Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged resource-gathering

Imagine you were the first living things on the planet trying to survive at the bottom of the oceans, trying to out compete your single celled siblings. The environment around you is harsh with temperature going from -20C to 500C over very short distances and volcanic vents spewing nutrient(resource) rich smoke mixed with deadly toxins.

In Amoeboid you play as a single cellular organism trying to out compete your siblings and gain the most resources so that you can continue to survive, grow adapt and evolve.

As time passes you will split and create more competition for yourself that have the same abilities that you do and can compete just as well as you. This is where your choices make the difference will you choose to be able to adapt faster so that you can out compete your offspring or will you try to become multi-cellular and out out compete the competition by working as a whole.

To win the game the player must reach a certain adaption milestone first or accumulate the most resources in a set time frame.

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