Submissions by Chris Andisen tagged ps4

You've just woken up.... You are at home... You have class.... But it starts in 20 Minutes and you are like 50 Minutes away, You must get to class as fast as humanly possible before they lock the door on your and you will not be allowed in, using your awesome human super powers you must try and get to class as soon as you possibly can by any means possible, Train?, Plane?, Crane?, Drain?, Running really fast? You name it you can do it, Each level gets harder and harder, And you will have to upgrade your abilities as you continue through the game, But if you fail then it is Game Over and you will be expelled from school forever. Better hurry time is ticking, See you in class.... Maybe, You have already missed class too many times this week.

This game is designed to be played on the Computer, using the Oculus Rift, it may also come out on the Xbox One using the HoloLens and the Playstation 4 using the Project Morpheus