Submissions by Chris Andisen tagged 45-streak

A Card Game designed around Decking your Opponent out to win
Decking Out is where your Opponent is no longer able to draw cards from their deck because its empty.

The Game is Simple and Split into a Few Phases

Each Players Deck Must Contain 60 Cards (No Less, No More)
Draw Phase (Each Player Draws 1 Card at the Start of Each Turn)
Play Phase (Players may play cards here, Counter Cards/Effect Cards etc)
End Phase (End of the Turn, Certain Effects take place now and then start the next turn)

Each Player starts the game by drawing 7 Cards A few different card effects are as follows

Continuous - These cards remain on the board until removed by other cards
Instant - These cards do their effect and then are discarded
Instant-Response - These cards are played to respond to cards and can be played even when its not your turn (EG: Counter a card)
Instant-Anytime - These cards can be played in anyones turn, and not just when a card is played

The Goal of the Game is to Deck your Opponent out by taking turns playing cards and stuff If at any point a player is made to draw a card and is unable too, then they lose Each new Set that is added to the game, Will bring new ways of decking your Opponent out

This First set will be based around Drawing Cards which have the added effects of not only bringing your Opponent closer to a loss, But also might give them the cards they need to win

Linked below are some of the card ideas on my Pastebin account
Card List for Deck Out!