Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged puzzle-solver

Blessed Quiet is a simple phone based game where your are trying to place a variety of different devices to reduce the level of noise so that you can get to sleep so you can get enough sleep for the next day.

You will have to nullify the noises of your flat mates and the TV as well as external noises. To do this you have the ability to place sound disruption devices within the house. Though you must place them carefully as you need to make sure that the sound level that reaches you in bed is not above the threshold that will keep you awake.

You will have to place devices in specific patterns to disrupt and distribute the noise. As you go through the levels the volume of noise that needs to be canceled will increase but you will also gain access to things like sound proofing the walls.

The goal is to get a good nights sleep without having to break the TV.

Image Source:,width-640,resizemode-4/how-noise-cancelling-technology-for-headphones-works.jpg

In Maze Maker you are the one making the puzzles, the goal is for the player to make a maze.

The player is given a set amount of time to try an make a maze that cant be solved by the computer in a set amount of time. These times will change as the players progress through the levels of the game and unlock you items to put in the maze. The first several levels will be to help the player learn the best ways to make a straight edged maze the computer cannot solve in the time limit then they will be introduced to making curved edged mazes and/or incorporating curved corners into their mazes.

Failing to make the maze in time will result in the progress on that maze being reset and the players getting to try again. If the computer managed to solve the maze before its timer runs out then the player will fail the level and be given another attempt to make a maze that cannot be solved.

At higher levels the players will be able to submit their maze designs so that other players can try and solve them and get an average score based on how fast people are able to solve their mazes these uploaded mazes will be categorized by the times it took players to make the maze so that they are rated on an equal standard.

A-maze-ing Fall Fun

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Shaper is a puzzle solver game in which the player must change their shape to solve each level.

The player has the ability to change their shape between several different shapes with number of available shapes increasing as they progress through the levels. When the player wants to change shape they can select from the options available along the bottom of the screen. These will then show on the current shape where the next shapes lines will occur the player can then time the change to suite their needs. If they wish to change quickly to the next desired shape they can just double click on that shape and they will change straight away.

At the first levels the objective of each level will have a fair bit of leeway in the ability to achieve. This will slowly disappear as the player learns how to time the changes between shapes, to get the desired affect need to solve the level.

2D Shape A4 Cut Outs - 2D shape A4 cut outs, 2D shapes, 2D shape cut outs, cut outs, shape cut outs, a4 cut outs, shape A4 cut outs

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In this puzzle solver game you must use your ability to change both size of yourself and objects around you to make your way through the levels to find and save the other scientists that where trapped in the lab when everything went to hell. You are one of the scientists that was working on the size changing technology, one of the other labs in the company was working on dimensional shifting and had just started their first experiment when everything went wrong.

As the levels progress the player will gain greater ability to shrink think starting off with just the ability to shrink themselves they must use this to make their way through the first few levels where they will learn how to use the changes in size and weight to launch themselves to get to vents that are to high to reach when small and to small when big.

Time to solve puzzles will be infinite however in instances where the player ends up in a situation resulting in death they will be reset back at the beginning of the level.

Ant-Man Will Be Joined On Screen By This Beloved Marvel Hero image

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