Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
iri informed me that this is whats called bokeh balls and that they have 7 sides due to the 7 aperture blades in the nikon lenses! oh also check out the freak flares in the top, i think its the result of the old lens having no anti-reflective coating?
6400 ISO, P mode auto, 1:1 aspect ratio, cross-process jpg filter, shot mostly with 03 fish-eye, taking shots as quickly as possible with no thought.
going far from my usual style, these are a few of the images that were interesting out of the ~100 i took in that outing
back home snapping with the LX3.
got an update on the Df, damaged shutter blades, my repair guy is confident he can replace them, so it will come back to me eventually and for a repair cost i can actually cover!
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i didn't know people called them bokeh balls, funny name! old lens doing funky stuff is awesome