Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Gender: comedy, action, puzzles, Adventure game, laughs
Audience: for people that action and comedy come together and form an unforgettable adventure
Platform: PlayStation 4, Android, Microsoft Windows, iOS, Mac OS
Description of the game: The game is based on a character called gabriel where he spends a night in a restaurant on Thursday where they were celebrating because his best friend Carl and his girlfriend Lusi are getting married when he teaches her a ring worth 500 million dollars bathed in several sapphires and emeralds and I did not buy it, he gave a vagabond that ring in exchange for a bag of potatoes that he bought when he went out to eat, and as expected they were drinking beers when his friend gave up vomiting, he drops his wallet and I "keep" it for him. After that, now he will have to overcome a lot of tests to travel through time and fix that mistake he made before it's too late.
The character moves with the mouse, with the left button make it move from place to place and with the right the actions come out as you observe in detail and at the bottom you will have a small diary where you show the missions, something of the story that happens and the objects that you collect so far. And at the end of each day you will sleep, but again it will be Friday as you will always have to pick up the newspaper to know what happens day after day although it is still Friday.You will be able to interact with others so that they have objects but Once in a while you will have to do it a favor in return depending on what you like. Although it is the same city of new york and there is a loop against time, there are small changes and a mystery to solve.
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Genre: Action, 2D Wrestling, simulation, role, hack and slash
Audience: for people who like to fight with their characters of their choice.
Platform: Playstation, Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch and other consoles.
Description of the game: In this game it is about fighting until you defeat your opponent. besides that he could choose his teachers and heroes from all the regions of elements, as well as heroes, gods and other characters that they like.
There will also be people with great abilities, as well as wise elements of the dimension of the vital elements as opposites, are characters who will show who is the strongest and will have their personal victories when they defeat their opponents.
Also as you advance to other levels of the story you go with a difficulty depending on the character.
In this game it has its history that at that time everything was a kingdom of peace and harmony, where they want to show that they are capable of winning who is the best elemental kingdom best.
Gameplay: the game is played by moving the controls with the move depending on things, as well as attack and defenses and supreme hits.
Accessibility: the game contains some things with blood, the player will have the right to remove with another substance and so they want to change the color depending on whether it is daltonic or not and change the controls for their comfort.
Audiencia: para gente que le gusta los combates de manera divertida y entretenida.
Género: RPG, acción, estrategia, Fantasía, Hack and Slash, co-op.
Plataforma:playstation,xbox360 y another consoles.
Descripción del juego: En este juego se basa en que había una historia de cinco campeones de diferentes dioses que habían protegido de la masa mas grande de toda la galaxia, era llamado Ultrollon donde el era un respetado rey que al final se ha convertido en un rey mago oscuro poderoso y que los 6 lo habían encarcelado bajo una tumba bajo un sello sagrado.
Eres Villán de Cornaza, eres un joven donde era casi de todo, un digno caballero que le gusta las historias más terroríficas del mundo y apasionado por descubrir un misterio capaz de descubrir la verdad, accidentalmente abriste la tumba sin aviso alguno y el rey malvado se libera para destruir al mundo. Tu objetivo principal es volver a encerrar al malvado rey, hacerse un campeón y salvar al mundo de la destrucción del malvado rey. En tu misión tendrás que vencer a cientos de enemigos y para vencerlos, y no solamente tendrás que luchar los rpg que conoces, sino que puedes transformarte en un monstruo hasta inclusive un dios para destruir a los más perversos guardianes y tendrás armas de fuego como escopeta, pistola y otros para darles fin a ese rey.
Jugabilidad: en este juego se comienza desde el principio hasta el fin con guardar partida y lo demás. Y además juegas con el ratón haciendo clicks con opciones que hagas para derrotar a tus enemigos.
Accesibilidad: en este juego puede aparecer mensajes para los sordos y cambiar los colores para aquellos que sufran de daltonismo.
Música de RPG:
Audience: for people who like to create pizzas and other things in their own way interractively, as if it were their own restaurant.
Genre: simulator, strategy, ROL, social interaction
Platforms: PC,playstation,Switch,Xbox and other consoles
Description of the game: this game is based on that you are the employee of the pizzeria and you will arrive late as always, when the boss (who in this case is Jorge but his friends say giorgio) of the restaurant leaves the order to the employee (the name of yours) in charge of the place.His goal is to create pizzas depending on the client that wants to eat, but you will also have to create not only pizzas, but pastas and everything that is eaten in a pizzeria, every 15 days you will have the fortnight, and you can improve the character, as well as the cooking machines and the restaurant itself, the main objective is to make the place pleasant for people. You will have missions as in the restaurant as outside the place, since you can also ask motorized to take people who want them in their homes. Every day is improving or worsening depending on how you handle remember that the boss is on a business trip to expand the business to other countries. Remember that you will have to make the place like the food and the rest is to your liking, because some will give their opinion about your restaurant and manage it in the possible way. In the accessibility part people who are colorblind change their color when they want, although that is asked at the beginning and for the controls they can change it when they want, for the deaf they will have the option of having a clock to say when the order of the client is ready to serve. also not only you can sell pizza, as the restaurant is winning you can add more in the menu, such as ice cream, hamburger, and other things that you can add, you can also improve the kitchen and even challenges that you can win things for your restaurant to be the best one with success unlike the others.
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Género: Simulación, acción, aventura, RPG,estrategia
Plataforma: PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch y otras.
Audiencia: Personas que quienes quieren defender y hacer justicia para bien en la cuidad de Delfinus. Edad de 10 en adelante.
Descripción del Juego: Tu eres un guarda de seguridad contratado de hace 2 años y además eres un oficial exterior quienes se dedican a proteger a la gente ya sea de revisar el auto que ese será el para trabajos de día y otro que era de noche que tenias un carro de alta tecnología y podías vigilar las cámaras y lo demás como un carro de policía, pero más avanzado.
Tu decides como quieres que sea tu trabajo puedes ser de día y de noche, pero recuerda que tienes que descansar a medida que ya vas trabajando, además tendrás que detener a los ladrones de sus malévolos planes que hallen en su país terrorismo innecesario, además a medida que ganes dinero durante tus misiones dianurias como nocturnas, recuerda que también puedes mejorar al persona como al carro que llevas para que tengas la mejor experiencia, el horror acecha a quienes vigilan el la noche así que mantente preparado por cualquier cosa, recuerda que no puedes bajar la guardia.
A medida que cumples las misiones no solo te ofrecen dinero, sino que recibirás cosas que tú mismo deberías descubrirlo y además por cada cosa que casi pierdes recibir un pequeño botín y también recibirás armas, mejoras cual te convence mas para hacer un policía con la justicia a su lado.
La accesibilidad de esto es cambiar los colores, además de cambiar los controles para tu gusto, si eres sordo aparecerán flechas si ocurre cualquier cosa, bajar o subir de volumen, cambiar de idioma a tu preferencia.
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gender: role, strategy, simulation, snooker,multiplayer
Platform: Windows 10 (PC), Mac, Nintendo Switch, Xbox 360, Playstation 4 and other platforms.
Description of the game: this game is based on the sport known as a pool game, which in this case is based on the player (or you) going against the computer and have to put as many balls before your opponent wins and if you put them all before 8 you win, but you start by choosing if you want odd or even, whatever the numbers so will be the ones you have to score to win, but avoid before putting the 8-ball because you lose. You also have the opportunity to challenge your friend or the world if you wish, but remember that you have to be the strategy to be the winner of this game.
This game is to click with the right button to the ball depending on the number you have chosen and also the distance, but you should not put the white ball because if you lose your turn and if you put the eight without putting the balls of the number you chose then you lose and you will have the opportunity to make a rematch until the opponent wins or you beat him. The goal is not to give up.
but if in case you have a physical disability, in the options button or during the game you will be asked if you suffer from something physical before playing as they have colors and the music will not be necessary if you are deaf. The goal is to have fun in the story mode or against your friends or with the world, you will also have the opportunity to change the controls for your comfort if you wish.
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Género: simulación, estrategia en tiempo real, acción, rol
Plataforma: Windows 10, Mac, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Xbox 360
Audiencia: Gente que le gusta lavar sus autos de manera interactiva
Descripción del juego: El juego empieza con una persona que se llama Jorge, y el necesita tu ayuda en un trabajo para poder vivir sin problemas, tú le diste el consejo de que gaste los ahorros tuyos y los de Jorge para ser un lugar para lavar autos. No es muy grande pero lo suficiente como atender los clientes. Tu objetivo principal es alegrar a los clientes de manera eficiente y nítida. Además, a medida que vas ganando dinero vas aumentado tu lugar, para agregar lo que quieras en tu local y decorarlo para llamar la atención de tu clientela, pero recuerda que tu objetivo principal es limpiar autos, eres jefe de tu lava autos, y puedes contratar o despedirlos si quieres y consigues dinero de la manera posible. Emperezas desde el día uno, y por cada quince días que pasan te vas ahorrando para gastar ya sea tu casa, comida, el trabajo, ect. Lo que importa realmente es ahorrar al final de cada quince día, cada semana que pasa compraras productos, herramientas como, por ejemplo, pistolas de agua e inclusive tecnología para ganar de manera instantánea sin preocupaciones, aquí tu decides como quieres que sea tu lugar de lava autos. Sin embargo, tendrás dentro de diez minutos dependiendo de lo que desea el cliente, y puedes hacer que tomes cosas que no son tuyas, pero bajara la atención del lugar, recuerda que tus acciones, pueden tener cosas buenas o malas dependiendo de como sea que quiere se tu trabajo, la historia la decides tú con la ayuda de Jorge para ver hasta donde puedes llegar con tu socio de apoyo.
Genre: Action RPG game,multiplayer
platform: Android, iOS
Audience: for teenagers 12years and older.
Description of the video game: this game is based on the story of Alberia, the kingdom where dragons live. All the members of the royal family of Alberia have the ability Transformation of Dragon, where the power of a dragon can be used forming a pact with that same dragon. One day something strange happens in the kingdom. The Sacred Crystal that is protected by the capital of the kingdom begins to lose its power. To save the people of his kingdom, the Seventh Prince (you), and who has not yet made a pact with a dragon, embarks on his dragon selection test. At that very moment he will have to find the most hidden dragons and powerful to defeat the malevolent Darvadiver of his plan before he destroys the kingdom of Alberia.Dragalia is a role-playing game that has touch screen controls. Characters attack by just pressing your finger on the screen and you can dodge enemy attacks by sliding your finger in the desired direction. Each character has an affinity to an element that is an important part of the combat system, since one element is stronger than another but also weak against another element. The characters have their own classes as fighters, curators and even archers. The game can be enjoyed completely as a single player although you can also play in multiplayer. You can also choose your dragons and improve their skills and those of your teammates to be the best team.
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Género: acción, aventura, estrategia
Plataforma: Nintendo Switch y 3ds, xbox360, playstation 4
Audiencia: Para el publico general, 8 años en adelante o para los fanáticos de esta película
Descripción del Juego: En este juego se basara en la historia de la película conocida como “Como entrenar a tu dragón 3” en este caso el personaje que controlaras a hipo y su banda a si mismo como sus dragones y puedes intercámbialos cuando quieras, ellos se enfrentaran a un temible villano que condenara a los dragones y controlarlos para que hagan sus órdenes, tu misión es salvar a los dragones de su destino cruel y que ellos podrán descansar en paz. Este juego incluye modos dependiendo sea su comodidad, si usa la mano izquierda o la derecha, también estará la opción de disparar a enemigos incluso si no puedes hacer dependiendo de lo que te guste también habrá más opciones de controles para su comodidad. Además de proteger la nueva aldea de berck como también acariciar a tus dragones favoritos y decorarlos a tu gusto y se agregaran poderes para vencer más fácil a tu rivales, necesitaran tu ayuda para derrotar al mas temible villano antes de que sea tarde.
Imagen relacionada:
Jorge y Campeones de la luz: La Amenaza oscura
Género: Acción, aventura.
Plataforma (Nintendo Switch)
Audiencia: Para gente que la acción y la aventura son divertidas y de grandes retos y de gran libertad
Descripción: En este juego se trata de un príncipe-rey llamado Jorge que hay un reino lleno de alegría y justicia que junto a sus hermanos campeones elegidos por los dioses de varios elementos de muchas regiones se unen para destrozar a una amenaza existente desde hace muchos años y además de enorme rival llamado jorge oscuro que quiere venganza por haberlo dejando en el mundo de la oscuridad prisionero. Los héroes tendrán que derrotar la enorme amenaza para no solamente aumentar los poderes de los campeones sino el de Jorge que es el jefe de los campeones y utilizar para encerrar a la mayor amenaza con la gran Espada de la luz eterna con misiones que harán que esto sea una aventura fuera de serie.
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Now THIS is a premise! Poor Lusi...could this journey be worth it? That guy seems very irresponsible!
As a point and click adventure, this works pretty well. I would have just liked to know what kind of puzzles you would encounter while trying to solve the mystery.
Try to be mindful of your grammar, and don't forget accesibility options!