Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Plataforma: iOS, Android
Objetivo de audiencia: Todas las edades, personas a las que les gusta la adrenalina
Género: Multiplayer, 3D, Aventura
Este juego se trata de una persona que tiene un auto antiguo. Lo que se hará es intentar hacer llegar el carro al destino que la chica quiere llegar sin que el auto se apague o salga algún daño. Cada vez que el carro llega al destino, habrá un siguiente destino, el cual estará más lejos, y los daños del auto serán cada vez mayores.
El jugador, para arreglar los ruidos deberá mantener presionada la parte resaltada en la pantalla para arreglar el problema.
La música del juego será una música rock, si el personaje elegido por el jugador es hombre, y música pop romántica si el personaje elegido por el jugador es mujer.
Genre: 2D, Party, Time Management
Target Audience: Perfect for people who like time-eater games and who like time management games.
Platform: Nintendo 3DS (3D mode will not exist), Mobile (iOS, Android)
This game is about Aimee, who is frustrated because everyone misspells her name. She wants to change her name legally to Amy, the name everyone misspells to. When she goes to the Town Hall to change her name, she has to do 100 hours of community service to be able to change her name legally.
What you’re going to do is that you need to complete the activities Aimee has to do to accomplish the 100 hours. The activities will be picked randomly. The activities will be:
The gameplay will be like this:
Each activity is a minigame. The least hours the activity gives you, the faster you’ll finish the activity, and the most hours, the slower you’ll finish the activity.
If you don’t achieve the objective of the minigame, you’ll get more community service hours. If you get over 150 hours of community service, you’ll restart the game from zero.
The Nintendo 3DS functionality will be like this:
In mobile, you’ll only get the chance to see how you’re doing so far when the minigame is done.
Image credits: (name insertion has been edited.)
Target Audience: Perfect for people who like to play escape room-ish games, and like to solve mysteries.
Genre: Mystery Solving, 3D,
Platform: Mobile (iOS, Android)
You're contacted by a friend of yours that needs to get a box that "disappeared" recently. He doesn't give you any details of how the box is, he only gives you a black-and-white picture of the box. Your friend knocks you out. You wake up in a room inside a 3-story house. While you explore the house, the picture gets more color when you're approaching where the picture is hidden.
When you enter the kitchen, your phone will vibrate until you get to the fridge. You see a crack on the wall, resembling a door. When you pull the left side of the fridge, you enter a secret room. On the secret room you need to solve a riddle on a note. The riddle will be something on the room. When you find the thing in the room, a door will unlock and the picture will get more color.
You enter another secret room, where the box is inside a safe. You need to find the other thing the note in the table tells you to find. When you find the other thing, the safe key will fall from the roof. When you unlock the safe, you get the box, the same box as the picture. When you unbox what’s inside, you find a lot of money. You either give it back to your friend or keep it.
If you decide to give it back to your friend, you get an even better reward. If you decide to keep it, you’ll go to jail because the money was drug money and all your belongings will be taken away.
The secret rooms will look somewhat alike as the image below.
Image credits:
Target Audience: Perfect for people who love to play board games with friends and perfect for people who are very competitive.
Genre: Board game, 2-4 players, Party game
This game is about surviving a day in High School, dealing with the normal things teenagers have during their high school years, like being bullied, have bad grades, or going to detention for doing something inappropriate.
This game will have a board where you need to survive a day in HS, with (?) cards, mini-games on some spots on the board. Some cards have the risk of going to detention. If you have detention, you'll lose 1 or 2 turns, depending on the card. If you lose a mini-game, you will go to detention and lose one turn.
If you land on a mini-game spot (marked with M), you will choose with which player you want to play the mini-game, which will be Rock, Paper, Scissors. The loser of the mini-game will go to detention and lose one turn. The winner stays on the spot. When you get out of detention, you will land on the spot where you had detention and wait for your turn.
This game will use a dice. The dice will be a 6-sided dice, only numbered from 1 to 3. Each number will be printed in the dice 2 times. Each player will get the change to throw the dice, and whoever gets the lowest number of the dice diced, gets to begin the game. If the owner of the game loses the dice, the owner is also able to play the game with a common dice (numbered from 1 to 6), but the numbers 4-6 will act as 1-3.
The game will feature 8 figurines, with 8 different colors. For colorblind people, each figurine will feature a symbol, different from one another.
**Images created on MS Paint.
Target Audience: Competitive people that love card games and are able to make impulsive decisions with ease.
Genre: Cards, Strategy, Agility
In this card game, you will use standard cards. You will put 2 cards in the center of the table and you'll have 5 cards exposed in front of you and 19 cards in your hand (your opponent has the remainder of cards). What you need to do is to make a run of cards in the center of the table. For example, you have a 5 and a Q as the two central cards. You need to put a 4 or a 6 where the 5 is, or a K or a J where the Q is. When both stacks have the same card exposed (i.e. a 2), you'll need to touch both stacks and yell "BAM!". If you yell it first, your opponent will take both stacks, and put one card of each in the center of the table; otherwise, you will take both stacks, losing the chance to win. The first one that has no cards wins the game.
You will use all of the cards, except for the Joker cards. Those will be put aside.
There will be times that no movements will be possible between the player and the opponent. In those cases, the player that has fewer cards in their stack (or no stack whatsoever) wins the game.
The runs follow this order:
A-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-J-Q-K-A, or A-K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-A. The order doesn't need to be followed as instructed. You can put a 10 in a stack and your opponent can put a 9 in the stack where you put the 10.
If you want to win the game you need to be very fast! And don't forget to yell BAM!
Image credits:
Genre: 2D, Strategy, Time management
Target Audience: People who like to play games to spend some time playing games to release stress.
Platform: iOS, Android
Your mom told you to clean the house before she gets back from running some errands. Instead of cleaning, you left the house and went to the movies. In the middle of the movie, you get a text from your mom saying that she'll be back home at a certain time. Within that time, you need to get home and clean it in its entirety, or she'll take away your weekly allowance for a month.
The game will have 3 stages:
You will begin in the easy stage. If you succeed, you'll be passing to the next stage. If you don't, you'll lose your allowance and Game Over!
To clean the house, you need to vacuum the living room, do the dishes, clean the rooms, do laundry (only in Have To Do It Now and Save Me Lord stages) and rearrange the table (only in SML). The shortest time will be doing laundry, the dishes and rearrange the table (only in the SML stage); while the longest will be to clean the rooms and vacuum the living room. To do everything, the player will only need to tap the space that needs to be clean.
The visual art of the game will be a 2D, 8-bit art, to provide a throwback, arcade look to the game; perfect for 80's fans.
The game will have no ambient music. It will run on fx to simulate the cleaning:
Image credits:
Target Audience: People that are into history, simulations and have a love of airplanes and flying.
Genre: 3D, Simulation
Platform: PC
You're someone who is in love with airplanes. You're in your room, watching TV and you see something shining from across the hall. You go see what's going on. When you enter the room where the shine is from, you travelled back in time. You travelled back to 1935, to fly the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, flown by the US Military in World War II. You will be given some missions to accomplish while flying the aircraft before takeoff. What you need to do is to fly the aircraft without crashing, and accomplishing the missions the US Military Army give you. The missions they assign you are:
On some missions the airplane will be alright, on others, the plane will have some problems, like one wheel of the landing gear popped or a wing of the airplane broke, destabilizing the plane. On the emergency landing, you will have more severe problems in the aircraft, like one of the engines of the plane is non-functional or the landing gear won't open.
The player will be able to put the music they have saved on their music library.
Image credits:
Objetivo de Audiencia: Personas a las que les guste pasar el tiempo con juegos que desafíen sus reflejos.
Género: 3D, Persecución
Plataforma: iOS, Android, Windows Phone
Estás en una biblioteca y estás buscando un libro que necesitas para terminar una tarea que el profesor más estricto de la universidad te pidió con 3 meses de antelación, y la dejaste para último momento. Resulta ser que el libro que necesitas lo alquiló una persona antes que tú. Esa persona es Greg, alguien con que no te llevas. Los ves saliendo de la biblioteca. Greg te dice que si lo alcanzas te llevas el libro y terminas tu tarea, pero si llega a su residencia estudiantil, se queda con el libro y obtienes una F por no terminar la tarea. Los amigos de Greg han puesto obstáculos por toda la universidad para que se te sea mas difícil alcanzarlo.
Lo que tienes que hacer es alcanzar a la Greg para que puedas terminar tu tarea y obtener una calificación decente. Habrán 3 lados por el cual puedes correr: izquierdo, centro y derecho. Los obstáculos con los que te encontrarás son libro amontonados para saltar, cables bastante extendidos para saltar, barras de limbo para saltar o deslizarse (dependiendo de la altura) y personas que estorban tu camino. En el camino te encontrarás con monedas y ventajas que te ayudarán a alcanzar a Greg más rápido. Los ventajas serán:
Las monedas sirven para incrementar la duración de las ventajas, y cambiar el vestuario del personaje principal. El juego tendrá actualizaciones para cada temporada del año, Halloween, Navidad y el día nacional del país en donde el jugador dice que reside.
La música del juego será una música de persecución (créditos: Si alcanzas a Greg, tendrás una música de victoria (créditos:; comenzar desde 0:00-0:07); de lo contrario, obtendrás una música de derrota (créditos:; comenzar desde el minuto 0:25-0:50).
Target Audience: People who like drama, mysteries and action.
Genre: Shooter, Interactive Movie, 3D
Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One
It will take place in Boston, where Danny lives. Danny is a 40-year-old man who's having the best time of his life: beautiful wife, wonderfully educated kids, a big house and the CEO of COMMANDO Inc.. One day, he gets the bad news that his wife and kids died when she picked them up from soccer practice and suffered a traffic accident. Danny, devastated about the news, goes MIA, trying to move on, until he gets a call from Sean. Sean tells him that the traffic accident was staged, which leaves Danny shocked.
Days have passed since the encounter and Sean calls him again to meet at the café. A reluctant Danny accepts to go meet him. Sean was able to retrieve an audio footage from the person that wanted his family dead, proving he was right. The traffic accident was staged. When Sean proves his point, a sniper tried to shoot Danny a headshot. When the sniper is pulling the trigger, he gets a phone call. His phone ringing scared him and pulled the trigger by accident. The shot accidentally killed someone else at the café. Danny, Sean, the customers and staff of the café ran away and Danny drove to his place with Sean.
Sean tells Danny that he got the footage from POLYAC (the player takes Sean's position, in a flashback, infiltrating the company to get the footage.) POLYAC is the main competitor of Danny's company. Sean tells him that he has a plan. He gives Danny a Desert Eagle to shoot Andy Wowznick, POLYAC's CEO, but must remain unnoticed inside POLYAC. Danny agrees and goes to kill that person.
When Danny gets to Andy he has to kill, he tells Danny that he knows who he is and who sent him to kill him; that it was Sean who staged the traffic accident; that Sean has plans to take over his company. He then shows a video footage of Sean staging the traffic accident, getting everything organized in POLYAC to kill his family. Danny, enraged, shoots at the person. Even more enraged, Danny goes to Sean's house to confront him if he's lying or not. Sean lies, and then Danny shows the video footage he got from Andy. Sean then finds out that he can't lie anymore.
Danny has to choose on whether let Sean go away or kill him on the spot with the very same Desert Eagle Sean gave to him. If Sean goes away, Sean, ironically, dies in a traffic accident, but it's his fault this time because he was speeding on the highway, afraid of what would happen if Danny catches him. But, if Sean is killed on the spot, Danny let all of his demons go away, leave the company to the COO and move to the woods, leaving everything he had behind.
The game will take place in a third-person camera angle. If the player wants to, he/she can see everything on first-person perspective (through Danny's eyes).
Controls (when on foot):
X-A (hold): Run
X-A (multiple clicks): Sprint
Square-X: Interact
Circle-B: Jump
Triangle-Y: Toggle to see everything on Danny's perspective
Left joystick: Move
Right joystick: Change camera angle
L2-LT: Aim
R2-RT: Shoot
L3-L3: Take cover
R3-R3: Reset camera angle
Touch Pad-Right: Change camera zoom
Controls (when driving):
R2-RT: Accelerate
L2-LT: Brake
Circle-B: Handbrake
X-A: Look back
Triangle-Y: Get inside/leave the car
Square-X: Look back
Left joystick: Steer
Right joystick: Change camera angle
L3-L3: Honk
R3-R3: Reset camera angle
L1-LB (hold) and right joystick or scroll of touch pad (Only PS4): Change radio station
The game will have a wide variety of ambient music. When the ambient is intense, intense music will come up. When Danny arrives at POLYAC, POLYAC has an orchestra in the background. The café will have a chill music; and, when driving, the player will have the choice of what they want to listen to. There will be 6 radio stations, each with different programming.
Objetivo de audiencia: Todas las edades, perfecto para personas que les gusta usar su mente para resolver acertijos y que les guste tomar decisiones de último segundo, con giros repentinos.
Género: 3D, Aventura, Estrategia
Plataforma: PC, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live
Estás caminando por la calle y ves que hay un arcade. Cuando entras al arcade, te das cuenta que eso que vio era un banner. El banner se cae y ves que estás en un laberinto. No puedes salir, porque la puerta está cerrada. Lo que tienes que lograr es escapar el laberinto. A medida que vas avanzando el laberinto, te irás encontrando 8 personajes que te ayudarán a encontrar el camino correcto para llegar al final del laberinto. Para lograr que cada personaje te acompañe, tienes que jugar un juego de Piedra, Papel y Tijeras. Los animales usarán un papel con la palabra escrita para representar su opción, mientras que tú usarás tus manos para representar la tuya. Si ganas el juego, logras que el personaje te acompañe y te guía al próximo personaje.
Cuando te encuentras con el último personaje, debes decidir a qué personajes abandonas. Sólo puedes llegar al fin del laberinto con un solo personaje. Cuando llegas al final del laberinto, ya puedes salir del lugar libremente, pero, cuando sales, el personaje que elegiste que te acompañe se desvanecerá en el aire y olvidarás la existencia de todo lo que pasó en el laberinto.
Los 8 personajes serán
El juego se juega, en PC, con los controles W para ir hacia adelante, A para ir hacia la izquierda, S para ir hacia atrás y D para ir hacia la derecha; y el minijuego de Piedra, Papel y Tijeras se jugará con el mouse:
Mientras que en las consolas se jugará enteramente con los joysticks izquierdos y derechos de cada control y el minijuego se jugará con el joystick izquierdo solamente, junto con la X para validar la información en PlayStation, mientras que en Xbox se utilizará la A para validar la opción.
El juego tendrá una música de bongoes con unas aves de fondo (créditos:; y, en el Piedra, Papel y Tijeras, habrá una música relajante (créditos:
Platform: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC, macOS
Genre: Construction, 3D
Target Audience: All ages, perfect for creative people to get ideas to build things and to let go their imagination.
This game is about grouping up dominos to make a domino fall down effect. You choose where to put the dominos and what you want to create, like a drawing, or words, or a maze that write down something... It's up to your imagination.
The player will have a wide variety of colors to paint each domino. Players using the MacBook Pro with Touch Bar are able to scroll through the maze with more ease. The game will have three modes (two on macOS):
The Augmented Reality mode is made especially for iOS devices, since the newest update includes ARkit, where the developer is able to create things in augmented reality look very realistic.
The game will play the player's music by demand. In Effect Mode, the player is able to upload the domino effect with music of their choice.
Genre: Interactive Fiction, 3D, Sci-Fi
Platform: Console (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U)
Target Audience: 13+, people who likes sci-fi and adventure.
This game is about a 13-year-old Jenny, waking up in her room. She shouted her mother's name. No response. She approaches to her mother's room and she's not there. The house is empty. Jenny grabs her phone and sees that any of her friends are able to find their parents. Her friends meet her at her place and decide to go around the city to see why aren't there any adults around. While they go exploring the streets, they get clues on their phones on how to get them back. It turns out that the parents were hypnotized and were ruled to go to Boise, Idaho.
When Jenny finds that out, they decide to grab a car and go to Boise, when any of them knows how to drive. While they were almost halfway to Boise, they encounter some people shooting the car and suffer an accident. Thankfully, all of them are OK and go to Boise by bus. When they arrive at Boise, they see that all the adults are walking around the city, zombified, wearing a Fallon shirt. Fallon is the company that hypnotized the parents. That company is an ISP (Internet Service Provider) that provides the fastest and most reliable internet in the world, with offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Morocco, Paraguay and Nicaragua, providing internet service to the globe.
The teens arrive at Fallon Headquarters and smash all the computers they see. By doing that, they dehypnotize the adults and the adults are feeling lost. The teens cry when they see their parents and head back to Portland. The next day, Jenny and her mother are drinking smoothies and walking by the shore.
The game will have no music when the teens are walking. When they enter Fallon HQ, the place will have a jazz version of Let It Be by The Beatles; and, when the teens are driving to Boise, the car will have rock music, by the teens choice.
Plataforma: Móvil (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)
Género: Single Player, 2D, Estrategia, Manejo del Tiempo, Pixel Art
Objetivo de audiencia: Personas de 8-60 años, personas que les guste jugar para pasar el tiempo.
Este juego se trata de una noche de talentos en una escuela primaria en la que cada preparativo para el show sale mal. Lo que hay que hacer es intentar llevar el show como se programó, sin cambios repentinos en los actos y que todos los estudiantes inscritos para participar en el show participen. Mientras un show está siendo presentado, un preparativo para otro show sale mal y hay que hacer todo lo posible para que esa presentación salga lo mejor posible. El jugador tocará cada cuarto de backstage en donde salga un signo de exclamación (!) para arreglar el problema de qué sucede y habrá un mini juego para resolver el problema. Cuando el problema está resuelto, depende del nivel en que se juegue el juego para ver si el problema vuelve a surgir o si se queda así.
Habrá 4 niveles: tranquilo, normal, caos y completa desgracia y lo único que usará el jugador para jugar el juego es la pantalla del celular. En los niveles tranquilo y normal el problema no surgirá nuevamente, mientras que en caos y completa desgracia, el problema surgirá nuevamente y será más difícil solucionar el problema de acuerdo al nivel en que se esté jugando.
El juego no tendrá música de ambiente. La música de ambiente serán los niños practicando sus actos para la noche de talentos y los padres de los niños ayudándolos con sus presentaciones.
Género: Carreras, 3D, Shooter
Plataforma: Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PS4, Xbox One
Target de Audiencia: Personas de 18 a 30 años, personas que les encanta las carreras con un toque de acción y adrenalina.
Este juego está ambientado en Miami. Se trata de un chico llamado Stan, que cuando llega de un entrenamiento de fútbol americano, se encuentra a su padre en el piso, muerto. En la autopsia confirman que su padre fue envenenado. Cuando Stan s enteró del resultado de la autopsia, él se dio la misión de encontrar al asesino de su padre, que se encuentra en Seattle. El asesino se encontraba en una misión para matar al padre de Stan. Mientras Stan viaja por el país, en varias ciudades que visita se encuentra con secretos que su padre ocultaba de él a lo largo de su vida, además de conocer personas que lo ayudarán a encontrar al asesino de su padre. En cada ciudad capital de cada estado en la que Stan vaya, él tendrá que correr una carrera dos oponentes. Si Stan no gana la carrera, Stan no podrá salir de la ciudad y tendrá que esperar 24 horas (10 minutos reales) y ganar la carrera. En cada ciudad que vaya, se encuentra con un arma que lo ayudará a matar al asesino de su padre para cuando llegue a Seattle. En el momento en que llegue a Seattle, tendrá que encontrar el edificio en donde se encuentra el asesino. Cuando llega, tendrá que disparar a cada persona que lo detenga para llegar al asesino, para cuando llega a la oficina del presunto asesino, se encuentra una carta que el asesino le escribió para que se lo encuentre en Pike Place (una plaza muy popular en Seattle). Cuando llega a Pike Place, Stan ve al asesino, para darse cuenta que el asesino era su abuelo. Su abuelo vive en Seattle. El abuelo mató a su padre porque el padre de Stan nunca quiso que él fuese parte de su vida, conllevándolo a que no conociera a Stan. La historia se acaba en base a la decisión de Stan, si matar a su abuelo o no matarlo y no hablarle nuevamente en su vida.
Se juega con las teclas WASD y nitro se activa con N, se dispara con espacio y se cubre con C.
El soundtrack del juego depende de la música que el usuario elija. Tiene a disposición la librería de música del juego, (que tiene, por lo menos, 5 géneros musicales: Top 40, Jazz, Rock/Metal, Opera y Country) y su librería musical guardada en la computadora.
Platform: Mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)
Genre: Life Simulation, Puzzle
Target Audience: 13-30 year-olds, people that like real life situations.
This game is about you trying to explain something to your family. You choose how you want to tell the story with having all kinds of personalities in one room. Let's say you are going to tell you family you're going on a 4-month trip to Greece. You have your mom, your dad, your little siblings and your grandparents. You have to explain the trip to the family without any member of the family overreacting. If any member of the family overreacts you'll lose and have to explain the entire thing all over again until you get to explain the full thing with the family's approval. The parents are overprotective, the siblings are afraid that you'll leave them forever and the grandparents try to do anything to keep you there and not going anywhere.
You can choose where the course is going, but be careful to make a member of the family overreact the situation. You'll lose if that happens.
The game will have some chill music in the beginning, but if any member of the family starts overreacting, the music will become less chill all the way until it becomes to rock music.
At launch, the game will have three main topics on what you want to tell the family. These topics are:
-Going on a trip to somewhere in the world.
-You have a love relationship.
-You're going to move somewhere far from the family.
The game will be updated weekly, with more topics based on the thee main topics launched with the game.
Género: Single Player, Endless
Plataforma: VR (Google Daydream View, Samsung Gear VR 2017)
Target de audiencia: Niños de 9 años a personas de 25 años.
El juego se trata de un chico llamado Guy que sale a la calle a caminar. Se le aproximan personas, animales y objetos que frustran la tranquilidad que le da caminar a Guy. Si los personajes tocan a Guy 5 veces, se acaba la sesión.
Lo que hay que hacer es que Guy se deshaga de los personajes que no le agradan, mientras que los mismos se le van aproximando por todo su alrededor, sin importar en qué ambiente esté Guy. Guy golpeará a los personajes que se le acercan, con sus puños. A medida que Guy llega más lejos, recibirá power-ups, como nudillos de acero, una daga o un bate. Los power-ups desaparecerán 10 segundos después de aparecer. Guy caminará automáticamente. Mientras pasa el tiempo, Guy caminará más lento. Para golpear a los personajes, se utiliza el control del visor VR.
La música de ambiente dependería del ambiente en donde se encuentre Guy. Si sería en un parque, se pondrían sonidos de pajaritos cantando; si fuese en la ciudad, se pondrían sonidos de pitos de carros y gente gritando...
Habrán varios mapas en donde Guy podrá caminar. Se desbloquean por medio de cuánto camine Guy en la historia del juego. El primer mapa desbloqueable sería el de ciudad, en donde Guy tendrá que caminar 10,000m para desbloquear la ciudad. El área polar se desbloqueará después de caminar 25,000m y así, hasta el último mapa, el cual sería el Ártico, en donde se desbloquea después de caminar 500.000m.
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