Submissions by Chris Andisen tagged chrisandisen47

You have recently decided to open a Card Store where you sell anything Paper Related, Playing Cards, Birthday Cards, Christmas Cards, Tarot Cards, you name it if its card you can sell it, The goal of the game is to become the Most Popular Card Shop in Town for whatever reasons, the game runs with a Yearly Timer (which is not done in real time) About 1 Minute Real Time is 1 Day in Game, You start with next to nothing, Perhaps just selling sheets of paper in bulk, Eventually you'll earn enough money to start stocking trading cards, Maybe you'll get popular with that, Eventually you'll be stocking the latest and greatest card games from all over the world, Millions of People daily will come to your store, Which you can upgrade store space, Watch out as Rent depends on your store size, Try and become the most popular and earn the most money so that you can setup other stores elsewhere and run everyone out of business

Unique Selling Points

- Sell Cards!
- Money!
- Popularity!