Submissions from 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-18 (11 total)

Plataforma: PC

Género: 2D, Adventure, Action, Shoot em Up, Hack and Slash, Thriller
Audiencia: Jugadores que les encantas unos ambientes terroríficos y monstruos aterradores que derrotar este juego da la experiencia de enfrentarte demonios y criaturas de ultratumba que tendrás que derrotar para librar las calles de su mal. Este juego invita aquellos que tiene un deseo de sentirse capaces de derrotar un enemigo más poderoso que ellos, pero usando su fuerza, ingenuidad y destreza.

Descripción del juego: en las calles de vieja Inglaterra en tiempo durante la primera guerra mundial las calles de Londres se infestan por las noches de monstruos de ultratumba asechan las noches llenas de neblina, atraídas por la tristeza y desesperación que causa la guerra trataran de ataca a cualquier desafortunado que caiga en su camino.
Eres uno de los soldados que regresaron temprano por razones medicas y abrumado por no poder más a tu país una sección secreta del gobierno te enlista en un comando secreto para deshacerte de estos monstruos. Te moverás en un mapa lleno de calles estrechas y cementerios abiertos y peligrosos cuando la niebla este mas espesa. Armado con armas y sables que encuentres por el mapa o equipas al principio de una misión deberás explorar y cazar todos los monstruos que te piden cazar. Cada misión tendrá ciertos requisitos para completar. Apuntas tu arma con el mouse y te mueves con las teclas del keyboard. Otras habilidades serán como poder rodar para evadir ataques de monstruos o cambiar rápidamente entre tu pistola y sable para causar el mayor daño posible a cada monstruo. Tendrás kits médicos si lo necesitaras al escapar la muerte una vez más. La noche no es tu amiga y estarás siempre a su merced.

Category: 3D, action, adventure, fights

Demography: this is the result that has a serious level of violence for an age range between 13 years to 40 years (and that for these ages is more or less differentiating from the real and the fictitious, also why it does not have blood in none of its aspects since it is assortments by gears that come out of the pieces when they are hit

Development: Some scientists had the idea of ​​giving life to the action figures to make epic matches. They managed to create action figures with special abilities, with their action figures, to fight epic battles with you and other people.

Development: The action figures can be assembled and configured for your battle style, a measure that allows you to level up, complete the pieces and the incisions, obtain pieces with which you can change, save and equip them so that the figure improves in the battles, make cooperative battles with your friends against another team.

The most different pieces of these are:

  • Common
  • Weird
  • Legendary
  • Epic

For the incursions faced to the bosses that have 5 times the amount of life of a high-ranking character, it will be balanced between the members of the squadron to make it more comfortable.
The reward system is based more on the definition of the team of your figure, so you can progressively raise it between the levels.
Some good things, which are:

  • Armor
  • Attack speed
  • Increased ability power



  • (For a better experience it is recommended to use console control).
  • You can adjust the controls if you prefer to use mouse and keyboard.

Music: ONE OK rock link:

Image: press link:

Sidescroller, 2D , Adventure, Shooter, Economics, management, strategy, crime, single player
Target audience: Fans of Crime based games.

Welcome to the slums of latin America, your journey starts as a young boy from the slums.
You´ll see that life ain´t easy at the slums and you´ll have to do certain things to Survive.
You´ll start your life of crime at a very young age.
The game starts with your character as a delivery boy for the local drug dealers, if You do it right you´ll advance to drug dealer, the same procedure goes by, if you do Your illicit activities right you´ll end up joining a Gang, if you don´t get killed or Captured by the law enforcement in some time you´ll rank up inside the gang, Moving from dealer to hitman, from hitman to enforcer, from enforcer to man at Arms and then finally to gang leader.
You´ll rank up depending on your level.

Objectives per stages:
Delivery boy (Level 1-5)
When you´re a delivery boy you have to avoid police patrols while delivering the Drugs, taking the money and going back without getting caught.
Drug dealer (Level 6-10)
You´ll have to recruit and send out your delivery boys to sell the drugs, you lose Money and XP if they´re caught.
Use the money to buy more drugs from the gang.
Hitman (Level 11-20)
You become the backbone of the Gang´s armed area, you´ll go on raids to rival Gangs areas, gain XP taking out rival delivery boys, dealers and other gang Members.
Enforcer (Level 21-27)
As a gang enforcer you command the raids and other violent activities of the gang, Gain XP when a raid, holdout or another activity is completed successfully.
Man at arms (Level 28-32)
You take command of the security of all of the gang´s assets, when the law Enforcement catches you gang members you have to bribe them or send a hitman Or even a shooter squad to liberate your fellow gang members.
You have to fend off attackers and manage the defenses of your Gang´s HQ.
Gang boss (Level 33)
At this point you have total control of the gang, you decide what happens where, What kind of drugs are sold, what stores are robbed, where your people sell drugs, Everything.
At this point the game turns into a Crime Sandbox.

D: Move right
A: Move left
W: Move up
S: Move down
K: Shoot
R: Reload
E: Interact
Z: Crouch
X: Blend in
Right Click: interact with menu items
P: pause
Esc: menu

There is button mapping, map the buttons as you want.
Colorblind filters.
Size of text can be increased.

Credits to HalfBus

Credits to El Kid
El Kid- No corren por correr //
El Kid- Berry y Colla //
El Kid-Chacaleria //
El Kid- Exceso de confianza //

Generó: pelea, multijugador, cooperativo, 2.5D

Plataforma: PS4, PC

Audiencia objetiva: personas que les gusta los jugos rápidos, competitivos y difíciles. Para mayores de 16 años.

Descripción del juego:

PWER: Chemistry Battle es un juego de peleas en segunda dimensión pero con modelos y escenarios 3D.

El juego se basa en una pelea por equipos de 2 vs 2. El equipo que acabe con las barras de vida del equipo contrario gana la partida.

El juego tendrá alrededor de 36 personajes y 15 escenarios. Cada personaje tendrá sus movimientos únicos y un estilo de juego único.

-Sistema de química: Los personajes tendrán simpatía con otros personajes. Si dos personajes que se simpatizan y están en un mismo equipo podrán hacer movimientos únicos. Todos los personajes tendrán por lo menos una persona con simpatía. Se mostraran en el menú de selección de personaje, que personajes tienen simpatía con otros personajes por medio de un icono.

-Barra de poder: Esta barra te permite usar Super moves, ex moves, y ultimate moves. La barra tiene un límite de 100 y se llena golpeando al oponente, ser golpeado por el oponente o usando movimientos especiales.

-Barra tag: Esta barra te permite usar las mecánicas en equipo. Esta barra tiene tres bloques y se recarga progresivamente o siendo golpeado por el oponente.

-Assist: Durante la batalla, puedes presionar el botón R1 o L1 para llamar a tu compañero. Tu compañero hará un ataque dependiendo del botón que tocaste (R1 o L1). Consume un bloque de la barra tag.

-Assist change: Mantén presionado el botón de asistencia para que tu compañero haga un ataque y entre en el combate mientras el personaje entra a la banca.

-Tag: Al presionar el botón “X” cambiaras de personaje con el personaje que esta en “banca”. El personaje que esta en “banca” regenerara vida de manera progresiva. Consume un bloque de la barra tag.

-Rescue tag: Si tú oponente esta golpeándote, puedes presiona la combinación R1+L1 para que tu compañero ataque al oponente y entre al combate, mientras el otro personaje pasa a la banca. El personaje que entra a banca no puede recuperar vida. Consume tres bloques de barra tag.

-Chemistry combo: Al usar un movimiento especial específico y el equipo este compuesto por personajes con simpatía, puedes presionar el botón de asistencia para llamar a tu compañero y hacer un combo devastador entre los dos personajes. Los personajes se emanaran un aura amarilla mientras hacen el combo. Consume dos bloques de barra tag.

-Chemistry grab: Al agarrar al oponente y el equipo este compuesto por personajes con simpatía, puedes presionar el botón de asistencia para llamar a tu compañero y hacer una llave entre los dos personajes. El personaje que hizo el agarre pasara a la banca y el otro entra en combate. Consume dos bloques de barra tag.

Este juego de pelea será de cuatro botones, se usara de referencia el dual shock 4.

Cuadrado: Golpe suave
Triangulo: Golpe Medio
Circulo: Golpe Fuerte
Equis: Tag
R1: Asistencia 1
L1: Asistencia 2
Joystick izquierdo: Moverse, correr, saltar
R1+L1: Rescue tag

-Modalidades de juego-

-Modo de Historia: El modo de historia serán resúmenes de los arcos argumentales más importantes de PWER. Habrá un total de 3 arcos.

-Online battle: Pelea con personas alrededor del mundo, gana puntos para tener una posición a nivel global.

-Modo versus: Enfrénate ante la computadora o pelea contra un amigo, puedes modificar las reglas, dificultad, tiempo.

-Modo arcade: Enfréntate a 10 personajes al azar. Al completar este modo, desbloquearas una cinemática única del personaje que escogiste. Si completas el modo arcade sin perder y cumpliendo algunos requisitos, te enfrentaras a un boss.


La música de este juego será de genero glitch y será compuesto por el artista Rhodz


Heroes of Magic.docx563kb

Género: 2D, Building, Racing, Shooting

Plataforma: iOS, Android

Audiencia:Personas que le gusta construir vehiculos para usarlos en carreras o destruirlos

Mayhem Racers es un juego 2d de carreras donde construyes tu propio auto en el cual lo equipas con blindaje y armamento para usarlo en carreras con otros jugadores o la computadora.

Tu objetivo en el juego es construir un vehículo con los materiales desbloqueados en el momento (madera) y ser creativo, despues de haber creado el vehículo el jugador eligira el arma que quiera (en este casi una pistola, debido a que esta empezando) despues de que todo esto este completado el jugador podra correr en las diferentes etapas que se le proporciona (cada una da mas dinero que la otra a medida que se van desbloqueando) y ganar dinero para comprar mejor armamento y blindaje para su vehículo.

A medida que se va subiendo de nivel y completando etapas el jugador podrs desbloquear mejor armamento o blindaje como la poderosa minigun o el resistente Titanio.

Genre: RPG, 3D, Pattern-Based, Fantasy, First Person, Action-Adventure
Platform: PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch, PC
Audience: 13+ (For people who like rhythm style games and managing and creating their own towns)

In this game the character is part of a society of scholars from the biggest kingdom whom have been tasked with purifying the world of “abominations”. The character, a young scholar, is thrown into his first mission to purify the abominations he had been taught about in school, only to find out that these were just humans who had been outcast from their society and were just running away from the brainwash. The character, abhorred by the acts of his people, leaves and takes his scholar tools with him. He decides to rally the outsiders to make a kingdom that is welcoming to all.

The game is set in first person. The mechanics rely heavily on performing a set pattern of pressing buttons on your controller/keyboard to cast spells. If pressed in the wrong order, the player will either cast a completely different spell or no spell at all. The spells will always be readily available in the scholar book that will be in the right hand of the player during combat. Certain elemental spells must be cast with cards which the character can use at any time when not on cooldown.

The game will include a resource management system. This system will be used to train, deploy and customize the outsiders that join your new-found kingdom. It will also be used to manage the kingdom itself.

Genre: Adventure, Drama, Darkness, Suspense, Black and white, Single player, Coop.

Platform: Xbox one, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, Pc.

Target audience: For people who likes dark themes, shadows, suspense and drama, Tell an history about a boy and you have to guide his decision to making him more stronger.

Introduction: Here’s the history of Andrew, a little boy of 11 years old who lives a hard time of his life, Andrew grows without a father and his mother is all what he has. Passing months… Andrew’s home receive a surprise from his mother, he receive the notice that mom meet his new stepfather which is moving to your home making andrew feels sad and remembering all what his father has with andrew since he has memory. Next day, Andrew prepared himself to receive the incoming of his new stepfather. When he arrives, Mom and the stepfather greets with a short hug meanwhile Andrew just left the scene going outside, when he place foot on the front of the house he looks at the car seeing a girl next to the right door, her name is Molly, she has 10 years, 1 year below than andrew. When she open the door to get out of the car, Andrew notice… he had a lost look and his soul was cold like nothing he had witnessed before but in her heart she was telling that, nothing of this was what she wanted.

Passing time after the moving and placement of his new stepfather, Molly and Andrew get to know each other and has the same thought about this new future. So the decide to thread into this relation at night to get rid of this at all. But something with Andrew isn’t going well while he dreams… like not getting sense at all.

Game features:

Light is the answer is based on that dark atmosphere for a dramatic and suspence history getting deeper and deeper with Andrew emotions, and Fantastic scenarios in black and white with secrets about our protagonist character.

In the game
Andrew has mental problems that can only be heal by controlling himself or use Molly to comfort him and make Andrew relax and take a big breath. If Andrew doesn’t calm before his pain meter reach his limit, it means instant game over because with a short message saying, in what you failed.

In the actual scenario will be shadow monsters that they will only hurt your feelings if you touch them. This means that your depression meter will increase by 10% o 100%

Staying in lighted zones will make Andrew feel safe, if andrew doesn’t locate in a lighted zone, the depression will increase by 1% by 3 sec and it will stop if you reach safe zone (light).

Playing in cooperative will make the game more difficult if the players doesn’t help each other or keeping together. It means if Andrew can be bother by those shadow monsters, same for molly.

The end of the act will be reaching at the final door which will be locked by a brighter golden lock. you have to find these key completing all the miscellaneous objects that can help through your adventure.


Keyboard example

A D: Movement Left/Right
W: Open front door/Go upstairs
S: Go Back/ Go Downstairs
I : Inventory
Tab : Fast Inventory
E : Action/Relax or Breathe
F : Flashlight
P : Pause/Continue

Mouse: Extend Vision (just left or right)

Playing in Coop

Mouse: Move by Right/Left/Upstairs/Downstairs Clicking
Space: Action/ Help Andrew
I : Inventory

Music reference : << >>

Credit Image: << >>


Genre: Rts, commander, Action, Rpg, multiplayer.
Platform: PC, Xbox, Switch.
Audience: People with a grim sense of humor, anyone that loves to be the bad guy, mostly sarcastic people and evil-doers by nature; 18+

In Vessel, become the destroyer, embrace insanity; You’ll be given a human, what you put into it, or what you turn it to is all up to you… just know it’s not going to be something good, whether it’s as simple as a zombie or as twisted as turning him into a living gateway to hell, the choice is yours to make, control your army and ravage the world against 2 other factions.


The game features 3 branches for the player to pick:
-The Cultist
-The Geneticist
-The Warlock

Each one of them will be given 5 possible types of creations to turn their human into, once the choice is made every branching decision the player is given will be around the creation type he chose, some examples could be, if the player chose to be a cultist and then chose fealty to the elder ones, he will most likely start his playthrough as one of 5 types of elder being vessels, these will branch out into another 3 types of sub-races that will branch out into one of two designated elder gods spawning to bring forth chaos and destruction to the known universe.

For the player to keep branching he will have to progress on his research about his branch, meaning he will have to unlock every single possible path to then pick one of them.

The way unlocking works varies between each one, but will generally be a certain amount of resources, objectives and destruction requisites.

Game Phases

The game phases are simple, first, you choose what will your human be, after that is done, most of your playthrough will be focused on controlling your vessel, meaning, if you became a werewolf, you now need to feast on the citizens of a city of your choosing, once inside the city, you’ll be given a set of stretch goals to achieve in order to progress, once those are done, the player will move forward to choosing what sub-type is next, this will go on until the player reaches the last tier, in which he will be given all of the world to play around with until no life is left, after that, he either succeeds or fails at his task and is given all of his scores.

The catch is, there will be other 2 players aiming for the same thing, so eventually the game will come down to facing and destroying your rivals in massive battles where you command your army of lesser beings and take on the front lines yourself, this is not a game where ties are possible, either win, or face absolute obliteration.


Death works on a peculiar way on Vessel, if you happen to die and you already possess other lesser creatures under your wing, you will be given the option to choose amongst them to keep on playing or forfeit your match. However, if you do pick a lesser creature the game will carry on as usual, but you will have suffered a possible mayor setback towards the end goal. No one in his sane mind would want to face Yog-Sothoth as a mere imp overlord, yet again, are you sane?

Camera and in-game interface

The camera will be 3rd person, and the interface will feature a set of abilities for your vessel and a command wheel for your army, the player will also be given the choice to engage in tactical view, but this will set his vessel as a bot for the time being, not being able to command it’s abilities directly and limiting it to only movement choices.

Género: Casual, 3D, Arcade-Ritmo, Carreras.

Plataforma: IOS, Android y Nintendo Switch.

Audiencia: Niños, adolescentes y adultos que deseen tener un juego para pasatiempo. Amantes de competencias y juegos de ritmo y tiempo.

Descripción del Juego:

Tienes una super fiesta de cumpleaños en tu casa, y has comprado los mejores globos para la fiesta. ¡Cuando estás haciendo los preparativos, te enteras de que tu vecino también tiene una fiesta de cumpleaños y que igualmente compro muchos globos!

En este juego deberás vencer a tu vecino a dar la mejor fiesta, y para tener la mejor fiesta deberás soplar la mayor cantidad de globos.

Existen diferentes tipos de globos determinados por colores y formas, cada uno con una característica única, por ejemplo, verdes, rojos, negros, amarillos y azules.

En pantalla se te mostrara el globo que debes soplar a continuación, y mostrara el patrón definido para poder inflarlo. Los patrones pueden incluir desde tocar la pantalla, deslizar el dedo en alguna dirección, y hasta agitar el dispositivo.

Si fallas algún movimiento, el globo se desinflará y deberás comenzar de nuevo.
Cuando el globo quede completamente inflado se colocará sobre la casa y continuaras con el siguiente globo.

Al ir colocándoles sobre la casa, la casa se comenzará a levantar en los aires, y mientras más globos más rápido será el ascenso.

Ten cuidado porque habrá obstáculos que pueden destruir tus globos, como pájaros, aviones, rayos y hasta granizo.

¡El ganador será el primero en lograr que la fiesta llegue al espacio exterior y las estrellas!

Compite con tus amigos para ver quien lleva su fiesta lo más alto posible, y así también desbloquear nuevas temáticas y músicas.



Genre: party game, battle royale

Platform: PC, XBOX One, PS4

Audience: the target audience for this product are people looking for a round of quick fun and some mayhem, and those that like free for all type fighting games.

Game description

Main gameplay idea:

The main gameplay idea for this streak is that four players battle it out in an effort to not be pushed into the “VOID" (concept will be explained further into the streak) and the last player or team left standing wins the game.

The "VOID"

This is one of the main mechanic which the game revolves around, the "VOID" is the way in which you take out other players from the game in other to win. The way in which the "VOID" works is that if a player gets thrown or gets too close to it, the player gets absorbed by the "VOID" and is eliminated, or in case he still haves stocks/ lives left he loses one of them. The "VOID" grows in size as the game progresses, making it harder to stay alive and starts draining the life of the players around it.


  • characters have different specialties, (will be further explained on next point of the "Character" section) Depending on which characters you select your type of abilities may vary.


  • The attributes of the characters are simply what kind of stats they have certain classes, having certain playstyles depending on the attributes which, will affect their "class". With certain classes being available to certain characters, for example: male/female characters (depending on body type) will have access to different classes


Classes will be divided in three categories, Light, Medium, and Heavy.

Light: have high movement speed and somewhat low attack stats, they depend on outmaneuvering your opponents and maintaining a certain distance and divide in three which are: Archer, Assassin, and reaper

  • Archer: specializes in long range combat using his/her bow launching
    Projectiles, with a probability of giving status effects (will be further explained
    In status effect in the Mechanics Section) and uses a dagger for close combat

  • Assassin: Specializes in mid ranged combat using throwing daggers to keep
    Enemies at a distance and slashes with his daggers in close combat.

  • Reaper: uses his scythe to pull in enemies to attack them with quick
    and swift strikes and recover a percentage of your life when
    Hitting an enemy player and can be able to dodge enemy attacks.

Medium: they are a very balanced class which can be played aggressively or defensively.

  • Sword master: the sword master uses swift sword strikes to inflict damage, and can move swiftly through the arena and deal damage.

  • Paladin: Uses a shield and a long sword, and uses the mechanic of "armor generation" which with each 4 successful hits you get one armor. Which blocks one hit.

  • Shadow Walker: the shadow walker uses a dark VOID energy sword which shoots mid-range projectiles and uses runes to teleport around a short distance.

Heavy: these is a heavy armored and a very resistant class which focuses on controlling engagements and use crowd control to make more difficult to maneuver around them.

  • Shielded: uses its two shields to charge towards the player and use crowd control effects to take the advantage.

  • great swordsman: although he is really slow packs a solid punch at the cost of some speed, can dash short distances to close the gap between him and his enemy and grab him to throw a short distance.

Characters will have three special abilities, one for offensive uses, one passive, and one for mobility purposes, this two abilities must be used to outmaneuver your opponent and deliver blows to lower their life points and consequently send them to the VOID.


As the main focus of the combat is to send your enemies to the ever growing VOID in the middle of the stage, in order to do that you will have to use light attacks and strong attacks to inflict damage to your opponents that vary for each character as well as their abilities.


The life is represented by a life bar which will decrease when receiving damage from enemy attacks and when it reaches cero instead of dying you enter a dizzy state, which makes easier just to pick you up and throw you into the VOID

when pressing at the same time the light and strong attack buttons you can grab your opponents and be able to throw them a short distance (Heavy class characters have a more powerful throw to their strength and light classes having the weakest one)


Some debuffs would be:

  • Haste: makes the character affected by it move slower
  • Cursed: makes the character affected by it deal less damage
  • Dizzy: makes your character vulnerable for a period of time (can also happen when your health bar reaches cero.

Visual style

The visual style would be with an animated kind of design such as that skull girls only that a little less cartoony, or pixel art to make it more simple, for the pixel art reference could use "Crawl" or maybe "Duelyst".


The music would be fast paced music to match the combat in the game with some electronic and electric guitar pieces to complement.