Imagine you were the first living things on the planet trying to survive at the bottom of the oceans, trying to out compete your single celled siblings. The environment around you is harsh with temperature going from -20C to 500C over very short distances and volcanic vents spewing nutrient(resource) rich smoke mixed with deadly toxins.

In Amoeboid you play as a single cellular organism trying to out compete your siblings and gain the most resources so that you can continue to survive, grow adapt and evolve.

As time passes you will split and create more competition for yourself that have the same abilities that you do and can compete just as well as you. This is where your choices make the difference will you choose to be able to adapt faster so that you can out compete your offspring or will you try to become multi-cellular and out out compete the competition by working as a whole.

To win the game the player must reach a certain adaption milestone first or accumulate the most resources in a set time frame.

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More submissions by TyroneMillls for MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

The goal of the game is to provide people with the skills to help others that have been victimised without having to ask them every step and put them through more trauma. This will be done by taking the player through several different scenarios where they must try to comfort someone, this is done using dialogue and action options all of which can be used to offer support or comfort in different ways from just being someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on to just asking them to be involved in other in game tasks that you can do.

The game would have an indicator to show the players whether the actions they are taking are helping, doing nothing or causing distress to the victim.

To achieve this in a realistic and constructive way the game would be designed with the assistance of psychologists that have had experience providing counselling for people who have undergone traumatic events. As well as possible feedback on what people who have survived such situations found to be the best for them.

Overall the game would not be fun to play, but would provide the player with a sense of accomplishment and a sense of capability in the new skills they have learned, hopefully giving them a deeper sense of satisfaction upon completion.

The game would also help to bring these issues out into and allow better discourse about them making it easier for the victims of such attacks to come forward without feeling like they are the ones at fault.

Helping hand

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The Name Game is a game where you are given an image and you have to enter the name of that object, concept or place. It will be developed for mobile devices ton be played during commutes, to help warm up the brain and broaden the players knowledge.

The game will start off with fairly simple things to type in the name of (eg. Tree, House etc) however as the players progress through the game the objects will become more obscure and the answers required will become more specific (eg. Golden Retriever not dog).

The game will offer two different versions of play the standard mode where players have an unlimited amount of time and buy clues with points earned from identifying things in earlier levels and a challenge mode that will offer different categories. In this challenge mode the player will get no clues and have to identify as many of the items in that category as possible within a time limit. This will then give them a high score and teh ability to challenge their friends to beat them in that same category.

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Fire Fingers is a computer based quick time event focused game where the player uses the different keys to control a fighters movements. The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible stopping the enemies from breaking through the pass. The player needs to hit specific keys with increasing speed as the game progresses like clicker heroes but with more variety in the buttons used to engage the player more.

If the player can hit specific key sequences in time then they can get multipliers to increase their score and unlock new abilities to slow down the rate they need to hit for a brief time allowing them to get longer key combinations and to increase the multiplier that they gain for their score.

Reaching certain scores will unlock new outfits and power ups for the player to use in their battle against the hordes of enemies that attack them.

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Garden Warfare is a light hearted real time strategy game in which the player fights to control the Gardens of the street and expand their empire.
Game play is similar to that of other real time strategy games where the player needs to collect resources to build their army of gnomes and war pugs. The various resources that the gnomes must collect will be scattered around the gardens and some will be time dependent due to the need to keep the wars secret from the humans.

Players will need to build various different structures to be able to access all the units that they can have within their army. These buildings will be themed along the lines of common garden structures such as a bird bath for air units and kennel for mounted units as well as items like gnome statues to get various different bonuses.

The game would be released as a mobile phone game due to its less serious nature it may not appeal as much to PC or console gamers.

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You are fire in its purest form flame without shape capable of taking on any shape. You have been est free from your cage in the realms of the gods. Now you must try to keep ahead of them else you will be captured again and contained in a single solitary flame, your powers controlled by the gods when they see fit.

To increase you powers you must spread you flame every case of fire from ember to firestorm give you greater strength. You may choose to fire to all you come across and gain incredible power while the blaze last only to lose when it all burns away or you may choose to set your fires in small places letting early humans gain some of its power so that they may always be able to give you power whenever they fend off the dark of the night lighting an alter to you. Then you can take your fight to the gods and free yourself of them forever.

Flame will be set in an open world where the plants and life re-spawn after a time so that those who do not choose to burn it all may guarantee their survival. As the player shows more humans the power of fire their own base level of power will increase allowing them to take different forms, to travel faster and further and to fight the minions of the gods.

fire horse awesome wallpaper

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You have accidentally managed to get yourself stuck in the worst place you could ever get stuck in literal HELL and now you need to try find your way out and back to earth to try and forget that this ever happened. You made it down here and all you have on you now is the clothes on your back. your trusty cricket bat and you phone which has no signal (go figure).

Finding the way out is easy enough just go back the way you came in unfortunately that seems to have managed to get incredibly far away, but this is hell and it doesn't have to make sense. The real challenge will be getting past all the demons and all those souls trapped down here.

The player can choose to avoid or engage these demons and souls with their cricket bat or any weapons they manage to acquire from demons. The bat has become a little more on its way down to hell and seems to hit a bit harder than you would have thought for cricket bat. On the way there are some slightly more corrupt demons that would be willing to lend a hand for a favor.

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Blessed Quiet is a simple phone based game where your are trying to place a variety of different devices to reduce the level of noise so that you can get to sleep so you can get enough sleep for the next day.

You will have to nullify the noises of your flat mates and the TV as well as external noises. To do this you have the ability to place sound disruption devices within the house. Though you must place them carefully as you need to make sure that the sound level that reaches you in bed is not above the threshold that will keep you awake.

You will have to place devices in specific patterns to disrupt and distribute the noise. As you go through the levels the volume of noise that needs to be canceled will increase but you will also gain access to things like sound proofing the walls.

The goal is to get a good nights sleep without having to break the TV.

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The year is 3165 and guess what the world hasn't ended in fact its gone pretty well man kind has spread throughout the solar system and has started making its way to the next star systems. But despite all these advancements people are still people and crime is still there. Yes the technology has gotten better at catching the suspects but unfortunately the suspects that are guilty have gotten better at avoiding the technology and have come up with technology of their own.

You are a cop in this future trying to do your best to maintain the thin blue line, but with gangs having their own stations to run and hide in it makes it hard to find and get your guy. You have to use all this new technology to try and narrow down the suspects removing those that are innocent is easy the hard part is pinning it on the right bad guy. All your missions have a time on them before the bad guy disappears back to their hiding holes.

After the first few introductory missions you are brought onto the anti-gang squad where your tasks will range from trailer members to find safe houses to busting drug smuggling operations to try and disrupt their cash flow. And so long as your bosses cant find proof of it they dont mind how you get it done.

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Golf eXtreme is a golf game with an added extra. Every course is trying to kill you and not only do you need the lowest score but you need the lowest death count to win.

Like traditional vanilla golf the goal is to get the lowest score both strokes and deaths but you don't have the time to line up the perfect shot and time the right amount of power to hit the ball with because if you stay to long in one place some horror of the course will get you.

The game will be aimed at console based play with the ability for players to use the motion control systems available to them to swing the club and try to make their shots before they die.

To make deaths seem less an end to the game they will as mentioned just add to the score they player gets for completing the course. They will have to start back at the beginning of the hole and try and make their way back to their ball.

In multiplayer mode player can choose to just play the game head to head or they can also choose the option to allow the no playing player to try and control some of the death bringing obstacles on the course.

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Rum Runner is a stealth based ship game. You are the captain of the your own vessel (call it whatever inappropriate name you want). You must navigate your way to the port towns under liquor ban and bring them the Rum.

To do this you will have to avoid government ships out to enforce the law and fight of pirates, and maybe do some pirating themselves, and the pirate ships that roam the seas looking for prey. There is also the un-tamable sea and weather to deal with trying their best to wreck you.

As the you progress through the game you can by better ships with larger sails to travel faster as well as different hull types to allow for a greater carrying capacity or to sail even faster. As you become a better smuggler you can gain the protection of the pirates as they do not wish to see the Rum gone and any pirate that attacks you would be attacked by those pirates that are no unable to get any Rum.

The final goal is to be able to set up your own fleet of smuggling ships and maybe even go legitimate.

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Posted is an FPS in which you must use your Post-It note firing gun to cover the map in post its notes and allow your stick figure man to make his way across the map. The stick man cannot move in areas that are not covered by Post-It notes or those ares covered by those of your opponents.

Game play is similar to Splatoon as the teams need to cover as much of the map Post-it notes as possible to allow their Stick man to make it to the other end of the map. However teams can get points for disrupting the opponents Stick man and by covering opposing players in Post-Its causing them to be stuck in place for a short period of time. If the teams manage to isolate the opposing Stick man and then shrink his available Post-Its down to zero they can cause him to be reset back to the start area for the opposing team.

There will also be a time limit to the games so that they do not carry on too long and when these run out the team whose Stick man has made it the furthest wins the round.

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In this infinite runner style game you are jumping and running your way up a tunnel with debris falling down it (like Legolas up a falling bridge). The aim of the game is to get as far as you can up the tunnel building the highest score you can.

In addition to just having the unbelievable ability to run up walls and gain height by jumping off falling objects you can also slice the debris (metal gear style) that is in your way so that you can jump through the gap you have created but you can use the new objects to jump off of to gain more height and a higher score.

To slice the debris the player must use the control sticks for console or the mouse for PC by swiping in the direction they want the cut to occur. Players must also control the direction they jump when they decide to jump by using the arrow keys or the other analog stick for console.

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Imagine the world as we know it has ended and all that is left are a few straggling remains of humanity and you. You have wondered throughout your life always seeking to find where you belong or where you come from. Though you can remember a time before the world fell apart you cannot remember being a child or growing up. You have no idea of who you are even as any time you have approached other people you have been driven away as humanity has devolved back to a tribal state where any outsiders are not to be trusted.

Seeking is an exploration, mystery game where you must travel through the world to try and find out who and what you are. For although you appear human you have never had to eat or drink. You are trying to find your way back to the earliest place you can remember to see if you cannot find some clues as to who you are.

The game play will primarily be exploration based but the player will also have to try and sneak around groups of people that may attack or try and talk to them and hope that they can provide you with information on your path back to where you started.

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Imagine working in a museum or arts gallery having to handle all those expensive and delicate pieces and the pressure not to drop them or squeeze them to hard. Well now you need imagine no more. Fragile i here to save you from these quandaries.

In Fragile you play as curator in either a museum or high end arts gallery and you need to move pieces around from display to storage and storage to display. You must be careful not to drop anything or hold them to hard while navigating the hallways and customers of the gallery.

The game would i ideally be played on a pressure sensitive device (such as the Sensel Morph)so that the player must control how hard they grasp the objects. However this can be over come by using the rate of button pressing for non pressure sensitive devices to make the game more challenging avoiding people and obstacles while moving pieces will rely on quick reactions and the player not breaking the pressure they are hold onto the carried piece.

If the player drops a piece and breaks it they will go into debt to their place of work. The idea of the game is to get the least debt and earn your pay check though debt builds up faster so be careful!!!

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You are the conductor of the orchestra your job is to make sure that the all the performers are playing along at the right pace and that they are all ready for the next change in the piece. The game will use the camera and the wands from PS or the Wiimote.

The goal of the game is to guide the orchestra through the best performance possible by using actions in front of the camera to control the performance. The points scoring will be similar to other rhythm type game were the longer the player is successful the more points they will get.

However the player is not restricted to only following an exact set of moves to get the points as the get more proficient at the game learning n the early levels how different commands affect the performance they can choose to change the performance from the original version so long as the changes flow into the piece (as judged by an as yet undefined algorithm).

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Based on the series by Robin Hobb. The game follows the course of the primary character Fitz Chivelry. The game would be a 3rd person view story based game with a fairly linear game play style. With the quests following on from each other progressing as the story does. The game will be primarily stealth based with the player often required to achieve mission with little cover, there will however also be a fully functional combat system.

Each area would be explorable zone with items and weapons that can be collected. As the game progresses the player will unlock new abilities granting them more choices to complete their various tasks. Due to the greater freedoms offered in a game than those found within a book the story will most likely diverge from the source material at points and allow for further development of characters and locations.

To give the player some choice in the manner in which they play the game leveling would allow the player to specialise by using a points based system to level certain abilities like those used for combat or stealth. However main abilities will be unlocked by progression through the story.

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In Manaic you play as a crazed killer working your way through the corrupt and evil of the city. Though due to your lack of sanity the line of what counts as corrupt and evil can be very subjective.

The goal of the game is to kill the evil that drove you to this insanity and (hopefully) return to some semblance of normality where the murder of others no longer seems the best option out. If at you are caught during your murder spree through the city you will be sent off to an asylum where you will degenerate further as you are driven further into insanity by the knowledge that you have failed to kill the evil.

As the main aspects of the game are to stealthily kill those who have committed evil acts and escape undetected. However due to the fact you are unstable (and you cant spell slaughter without laughter) as you approach your targets there is an increasing chance of the character breaking into manic laughter.

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Elemental is a card game that uses the elements from the periodic table as the cards with each card representing a particular element. For the more common elements at lower atomic mass end of the table there will be several copies withing the playing deck. The heavier elements may only have one or now copies in a deck.

The aim of the game is for the player to get rid of their cards the fastest by playing them out in chemical formulas. The winner of the game would be the player with the lowest points after several rounds. Each round in which a player did win they add the atomic value of each element card in their hand to their total score.

Player can make others draw more cards by playing highly reactive compounds forcing the other players to draw cards. To facilitate the ability to play complex molecules the players will have fairly large hands sizes and the deck of cards will also be fairly large to allow for players to build up a fair sized hand without running out of cards to draw. Players will be allowed to use the internet to find these combinations and to fact check their friends though this would be more of a house rule.

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In B a Movie Maker you run a studio producing movies in Hollywood, trying to make B grade movies along the lines of Sharknado.

As the manager of the studio you have to get funding and pick scripts that will get the notoriety of the "good to watch bad movies" bringing money so that you can make more movies.

The player will have to bring in actors, set designers and special effects artists who can truly bring out the best (worst) in the script. If the movie the player makes is to good to be entertainingly bad but not good enough to be good they will lose money. If the player loses to much money they will be unable to afford new scripts, actors etc. and will eventually go bankrupt.

If the player successfully makes it in the B movie market they can choose to move into the A grade movies or sell the company and retire.

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Ninja Master is a console based game that uses the camera to track the players movement. The objective of the game is to manipulate the body of the players avatar on the screen by moving their body. To avoid issues with players moving to fast for the cameras to accurately read the movement the game modes will rely more on the player being in a set position before the next obstacle reaches their avatar. Players can also compete head to head with the XBOX Kinect being able to pick up several skeletons at once.

Most of the obstacle courses will involve the players having to twist turn and manipulate their bodies into weird poses to pass through the cut out shapes. Players can also be required to jump, duck and dodge from side to side.

To keep players interested in a body controlled game the obstacle course would have interesting and unique back rounds as well as possible getting licenses from shows such as Ninja Warrior and Wipe Out to use their courses as playable options for players.

Players progress by setting high scores and unlocking newer harder levels. Challenge and leader boards will also be available in online mode. The main idea of the game is to get people active and moving without having to get anything more the the console they have.

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MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Media Design School's GDV110 students come up with a game idea a day.

daily from 2015-07-21 to 2015-09-11