Submissions by adrian.campbell tagged time-management

Genre: 2D, Party, Time Management
Target Audience: Perfect for people who like time-eater games and who like time management games.
Platform: Nintendo 3DS (3D mode will not exist), Mobile (iOS, Android)

This game is about Aimee, who is frustrated because everyone misspells her name. She wants to change her name legally to Amy, the name everyone misspells to. When she goes to the Town Hall to change her name, she has to do 100 hours of community service to be able to change her name legally.

What you’re going to do is that you need to complete the activities Aimee has to do to accomplish the 100 hours. The activities will be picked randomly. The activities will be:

  • Pick up litter in the park. (5 hours)
  • Help senior citizens. (10 hours)
  • Do car license plates. (20 hours)
  • Organize a food drive. (10 hours)
  • Archive papers at the Town Hall. (5 hours)
  • Help build homeless people homes. (40 hours)
  • Be a volunteer at the hospital. (20 hours)
  • Plant trees. (15 hours)
  • Organize a book donation to the library (15 hours)
  • Organize a fundraiser. (10 hours)

The gameplay will be like this:
Each activity is a minigame. The least hours the activity gives you, the faster you’ll finish the activity, and the most hours, the slower you’ll finish the activity.

  • By organizing and archiving, you’ll move the papers and the things where it should be. It will be color-coded. (If the user is colorblind, he/she can activate the colorblind option, which will give symbols to the color code). If you organize everything within the time limit, you’ll win the minigame.
  • By doing car license plates, you’ll get a Scrabble-like minigame, where you need to make words for the license plates (the license plate must have existing words in the English language). By each license plate done, you’ll get more scrambled letters. If you finish 10 plates within the time limit (1 minute), you’ll win the minigame.
  • By picking up litter in the park, you’ll need to pick up every litter around and send it to the trash can in time. If you get to dump everything around, you’ll win the minigame.
  • By helping senior citizens, you need to help them cross the street when assigned. You’ll only get half a second to tap the touchscreen and cross the senior citizen. If you do it within that time, you’ll win the minigame.
  • By planting trees, you’ll get 5 seeds. You need to plant the seeds in the assigned areas in time. If you do it, you’ll win the minigame.
  • By volunteering at the hospital, you’ll need to please 5 patients, only by touching the patient room where the red ! is. If you do it, you’ll win the minigame.

If you don’t achieve the objective of the minigame, you’ll get more community service hours. If you get over 150 hours of community service, you’ll restart the game from zero.

The Nintendo 3DS functionality will be like this:

  • The top screen will show the time remaining, if the objective is completed in the minigame and the total community service hours gained so far. In the activity choosing section, it will show which activity the player need to complete for 2 seconds.
  • The bottom screen will be only used to play the minigame. The bottom screen will only work in the activity choosing section if the player presses pause in the console.

In mobile, you’ll only get the chance to see how you’re doing so far when the minigame is done.

Image credits: (name insertion has been edited.)

Genre: 2D, Strategy, Time management
Target Audience: People who like to play games to spend some time playing games to release stress.
Platform: iOS, Android

Your mom told you to clean the house before she gets back from running some errands. Instead of cleaning, you left the house and went to the movies. In the middle of the movie, you get a text from your mom saying that she'll be back home at a certain time. Within that time, you need to get home and clean it in its entirety, or she'll take away your weekly allowance for a month.

The game will have 3 stages:

  • Chill: you'll be able to clean the house with a lot of time in advance, and the cleaning will happen very fast.
  • Have to do it now: you'll clean the house with some time in advance, and the cleaning will happen somewhat fast.
  • Save Me Lord: you'll clean the house with little to no time in advance, and the cleaning will happen slowly.

You will begin in the easy stage. If you succeed, you'll be passing to the next stage. If you don't, you'll lose your allowance and Game Over!

To clean the house, you need to vacuum the living room, do the dishes, clean the rooms, do laundry (only in Have To Do It Now and Save Me Lord stages) and rearrange the table (only in SML). The shortest time will be doing laundry, the dishes and rearrange the table (only in the SML stage); while the longest will be to clean the rooms and vacuum the living room. To do everything, the player will only need to tap the space that needs to be clean.

The visual art of the game will be a 2D, 8-bit art, to provide a throwback, arcade look to the game; perfect for 80's fans.

The game will have no ambient music. It will run on fx to simulate the cleaning:

  • Washing machine sound
  • Vacuum noise
  • Water running sound
  • Glass plate sound

Image credits:

Plataforma: Móvil (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)

Género: Single Player, 2D, Estrategia, Manejo del Tiempo, Pixel Art

Objetivo de audiencia: Personas de 8-60 años, personas que les guste jugar para pasar el tiempo.


Este juego se trata de una noche de talentos en una escuela primaria en la que cada preparativo para el show sale mal. Lo que hay que hacer es intentar llevar el show como se programó, sin cambios repentinos en los actos y que todos los estudiantes inscritos para participar en el show participen. Mientras un show está siendo presentado, un preparativo para otro show sale mal y hay que hacer todo lo posible para que esa presentación salga lo mejor posible. El jugador tocará cada cuarto de backstage en donde salga un signo de exclamación (!) para arreglar el problema de qué sucede y habrá un mini juego para resolver el problema. Cuando el problema está resuelto, depende del nivel en que se juegue el juego para ver si el problema vuelve a surgir o si se queda así.

Habrá 4 niveles: tranquilo, normal, caos y completa desgracia y lo único que usará el jugador para jugar el juego es la pantalla del celular. En los niveles tranquilo y normal el problema no surgirá nuevamente, mientras que en caos y completa desgracia, el problema surgirá nuevamente y será más difícil solucionar el problema de acuerdo al nivel en que se esté jugando.

El juego no tendrá música de ambiente. La música de ambiente serán los niños practicando sus actos para la noche de talentos y los padres de los niños ayudándolos con sus presentaciones.