Target Audience: Perfect for people who love to play board games with friends and perfect for people who are very competitive.
Genre: Board game, 2-4 players, Party game
This game is about surviving a day in High School, dealing with the normal things teenagers have during their high school years, like being bullied, have bad grades, or going to detention for doing something inappropriate.
This game will have a board where you need to survive a day in HS, with (?) cards, mini-games on some spots on the board. Some cards have the risk of going to detention. If you have detention, you'll lose 1 or 2 turns, depending on the card. If you lose a mini-game, you will go to detention and lose one turn.
If you land on a mini-game spot (marked with M), you will choose with which player you want to play the mini-game, which will be Rock, Paper, Scissors. The loser of the mini-game will go to detention and lose one turn. The winner stays on the spot. When you get out of detention, you will land on the spot where you had detention and wait for your turn.
This game will use a dice. The dice will be a 6-sided dice, only numbered from 1 to 3. Each number will be printed in the dice 2 times. Each player will get the change to throw the dice, and whoever gets the lowest number of the dice diced, gets to begin the game. If the owner of the game loses the dice, the owner is also able to play the game with a common dice (numbered from 1 to 6), but the numbers 4-6 will act as 1-3.
The game will feature 8 figurines, with 8 different colors. For colorblind people, each figurine will feature a symbol, different from one another.
**Images created on MS Paint.
Plataforma: iOS, Android
Objetivo de audiencia: Todas las edades, personas a las que les gusta la adrenalina
Género: Multiplayer, 3D, Aventura
Este juego se trata de una persona que tiene un auto antiguo. Lo que se hará es intentar hacer llegar el carro al destino que la chica quiere llegar sin que el auto se apague o salga algún daño. Cada vez que el carro llega al destino, habrá un siguiente destino, el cual estará más lejos, y los daños del auto serán cada vez mayores.
El jugador, para arreglar los ruidos deberá mantener presionada la parte resaltada en la pantalla para arreglar el problema.
La música del juego será una música rock, si el personaje elegido por el jugador es hombre, y música pop romántica si el personaje elegido por el jugador es mujer.