Great day for dev today! Art included :) Thinking about entering NaNoRenO as a oncept artist/co-writer for an awesome project idea. Have some owls in the the mean time!

Got a bunch done today.

  • Basic ship AI
  • Team colors
  • Range system
  • Size, defense, reload variations
  • Bullets (not working very well)
  • Target dispersal

I didn't have much time today, so I decided to do something small.

So originally the timer in game would only show the number of seconds, but now it formats it as minutes with seconds.

More doodles from A Simple Act! Busy day, trying to start Elli's chibi

So I've been working on a bunch of ships, this time I tried to change the style up a bit. Worked out pretty well!

My progression can be fully followed here:

I am currently drunk, but I want to post!

I have been working on a platformer system!~

Worked on a mockup of Fatal Allure's texbox and two completed sprites, along with cleaning Elvis' sketch from ASA!

So someone posted a simple spaceship design, so I ran with it :)

Not much today, but I did add some stuff I felt was missing from Mass Warfare.

  • Allow up to 8 players
  • Allow 0 human players
  • Colors shuffle on game start
  • All ships have been reskinned as two races, four colors each with four classes each.

Long break to finish up NaNoRenO. Here's some rusty pixel art for a platformer character named Toxki (toe-key).

So, not much time today, but I was able to get the camera work tonight.

The min and max on the x and y are calculated for entities, and then that is used to::

  • Determine the center point to "Look At"
  • Determine the scale at which to draw the scene at


Check it out working on youtube!

This was a pretty productive day. I added a new building - barracks and new resource strength. It will be used to attack other players and defend from their attacks. Also did some minor improvements not worth mentioning. :)

Yesterday's update can be found here.
In a case of any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me here or on twitter. ;)

For more updates, you should follow my twitter account - @PeterLauris and the account of Crystal Kingdom - @CrystalKingdom_.

So I was thinking that maybe a shadow title library would be cool, so I pulled something together.

I'm not impressed, and it probably won't make it into the game, but it was worth trying out.

Today I created a save/load system where the player can create a single save file and later load the game from it. It actually was easier than I had thought. I'll add an option to create multiple save files later. :)

I also did some AI studying, nothing much to tell about it, though.

If you would like to support Crystal Kingdom, please consider liking its facebook page and following it on twitter.
Yesterday's update can be found here.
In a case of any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me here or on twitter. ;)