Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 5 years ago (January 5th 2020, 10 pm).
Ended 4 years ago (December 30th 2020, 10 pm).
Compose and produce a new piece of music each week. Your submission is due every Sunday at 23:59 UTC. You should aim for at least one minute of music, and should be created that week.
Late submissions: Late submissions are open. If you miss a deadline you can still submit by clicking the week on the calendar to the right. If you submit late, your post will get a big Late tag, but it will still count for your streak.
(Description lifted from Leafo's 2017 description--thanks, Leafo!)
Can't sing but oh well
Made some progress on this.
Got an A section and a B section. Want to add an A Prime and a C section at some point.
What a cool idea for a website.
I decided to get serious about learning piano to help with music production. I hope covers are allowed.
Uhh I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this
It's not actually sad, but does it have to be? Don't conform to societal expectations in regards to the meanings of words. Fight the power. Be needlessly anachronistic.