Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged day44

Blessed Quiet is a simple phone based game where your are trying to place a variety of different devices to reduce the level of noise so that you can get to sleep so you can get enough sleep for the next day.

You will have to nullify the noises of your flat mates and the TV as well as external noises. To do this you have the ability to place sound disruption devices within the house. Though you must place them carefully as you need to make sure that the sound level that reaches you in bed is not above the threshold that will keep you awake.

You will have to place devices in specific patterns to disrupt and distribute the noise. As you go through the levels the volume of noise that needs to be canceled will increase but you will also gain access to things like sound proofing the walls.

The goal is to get a good nights sleep without having to break the TV.

Image Source:,width-640,resizemode-4/how-noise-cancelling-technology-for-headphones-works.jpg