Submissions by Chris Andisen tagged 43-streak

This game is all about Printing things, Except that you start off as a Broke Person with just pen and paper, You recently got a Doctorate in Graphical Design and want to put your skills to the test, You start off only being able to print things by drawing them by hand, As you earn more and more money from your "Great" Work you will be able to afford better equipment, Eventually you won't just be using Paper Printing, You'll have access to some State of the Art 3D Printing technology which involves setting it up correctly and to make sure it doesn't screw up the print (Otherwise You'll lose money as you have to pay for the printing solution), Eventually you might get picked up by a local major printing company, And you'll go and work for them and maybe one day become the boss of the company maybe, You better be careful, during the days of you only drawing by hand you'll get a sore arm and have to take a break occasionally this might prevent you from reaching the jobs deadline so you have to account for everything that might possibly happen, Perhaps you'll start your own small printing company and hire repairmen and other cool staff members to manage everything while you rake in all the money, But what you are really aiming for is the chance to Print things for the President of the United States in 2025 Neil Patrick Harris, Will you succeed? Maybe, But probably not but we hope you have fun regardless