Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged day46

You are fire in its purest form flame without shape capable of taking on any shape. You have been est free from your cage in the realms of the gods. Now you must try to keep ahead of them else you will be captured again and contained in a single solitary flame, your powers controlled by the gods when they see fit.

To increase you powers you must spread you flame every case of fire from ember to firestorm give you greater strength. You may choose to fire to all you come across and gain incredible power while the blaze last only to lose when it all burns away or you may choose to set your fires in small places letting early humans gain some of its power so that they may always be able to give you power whenever they fend off the dark of the night lighting an alter to you. Then you can take your fight to the gods and free yourself of them forever.

Flame will be set in an open world where the plants and life re-spawn after a time so that those who do not choose to burn it all may guarantee their survival. As the player shows more humans the power of fire their own base level of power will increase allowing them to take different forms, to travel faster and further and to fight the minions of the gods.

fire horse awesome wallpaper

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