based around Drawing Cards which have the added effects of not only bringing your Opponent closer to a loss, But also might give them the cards they need to win
Linked below are some of the card ideas on my Pastebin account
Card List for Deck Out!
Virus Infection Game Thing
A Computer Virus that has Infected a Computer System The Fire Wall has Detected you and has Activated to Destroy you Escape the Fire Wall and Infect other Parts of the Computer Be careful though as the more you evade the Fire Wall the more deadly it will become even going as far as to destroy parts of the computer just to eliminate you
Possible Hazards and Not-Hazards
The Fire Wall
The Fire Wall is the Enemy of the Game controlling everything that is trying to destroy you
Watch out for all of its Hazards and attempt to destroy the entire computer
Anti Viral Zones
Small Squares that sit and wait for any viruses to step on them and quickly quarantine them after which they are destroyed by the Anti Virus Software
Hard Disk Lasers
The Security Software has Taken Control of the Hard Disk Lasers and will use them to destroy pesky viruses that cross it's path watch out as this causes slow and painful death
Exploit Zone
A Square which sits and waits for your move, Once a Virus enters an Exploit Zone the entire Area Becomes Inactive and Infected thus completing the level
Severed Wire
A Small Severed Wire which when in contact with a Virus will cause a short circuit somewhere else in the area
And More
This game is all about Printing things, Except that you start off as a Broke Person with just pen and paper, You recently got a Doctorate in Graphical Design and want to put your skills to the test, You start off only being able to print things by drawing them by hand, As you earn more and more money from your "Great" Work you will be able to afford better equipment, Eventually you won't just be using Paper Printing, You'll have access to some State of the Art 3D Printing technology which involves setting it up correctly and to make sure it doesn't screw up the print (Otherwise You'll lose money as you have to pay for the printing solution), Eventually you might get picked up by a local major printing company, And you'll go and work for them and maybe one day become the boss of the company maybe, You better be careful, during the days of you only drawing by hand you'll get a sore arm and have to take a break occasionally this might prevent you from reaching the jobs deadline so you have to account for everything that might possibly happen, Perhaps you'll start your own small printing company and hire repairmen and other cool staff members to manage everything while you rake in all the money, But what you are really aiming for is the chance to Print things for the President of the United States in 2025 Neil Patrick Harris, Will you succeed? Maybe, But probably not but we hope you have fun regardless
*Movie Voice Activate*
Coming Soon to an Internet Near you
*Movie Voice End*
Scaling Walls Has Never been Harder Now it is
5 Worlds 50 Levels [Initial Release]
Many More Worlds to be added after the Initial Release
The Story
In Aeropia, it has always been peaceful, until one day the GroundTredders Invade from the world of Down Under! They steal the very thing keeping Aeropia in the air. Their plan is to take over the universe by destroying every other world therefore, forcing people to bow down to them for food and water At first it was just about getting back the Aero Crystal and saving your world and defeating the GroundTredders however, it soon becomes an Insanely difficult task to save the entire world from destruction at the hands of an Unknown Entity
The Worlds
World 1: Aeropia [Easy]
World 2: Down Under
World 3: Fire Kingdom
World 4: Portal Zone
World 5: Dark Aeropia
And Possibly More if the Game is Epic
World 1: GroundTredder
World 2: King Tred
World 3: Fire Demon
World 4: Black Hole Monster
World 5: The Unknown Entity
Known Hazards
Water - Like all WallJumper's They Can't Swim they Instantly Drown
Lava - Like any Living Organic Creature Lava is Hot and Therefore Instant Death
Stopping on land - We don't Know why But Stopping once activating the Grappling Hook Causes WallJumper to Die We never found out the cause for this its just like that ok
Lasers - Like 99% of the Beams that Emit Heat Lasers are Hot and therefore will Instantly Kill WallJumper
Toaster - No its not a House Hold Toaster its more like a Complex Trap that Will Kill You if you Touch it
Known Enemies
Like all Great games they have atleast 1 Form of enemy
Rust Cannon - Similar to the Rocket Launcher in the Super Meat Universe except that it shoots Rust and is Much MUCH Harder to dodge its projectiles If it hits your Grappling Hook it can Rust it instantly and it will break causing you to fall
The Goal
To Prevent the Worlds Destruction By Defeating the Ultimate Boss the Unknown entity Which you discover after beating World 1
Extra Info
Name: WallJumper The Game
Genre: Wall Scaler
Description: An Epic Game all About Scaling Walls
Developed In: Stencyl Engine
Platform: Flash
Current Confirmed Tools
Grappling Shot
Current Confirmed Characters
WallJumper [Originally Appeared in: WallJumper The Game]
GroundTredder [Originally Appeared in: WallJumper The Game]
Some Information about WallJumper
WallJumper is the Main Character of this Epic Wall Scaler Game However there is some information about him below
WallJumper is not very Agile however he is very capable of getting anywhere thats right anywhere at all As long as he uses some kind of Grappling Hook Yup thats right Use the Grappling Hook Abillities/Tools to scale through each and every level
In Short
Player + Grappling Hook + 5 Worlds = Awesome Game
After the Initial Release
The Corrupted Worlds
All New Levels
All New Worlds
All The More Difficult
All The More Awesome
No its not just a harder version of the original level Nope Its a complete rework and entirely new More Info to come
How will the Grappling Hook Work
I Decided after much thinking last night About how the grappling mechanic will work
Instead of having it grapple onto something and then you swing aimlessly in the air It will Grapple onto a block and pull you across to it This will allow you to then choose the next block to grapple onto however the grappling hook is only so long and thus you won't be able to instantly grapple to the exit However if you attempt to grapple onto a block that is to far away you will fall to your death
How will Boss Fights Work?
I Have decided on how Boss Fights will work
Basically the boss fight will start as a Normal level would except you will have to dodge the Bosses attacks For a Period of time until he/she is defeated By any means this could get very difficult as it could mean extremely fast reflexes to defeat a somewhat impossible boss
New Ideas
Shops will be used to buy certain things These could range from Tools to entire worlds
Confirmed Shop Items
Gravity Shot Upgrade
And More
Base Storyline
2 Weeks Earlier...
The Zombies have Risen from their Graves and Seek to take over the entire world
Current Living Population: 6 Billion
Current Zombie Population: 25
1 Week Earlier
The Zombies have learn't more about the way we live and have evolved to overcome the Human Immune system We predict within 1 Week the entire Human Population will be extinct
Current Living Population: 1 Billion
Current Zombie Population: 5 Billion
Present Time
The Zombies have won... You have no chance to rebuild society.... perhaps you can cure them Slowly but surely However that is impossible Good Luck.... Maybe one day we'll have another chance as a new species on a new planet
Current Living Population: 1
Current Zombie Population: Unknown
You have Locked yourself inside a Laboratory maybe you can experiment on the Zombies DNA... Figure out what makes them be Zombies Perhaps cut that out of the DNA Sequence and cure them once and for all? Or maybe just try and Survive as long as possible
Using your super awesome stealth skills can you hide from the zombies for as long as possible? Maybe you just want to get some samples from them to analyse and attempt to create a cure, There are 2 Possible Main Endings (With more slight variations depending on how you play) You can either survive as long as possible until the outbreak dies off leaving you the only survivor on the planet, or you can find a way to cure the zombie virus by collecting samples and testing them with chemicals in your laboratory, You'll have access to many different tools some of which have multiple uses depending on how you are playing whether you want to save or survive, Perhaps you have a syringe which is used for injecting chemicals into DNA samples, Now you could use it to inject healing solution into you so you regain health when attacked by zombies, the possibilities are endless!.
Coming To PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One
Platformer Tower Defense Rail Shooter
This game takes place in the same universe as Bit.Saw and is a Platformer/Side Scroller style tower defense game
How does this work?
Enemies come at you from the Left Side of the Screen they start at the bottom and will eventually try to make their way to the top of the room It's your Job to stop them from doing that by placing turrets alongside the walls! However turrets are not your only friend here Learn the secrets and beat the Onslaught of Enemies as they Adapt to your Knowledge of the game So that you are always 1 step behind them
Initial Release will contain 3 Playable Maps, However more are expected to be made and released
Test Chamber
Saw Valley
Sewerage Network
Each Map will have its own Unique Things to watch out for Test Chamber is the easiest map which has no hazards to watch out however the enemies Will have slightly higher Health to begin with Saw Valley is basically a massive Saw Factory with Saw guns that shoot saws across each lane Which over time damage your turrets You'll need to quickly upgrade and adapt to beat the onslaught of saws Sewerage network has water pipes which can burst at any point in time causing heavy damage to your own turrets unless they are protected The Enemies in the game are known as BitEaters which do exactly what the name entails! They literaly eat the Retro Bits that make up the entire world its up to you to stop them using Turrets made of a newly re-enforced retro bits that have built in AI to fight back they are compatible with Regular Retro Bits where as you can form new Re-enforced Retro Bits to create more turrets by using a certain number of bits depending on the turret and its complexity
Your Arsenal Consists of!
Laser Turrets!
Saw Turrets!
Repair Droids! (Probably not in the Initial Release)
Plastic Plating (Prevents Rust although wears away through constant water damage)
Reinforced Glass! (Holds back the Powerful Saws that aim to destroy your turrets However BitEaters Eat right through this stuff so it won't last very long however it does stop them for a few seconds so perhaps it can be used to hold back hordes of them for a little bit and take them all out) And Probably more stuff that is not listed here that will be in the final release!!!!
A New Puzzle Platformer where Colorblindness is a Mechanic
A Gravity Platformer Inspired by VVVVVV and Super Meat Boy and The Experiment (Unreleased)
Introducing a new Mechanic Colorblindness
Traverse through levels however Everything is not what it seems Your Character is Colorblind and has a Special "Power" where if he can't see it, He can't land on it and Goes right through it However using Special Lens he can change the colors that he can see Using these Special Lens you can switch the colors around to get further
Eons into the Future of the Universe long after most species have gone extinct throughout the entirety of the universe, Nearing the end of it's life the Universe begins to collapse and warp, However an alien race from an alternate dimension have started harvesting Cryon Orbs for a new Power Source for their Universe and have found that the Collapsing universe we use to call home is rich in Cryon Orbs, Using their advanced technology they were able to infiltrate our dying universe and begin harvesting immediately However They become trapped due to a malfunction in the Dimensional Transporter and end up in some strange Color Dimension where everything is in Different Colors, Not being able to escape they decide to explore this strange new place ending up lost and eventually getting themselves trapped This is where the story begins
Goal of the Game
Rescue your Crew and Collect Artifacts to be able to escape!
Gravity Changing
Color Vision
Special Lens to change which Colors you can land on
Connected Levels like VVVVVV
There are 60 Artifacts Scattered Across the game world and all Levels are Inter-Connected Meaning you can return to previous levels by Going in the Right Direction as the Entire Game is Basically one big Level
There will be More than 1 Ending to This Game! If you manage to Rescue your entire Crew then you will get the First Ending If you collect all the Artifacts then you will get a Secret Ending after the First Ending And there may be other Secret Endings if you Fufill certain Criteria
You have recently come across a large sum of money somehow, You have decided to invest in a company, What will you do with this company? Who knows that's up to you we have worked hard to bring the best state of the art technologies into this game to allow for the greatest dynamic ever changing experience possible, But the main goal of the game is to cut as many corners as you possibly can without making your entire fan-base completely despise you thus ruining your image and rendering you bankrupt, Are you able to cut Multiplayer from your games without people complaining? Do it. Perhaps you can slack off on making that epic ending to an award winning book trilogy, Why not?. Perhaps your singing isn't up to scratch maybe you can just Lip Sync nobody will notice The goal here is to make money and lots of it by cutting corners and doing the bare minimum people will accept without complaining, But be warned eventually someone will complain and that number will grow, Occasionally you'll have to do the right thing for a while until they stop complaining, This game is designed for the PC Platform (Windows, Mac OSX and Linux Systems) it will also make use of several state of the art custom made API Plug-ins we have developed for several programs such as, Audacity, MS Paint, Windows Movie Maker, Youtube on 3DS, and many more we even have a scripting interface that you can use to help improve our technologies!, This game features a MMO Style aspect where your company is just one of many companies doing the same thing, You can log in to our database and view what other companies are doing and also rate and comment on their products. Whatever you want you can probably do it, We do however have a "State of the Art" Filtering system so that nothing offensive gets out, This is handled via the settings where you can choose what you want to and don't want to see, And for more interactivability you can just click on something you dont like and label it as something you don't want to see and what you think it falls under from a list of categories this will help us to improve these systems
Unique Selling Points!
- Cutting Corners!
- Profit!
- Shenanigans!
- Great User Interactivability
- Excellent "State of the Art" Customer Support
- And More!
You are the Webmaster for the small soon to be big Game Jam Website called the Dudum Lare, Your Job is simple weed out the terrible and potentially offensive game theme ideas, Some of them are well hidden as they have been added into the theme pool by hackers and other people of the likes, Using your advanced searching skills you will need to scour the entire website for these bad themes and destroy them!, People might get mad at you for removing their themes, But bad themes makes for a boring Game Jam, So who cares its your website and you don't want those bad themes, You only have a limited amount of time to do this however and then the voting phase of the game begins which is controlled by "State of the Art" AI which votes on different themes based on certain values and the way they are programmed. Depending on which theme wins you get a final grade based on that and other hidden values
The Goal of the Game is to take over the world with your Company...
You start as a Simple Business Man wanting to open a Company
Having barely any knowledge how to and Only Limited Money Left,
You register a Company Name and Aqcuire a Building for your Company HQ
But Nobody knows about you... Nor does anybody care about your Company
You don't do anything that is worth them caring about...
How will this play out...?
The Game Basically plays itself with you just stepping in to Confirm or Reject Ideas!
Occasionally Companies will Attempt to Buy your Company and perform a Merge however this can be Risky as where
if your Output is not good enough the Parent Company that Obtained your company will Shutdown your division,
However if your Output is excellent You'll be given better tasks to perform and earn even more Money!
When you earn enough money, If you have not already been brought out by a Parent Company you can Buy other smaller companies
to Merge with your own, This can provide a Positive or Negative Impact on your Companies Success
Some companies may attempt to Sabotage your success by hacking into your Bank Accounts and Draining your Profits
You can combat this by Having Multiple Off Shore Bank Accounts and other things You win the game once you manage to buy out every single company in the entire game
Restaurant Card Game thing
Each Player starts with 4-6 Stores of their chosen Franchise
Each turn Players get a Delivery of Bread (Like 5-10 per Store active?)
Cards use bread to be able to use abilities and effects that can either Hinder or Progress the game
Each store starts with 50 Reputation and can have a Maximum of 100 (Can be increased maybe)
If a store reaches 0 Reputation it is closed down entirely (If all of your stores get closed down then you lose)
A Player can win when
your Opponent is unable to draw a card on their turn
You shut-down all of your opponents stores
Some Basic Rules
Players start with 4-6 Stores of their Chosen Franchise
Each turn Players get a Delivery of Bread per Store that is Open
Cards can be played without cost however some abilities and moves require Bread to use them
Each store starts with 50 Reputation and by Default can have a Maximum of 100 but this can be increased
When a store reaches 0 Reputation it is closed down permanantly and removed from play
Each player draws a card at the start of their turn
If the player is required to draw a card and is unable to do so because they have no cards in their deck left They lose
If the player runs out of open stores they lose
Some Special Conditions?
Crumbly: If a card has this condition, Flip a Coin if heads continue as normal, if tails take away 20 Freshness and then continue as normal
6 Inch Bread can only have 1 Meat Attached
Footlong Bread can have up to 2 Meat Attached
Store Cards?
Store Name: Submarine Way
Starting Rep: 50 / 100
Passive Effects: 10 Bread is Delivered Daily (Can be stacked with other Stores)
Conditional Effects: If you have More than 2 Stores open all of your Healthy Cards have 20 Extra Freshness
Store Name: Burger Queen
Starting Rep: 60 / 80
Passive Effects: 5 + X Bread is Delivered Daily where X is the amount of Stores you have Open times 2
(EG: 5 Stores Open, 5 + (5 * 2 = 10) 15 Bread per Store per turn)
All Healthy Cards have 20 Less Freshness to start with (But not less than 10)
Some card Ideas :D
Name: Health Hazard Sabotage!
Type: Single Use
Card Text: Pick one of your Opponents Stores,
You sabotage that store by sneaking in at night and leaving some mystery goo. it is closed next turn
And also put 1 Bad Rep counters on that store
(Bread is not delivered to this store so less bread is acquired next turn)
Name: Pork Riblet
Type: Meat
Ability: Best Seller!: For each of your stores that are still open with 40 or more Reputation gain an extra 5 Bread per turn (Passive Ability)
(EG: If all Stores meet the requirements gain up to 30 Extra Bread per turn)
Card Text: When you play this from your hand Give all of your stores 10 Reputation and get Double Bread Delivery next turn
If you play this Card onto a Footlong Sandwhich effects are doubled
This Card must be attached to a Bread Card (Either 6 Inch Bread or Footlong Sandwich)
Flavor Text: "Pork Riblet New Meta"
Name: 6 Inch Bread [Healthy]
Freshness: 40
Type: Bread
Card Text: If 3 or more cards are attached to "6 Inch Bread" then Once per turn you may Flip a Coin and if Heads remove 1 Bad Rep counter from 1 of your Stores
Attacks? (or whatever you want to call them): (20 Bread): Too much Sauce! [Place 1 Sauce Token on your Opponents active Sandwich]
(10 Bread): 6 Inch Slap! [Your opponents active card has 10 Less Freshness]
Bread Info: This card can only have 4 Cards attached to it (Which includes Tokens, Salads and Meat)
Discard Cost: 10 Bread (This and All Cards Attached to this get Sent to the discard pile unless stated otherwise)
Flavor Text: "6 Inch Bread likes long walks in the Bread Box"
Name: Footlong Sandwich [Healthy]
Freshness: 70
Type: Upgraded Bread (Must be Played on 6 Inch Bread any Tokens attached to it are removed upon upgrading all other Cards are now attached to this card, Put 6 Inch bread in the Discard Pile)
Ability: Bread Shortage: When you play this from your Hand, if your opponent has More than 3 Stores open put 2 Bad Rep counters on one of them Otherwise if they have 3 or less stores open then close down 1 of them till their next turn
Attacks: (30 Bread): Stockpile: On your next turn you gain 100 Extra Bread, Take away 40 Freshness from this card
(60 Bread): Super Sub Smash: Your Opponents bread is now [Crumbly] and Take away 30 Freshness from your Opponents bread
Bread Info: This card can have up to 8 other cards attached to it (Which includes Tokens, Salads and Meat)
Flavor Text: "He is a Nice Guy normally"
Discard Cost: 30 Bread
Name: Annoyed Customer
Type: Continuous Card (Only 1 Continuous Card can be out at a time if a player plays one then the Previous one is removed from play)
Card Text: On each Players turn That player may pay 30 Bread if they do this card does nothing, If they don't then place 1 Bad Rep Counter on each of that players stores This card effects both players
Flavor Text: "Where is my god damn sandwich! I am gonna leave a bad review"
Name: Super Long Line
Type: Single Use
Card Text: (50 Bread) Your Opponents stores all have really long lines and the Delivery People can't get in Your Opponent doesn't get any bread delivered to their stores next turn
Your Opponent loses 20 Bread per Store they have Open also (EG: 3 Stores open Lose 60 Bread altogether)
Name: Burger Bun Bob [Unhealthy]
Type: Bread
Freshness: 30
Card Text: (20 Bread) search your deck for a Single Use Card reveal it and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck
(40 Bread) Take away 30 Freshness from your Opponents bread
Discard Cost: 0 Bread
Name: $1 Frozen Mist
Type: Continuous Card
Card Text: All Stores get +30 Maximum Reputation while this is in Play
Single Use Effect: When you play this from your Hand you may Restore 30 Reputation to one of your Stores
Name: Lettuce
Type: Salad (Must be played on a Bread Card)
Card Text: When played from your hand Restore 20 Freshness to the Bread this is Played on
This Idea is from my Vault of Ideas and is absolutely mean't to be taken seriously
Image Source: Click Here to Eat Fresh!
Idea around the theme of "You are the Monster" (Ludum Dare Theme)
The idea of the game is, You are a Monster and you have been woken up by the bratty school kids so you have decided to punish them by forcing them to do Math Homework!, Using your powers you must make them finish and complete every last math equation on the entire planet, It starts of simple with just 1+1 or 10 * 10 eventually it starts to get harder for them to complete and for you to push to them this game plays similar to Guitar Hero in which you have to hit certain keys to hit the notes (Or in this games case the Numbers) And every time you successfully complete an equation you get points and the kids get sadder, The goal is to complete as many equations as you can within the alotted time and to drain the Kids Happiness meter to 0 if you fail to do that then they will destroy you and you must start again!, This game comes with its own peripheral which is stylized like a modern calculator it has about 8 buttons on it though (See Image Below) and you press them accordingly as the numbers float down the screen however be careful because you have to hit the numbers in the right order and also hitting the wrong number will cost you time and points (Every wrong number or wrong positioning of the number you get increases the Student Happiness bar slightly if it reaches max then you fail and they destroy you) You also have to hit the right equation symbol at the right time as well, The game gets faster over time and eventually ends with you making the students so miserable that they leave you alone forever and you can rest forever happily knowing you taught students something
Unique Selling Points
- Ludum Dare Theme!
- Mathmatics? (Not sure if this is a selling point :P)
- Peripherals!
This game is designed for the PC Platform but may see ports (Not Outsourced ones) to other platforms such as Playstation 4 and Nintendo 3DS Consoles
This game is all about staying awake to the best of your ability because you must stay up at all costs to watch the Pokemon World Championships that is being streamed live on twitch over the next 3 days!. It is an MMO Style game where you try and stay awake the most out of everyone else playing, You can use anything from Red Bull to obtain Wings (These are probably Hallucinations from Lack of Sleep) or Even Sleepless Drugs (Don't do Drugs, Stay in School kids) However you want to stay awake you can even just force it, However over time your Awake Meter will go down and eventually you will fall asleep, This is a Virtual Reality Real Simulation Massively Multiplayer Online Game or MMOVRRS for Short and once you fall asleep you are out for good (Until you wake up)
Unique Selling Point
- No Sleep!
- Red Bull!
- Wings!
- Other Crap!
This game is designed for the PC and will make use of the Steam VR Headset that is coming out probably after the steam machine
PS: I almost forgot to submit today
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GDD - DoyoungKim