Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
40 plank hand-alternation thingies
20 push-ups
20 crunches
4km demo-walking
2x10 arm lifts (2kg)
20 other arm exercise (2kg)
20 squats
3 push-upa
3x10 squats
6 boulder points™
5c lead climb
15 squats
10 push-ups
3x10 arm lifts (2kg)
15 mixed wrist exercises
2x10 push-ups
23 squats
20 biceps curls per side (4kg)
20 arm lifts (2kg)
2x16 squats
16 leg seated leg lift/extend
10 over-head ring squeezes
3 push-ups
dang it, skipped a day again.
20 push-ups
29 cross-crunches
20 boulder points
15+11 push-ups
I'm counting boulders this way now:
26 crunches
15 push-ups
that was close, realized I forgot to do it today while falling asleep and got out of bed to make it happen 😉
joined 758 days ago
Streak: 0, Longest: 20
joined 758 days ago
Streak: 0, Longest: 2
daily from
Best streak: 1, Completion: 0%
weekly from
Best streak: 2, Completion: 7%
weekly from
Best streak: 3, Completion: 55%
weekly from
Best streak: 3, Completion: 58%
daily from
Best streak: 20, Completion: 80%
weekly from
Best streak: 3, Completion: 6%