how funny is it that there's a Generic American-Themed Restaurant in america (there are many of these)

After spending all day trying to nail down how to emulate the Pentax Q's "B&W IR" digital filter, I ended up giving up on getting it exactly right and created a profile I now call CRUNCH. used it to bulk process photos from a road trip to pennsylvania yesterday!

Did an impromptu shoot with a friend, wearing a shirt made by a cool artist. The Pentax Q's noise is so good for this kind of crusty suburban shoot.

I love black&white on the Q

snapped this from the passenger seat of a car, looks pretty good for a shot where I went from "oh cool that plane is flying right by the metro" to "oh shit i should photograph this" to pulling my camera out of my bag, aiming vaguely in that direction, and snapping with whatever exposure i had previously dialed in

working on a series of photos from my local Goatman Bridge

putting my glasses in front of the lens lets the camera see the world the way i see it when i wear them. theyre my favorite glasses, the tint looks especially good in wooded areas, giving everything such warm hues

i usually don't make writeups for my pictures, but i figured i might try for the first time today since this was a straightforward one to make (relative to my workflow)

since i'm noticing a growing pattern in my street composition lately, i want to get back a bit into macro photography and detail processing for a bit

i took this picture of my (fairly shitty) balcony's guardrail, and removed compositional distractions by cropping it in the rare triple square ratio

i worked on the colors a fair bit, to make the contrast more visceral, making it closer to how i feel looking at it than how it "should look". i then applied a slight noise filter on the green channel only to create some texture, then destroyed it with a skin correction algorithm to make it look even more "fake" (i tend to contradict myself while editing)

in the end, i don't think it's a very good picture but it was an interesting experiment

if you read so far, thanks ahah

Experimenting with my camera's multi exposure sim mode. I used a cloth to cover part of the lens between the exposures to expose different parts discretely. More of a proof of concept, although I do think these shots are pleasing.

didn't have much time today so i decided to work on and publish a cool phone picture i took last month

more layering, neat! mostly color and composition work, i used the base picture as an effect canvas more than anything for this one. if you know my cameras, the Z30 has a 3:2 sensor, and this picture is 4:3. this wasn't cropped, i destructively changed the aspect ratio to change proportions (not the first time i've done any of this btw)

might publish this to socials latr, i'll sit on it

I never write about my photographs but I just wanted to highlight the layers of cloud with that "aura" around the castle-like building :)

I'm not normally one for flower photos but I'm actually quite pleased with this shot. The Mountain Laurel is such a beautiful flower, and this one was being illuminated by a sliver of light passing thru the forest on a hike.

today, the picture came together really smoothly. i didn't have to think. i just did. yeah, the compositions of the two photographic captures complete each other. that's neat. maybe there's even a meaning behind this one. i won't tell you ;)

very close late submit lol

took pictures of flowers moving in the wind to see how movement would look after blending

pretty ok i'd say. i aligned the pictures by hand during layering (using the wall as a reference)

texture work!! i feel like i did something good with this one, it might take some time for me to pinpoint what exactly but i feel pretty proud abt it

my sleep sucks lol i'll try to work on two pics tomorrow to make up for my lagging day