Submissions by Chris Andisen tagged worlds

This game is all about staying awake to the best of your ability because you must stay up at all costs to watch the Pokemon World Championships that is being streamed live on twitch over the next 3 days!. It is an MMO Style game where you try and stay awake the most out of everyone else playing, You can use anything from Red Bull to obtain Wings (These are probably Hallucinations from Lack of Sleep) or Even Sleepless Drugs (Don't do Drugs, Stay in School kids) However you want to stay awake you can even just force it, However over time your Awake Meter will go down and eventually you will fall asleep, This is a Virtual Reality Real Simulation Massively Multiplayer Online Game or MMOVRRS for Short and once you fall asleep you are out for good (Until you wake up)

Unique Selling Point

- No Sleep!
- Red Bull!
- Wings!
- Other Crap!

This game is designed for the PC and will make use of the Steam VR Headset that is coming out probably after the steam machine

PS: I almost forgot to submit today