More submissions by 999999999 for Daily Photo Club

from december
my df might be ready to come back home soon, repair guy says it seems good, he's gonna test it thoroughly tuesday, then it's in the mail if all goes well!

photo from last august. i think it could be pushed even brighter (edit in reflection i think it is quite bright actually)

from last august, was browsing my collection and liked the colors

impromptu shoot in like 5 minutes, lighting done with an overhead projector and photos taken with lx3 on a tripod

lots id do differently in the future but it was fun (my basement does not have enough room for a clean photoshoot and ability for me to move around aiming the camera lol)

also also figured out this site will load if i use a vpn which is significantly faster than using my phone data yay

just a test snap but edited it anyway, the plushies make me happy

i still havent figured out why wont load on my network (weirdly it's the only site to have this problem since switching to this new plan & router) so im slooooooooooooooooowly uploading this on my mobile data

the lx3 is almost a great street camera... it's small and the manual focus on it actually shows you your depth of field for your given aperture, allowing for accurate zone focusing!
unfortunately there's no way to completely disable the lcd, and it chugs thru battery fast. but if i turn off the camera it 1) takes a couple seconds to be able to shoot and 2) doesnt remember my last set manual focus point x . x
despite all that i got this shot which i like quite a bit

took many pics, these were the best that didn't have huge clipped regions. proper exposure is hard on the 995.

from december, dunno why i didn't like this one at the time, it's alright

Daily Photo Club

Make photography every day!

joined 295 days ago
