Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged future

The year is 3165 and guess what the world hasn't ended in fact its gone pretty well man kind has spread throughout the solar system and has started making its way to the next star systems. But despite all these advancements people are still people and crime is still there. Yes the technology has gotten better at catching the suspects but unfortunately the suspects that are guilty have gotten better at avoiding the technology and have come up with technology of their own.

You are a cop in this future trying to do your best to maintain the thin blue line, but with gangs having their own stations to run and hide in it makes it hard to find and get your guy. You have to use all this new technology to try and narrow down the suspects removing those that are innocent is easy the hard part is pinning it on the right bad guy. All your missions have a time on them before the bad guy disappears back to their hiding holes.

After the first few introductory missions you are brought onto the anti-gang squad where your tasks will range from trailer members to find safe houses to busting drug smuggling operations to try and disrupt their cash flow. And so long as your bosses cant find proof of it they dont mind how you get it done.

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