Submissions by Bluedragon tagged adventure

Genre: Adventure, Drama, Darkness, Suspense, Black and white, Single player, Coop.

Platform: Xbox one, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, Pc.

Target audience: For people who likes dark themes, shadows, suspense and drama, Tell an history about a boy and you have to guide his decision to making him more stronger.

Introduction: Here’s the history of Andrew, a little boy of 11 years old who lives a hard time of his life, Andrew grows without a father and his mother is all what he has. Passing months… Andrew’s home receive a surprise from his mother, he receive the notice that mom meet his new stepfather which is moving to your home making andrew feels sad and remembering all what his father has with andrew since he has memory. Next day, Andrew prepared himself to receive the incoming of his new stepfather. When he arrives, Mom and the stepfather greets with a short hug meanwhile Andrew just left the scene going outside, when he place foot on the front of the house he looks at the car seeing a girl next to the right door, her name is Molly, she has 10 years, 1 year below than andrew. When she open the door to get out of the car, Andrew notice… he had a lost look and his soul was cold like nothing he had witnessed before but in her heart she was telling that, nothing of this was what she wanted.

Passing time after the moving and placement of his new stepfather, Molly and Andrew get to know each other and has the same thought about this new future. So the decide to thread into this relation at night to get rid of this at all. But something with Andrew isn’t going well while he dreams… like not getting sense at all.

Game features:

Light is the answer is based on that dark atmosphere for a dramatic and suspence history getting deeper and deeper with Andrew emotions, and Fantastic scenarios in black and white with secrets about our protagonist character.

In the game
Andrew has mental problems that can only be heal by controlling himself or use Molly to comfort him and make Andrew relax and take a big breath. If Andrew doesn’t calm before his pain meter reach his limit, it means instant game over because with a short message saying, in what you failed.

In the actual scenario will be shadow monsters that they will only hurt your feelings if you touch them. This means that your depression meter will increase by 10% o 100%

Staying in lighted zones will make Andrew feel safe, if andrew doesn’t locate in a lighted zone, the depression will increase by 1% by 3 sec and it will stop if you reach safe zone (light).

Playing in cooperative will make the game more difficult if the players doesn’t help each other or keeping together. It means if Andrew can be bother by those shadow monsters, same for molly.

The end of the act will be reaching at the final door which will be locked by a brighter golden lock. you have to find these key completing all the miscellaneous objects that can help through your adventure.


Keyboard example

A D: Movement Left/Right
W: Open front door/Go upstairs
S: Go Back/ Go Downstairs
I : Inventory
Tab : Fast Inventory
E : Action/Relax or Breathe
F : Flashlight
P : Pause/Continue

Mouse: Extend Vision (just left or right)

Playing in Coop

Mouse: Move by Right/Left/Upstairs/Downstairs Clicking
Space: Action/ Help Andrew
I : Inventory

Music reference : << >>

Credit Image: << >>

Genre: Lifeline, 3D, Adventure, childhood, puzzle.
Platforms: Pc.

Target audience: for people who wants to see the timeline as a kid to an adult, hard moments and a exploration recollecting items for secrets paths. For kids of 10 years to 60 years old.

Description: Once upon a time there was a child who lived happy, with his family and his puppy named Oscar in a little village full of houses, in those houses were others families too. There was peace and only happiness. Until war change all this cycle and torn it into a mess, tons of families were separated from their children, including you, after the car, starting, and leaving behind, you were behind the truck and you were thrown and used to leave a mark. Oscar stops running and picked up the cloth and start running to the forest and there's where you hope it was the only answer to find liberty.

The game starts with your character as a child living in a cell alone, you must find a way to get out but careful with guards patrolling the rooms. As you are passing the game, your character will change ages and the years too. The point of the game is finding a way to get the war ended.

The player has a smaller inventory at the initial part of the game, if you progress in the game, your inventory will be bigger at some point of the game for important things you will carry and those things can’t be used or you will used at some point on the future. You will use your mouse to open the inventory were is above the screen

If the player got caught or attack, it means a instantly game over and you have to start over your last checkpoint.


WASD: Movement
E: Interact
F: Use
Space: Jump
P: Pause
M: Map
Ctrl: Crouch

RB: Select/opens inventory
LB: Turn off/on flashlight

The music will be based on a sad history, perfect and engaging for the style of this game > > <<

Image Credit <<

Kiwi, Kiwi and Kiwi.

Plataforma: PC
Género: Simulación,pelea, fruit gaming, acción, 3d.

Objetivo de audiencia: Para personas que le gustan y gozan de animalitos con picos largos y gordos y pequeños, quienes le guste la pelea y la acción, batidos de frutas y mezclas con kiwis…, kiwi es un género múltiple que disfrutaras en 3d. para 12 a 40 años de edad en adelante.

Descripción del juego: Kiwi es un juego dedicado para nuestra mascota el Kiwi, y para la fruta el Kiwi, y el vendedor de batidos,es un juego donde vendrán 3 tipos de simulaciones en un solo menu, es a tu eleccion en estos estara:
-Primer Simulador: tu siendo una fruta Kiwi controlado por ti, podrás rodar por donde quieras pero, deberás tener cuidado con la mano, la mano sera tu enemigo en este modo y si te atrapa es game over ya que la mano busca cortarte. La idea de esta es marcar un record de tiempo de mayor tiempo en pie y competir a través de los líderes y records de otras personas. Quedarse de pie se tomara medidas de autodestruccion.
-Segundo Simulador: Puedes ser un vendedor de batidos,en este modo serás un vendedor y jugaras en modo primera persona, verás en pantalla solo tu mano y el mostrador con su vitrina y dentro de la vitrina estarán las frutas, debes agarrar con la mano las frutas y ponerlas en la licuadora que está del otro lado, la mecánica de este modo es que tendrás un tiempo para entregar los pedidos de los clientes antes de que su barra de satisfacción baje a cero, no solamente podrás disfrutar de la experiencia de ser el un vendedor común sino tambien podras crear batidos exóticos con kiwis y otras con otras frutas, tu misión es satisfacer al cliente con un delicioso batido con kiwi y otras frutas pero nunca olvidar el kiwi en la receta principal de este juego, por lo tanto... ,no tendría sentido el nombre de nuestro juego sin un poco de kiwi,recordar al final siempre sonar la campanita para hacer la entrega del pedido.ç
-Tercer Simulador: Ser un KIWI, puedes simular ser un hermoso y pequeño kiwi en tercera persona y ver cómo manifestarse con otros, habrán dos modos de juegos para este caso,así el usuario pudiese disfrutar de ambas experiencias de esta modalidad. El juego ofrece modo libre para poder jugar con diferente tipos de kiwis (colores) y esta modo pelea entre kiwis, el modo de pelea es otro modo competitivo para la gente que le encanta ver cosas pelearse o aunque sea tocarse. Los kiwis son cosas lindas pero a la vez necesitamos que ese encanto sea un poco más masculino y fuerte (no habrá sangre), en juego estará tu kiwi y el del contrario parados en tal escenario escogido por uno o por ti e pelearan hasta que uno quede victorioso.

El modo de pelea de kiwis no traerá sangre por tal razón de que este juego no destaca en matarse, solo es un pequeño duelo.

Los mapas son muy variados por estos modos por ejemplo el simulador de la fruta kiwi estarás en una mesa rodando hasta que la mano te agarre, habrán diferentes tipos de mesa o tablero de cortar para que el jugador puede rodar y saltar entre obstáculos como la mano o el cuchillo. Los mapas de fondos solo serán 5 para no sobrecargar el juego en escenarios pero se llevará lo mejor cercano o relacionado dependiendo del escenario y el modo de juego.

Los cosméticos, tu fruta, tu tienda de batidos y tu Kiwi los puedes personalizar. Puedes pegarle stickers a tu fruta y hacer que se vea más brutal y fantástica , en el caso de la tienda tendras una opcion mas grande con respecto en mejorar tus utensilios y el aspecto de tu tienda, y con tu Kiwi podrás ponerle ropa, como ejemplo: haz que tu Kiwi use un vestido o una bandana de ninja.

Controles: Serán tres diferentes tipos de controles para estos modos:

Siendo la fruta Kiwi:
ASWD para moverse
Mouse para rotar cámara en sentido orbital
espacio para saltar
Siendo vendedor de batidos:
Mouse para mover la mano y la cámara del personaje
Espacio para agarrar y soltar

Siendo un Kiwi
AWSD para moverse
Mouse para rotar la cámara (esto queda opcional para las personas quienes les gusta ver la cámara enfocada en tu oponente o libre).
Click derecho para picotear
Click izquierdo para patear
Espacio para saltar
E para cargar embestida

Musica de fondo sera para niños y una tematica de kung fu para peleas

creditos de imagen << >>

Genre: Pixel art, action, adventure, shoot n run, detective, Fast-action.

Platform: Pc. Xbox One, PlayStation 4.

Target audience. For people who likes kill chains based in fast movement and killing spree and inmence scenography, and for those who likes pixel art, those who love action and adventure and resolve murder cases. Age for 16 to 30 or more.

Description: You are a ex-police who has been declared suspect of a murder in a cabin that where fill of tourist and families. The reason why you are in the court is for someone shout that you have been seen going out from a hotel room and the cleaner saw a dead body in the bathroom but, you don’t have any defence about that because you said, you didn’t leave your home for any circumstance. The only thing is, the verdict is coming even worse when the time pass and all the people you know is not trusting you anymore. You have to win this duty and put end for what's happening. Your name is Noa, your history is like from a happy civilian living in a house in the woods with your family, but no… The only thing you live every day is about dead people around you, suicides and problems. It's not like the principal character like it but, you have to because for national service. when you enter in the scene of murder, you feel dizzy and your mind is trying to say something like you have been here before but, is just a headache and nothing else… is suspicious but why this keep going and why are these things making nonsense at all. Maybe something is out of posicion or else.

The game is simple,your mission is to making it to the next door to follow the history the room will have shadow effects for stealth and for assault the room as you start shooting the room instantly removing all shadow effect and exposing around and the enemies are near you this is an options.

Noa only have his pistol for personal defense but in other cases you can get a rifle or other weapons when time passes by. in stealth you will only use your handkerchief and a tranquilizer to put down sleeping these enemies but remember hiding them from others, if someone finds the body it will immediately triggers the alarm and will take the mode of stealth to assault.

you can cover from bullet using walls or dodging them.

( Keyboard and mouse )

ASWD: Movement (Up, Down, Left, Right)

Left click: Look around the map ( can’t use it in stealth )

Right click: Shoot

E: Stealth kill and drag body

Music: Inspiring for a silent killer << >>

Image >> <<

Genre: Single Player, Adventure, RPG, Fantasy Strategy, 3D.

Platform: Pc, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS.

Target Audience: It gives to the player some fantasy with a unique bread style, to let it know that, is not just a simple slice of bread, IT IS THE SLICE OF BREAD. Gives to the player some intense and epic battle with counting your abilities, and you have the initiative to take decisions that can affect you in the future. The game is for Kids of 6 years to 20 or more.

Game Description: Your name is Bready, he is a noble knight from the breakfast kingdom and you have been called for one hardest missing, save the princess from the “Hand “, which now he is missing, you have to find him to rescue the princess and return her ti his kingdom. When the session start someone says... -This mission requires a powerful men with skills and stronger for this mission. This was your chance to make history and be recognice as a hero.

In the actual demo, you will see your character in third person and can rotate the camera to look around you. Your first objetive is investigate the scene of crime and get into any establishments to ask for any idea where this villain went.

Your character have a bag filled with basic items like an egg yolk (health pot), your dairy and your sword. Also you can put armor to your character, at the beginning, you only have a tiny helmet on top giving you 3 armor. By passing territories, you will encounter some enemies that by defeating them, you will earn XP and items that you can sell or use (armor, weapons, or bags of money).

When you earn money, you can use it in the blacksmith or the market. The blacksmith will provide you weapons, for example > swords, Double-Handed sword, knifes, others... and the markets will provide armor or potions that gives you more benefits, Examples of armor > Heavy armor, Light armor, others... And for markets are > Regen pots, Strength pots, others.

The enemies will apear in the land moving around or in line. If they touch Bready it will be an instant battle scene. You can't attack while you are moving so be careful with your steps.

In Battle, you have 5 Buttons in the menu (Attack, Defend, Items, Run) that you have to choose to make an action or response. At the end of the battle the button spare and beat will appear as an option because, you dont have to force yourself to punch in the face a enemy that cause a little problem, this is up to you. We don't have to be cruels all the time so give it a chance and remember this too, don't spare all the enemies. It will cause another event.

The character counts with 10 hp and 1 of damage each hit, also you count with 2 habilities that you will select when you level up. The first one is Double Slice (Grants you double damage depending of what sword you are carring and can crit if you have swords with bonus crit) and Removed from the oven (gives you 2 extra damage and can crit). When you level up, the game gives to Bready 10 hp and 1 of damage when you level up. Also your weapons have crits. Abilities will have cooldown of 3 turns or 4 turns depending of abilities you are using.


For this i will take keyboard as an example.

AWSD > Movement

E > Select and talk

I > Inventory

P > Pause

M > Map

Ctrl > Slow movement ( Hold )

Space > Jump

Mouse > camara

In battle (you have the option of using only the mouse but also the keyboard for fast actions).


Left button > select


A > Attack (Then you will select if you want basic attack or abilities)

S > Defend

D > Items

When the enemy is near to death it will show you the button spare or beat. REMEMBER... this option will affect you in others occasion.

Music in the prologue will be fancy and funny, in other worlds the music will change depending of the ambient.

Image Credit: << >>

P.S. Don't judge me, its cute.

Gender: Adventure, Vehicles, Life, Simulation, First Person.

Platform: PC, Xbox

Target Audience: For those who are really mad, this game will relax you and get you some good moods. This games has a lot of landscape and routes. Made for everyone.

Game description: You are a industry worker who has been put in vacation for a month. In that moment you feel a relief and strees out, but its not over yet. You only have 1 month to enjoy your vacation, well... this is the moment where all your money has no value, but be careful with buying thing are unnecessarily expensive or not useful.

This game is for passing time and relaxing, but you also know that you have a time limite to recreate yourself in one month, with your car and all the money you save you can do sort of thing like... Gaining more money playing in casino, Upgrade the car, Buying your self some clothes, or Go for a walk and enjoy some scenes.

Your character will have temperament meters that will explain the mood of your character, if some of this gets in the limite, it will turn red. You only have 30 minutes to solve this or your character will instantly return to your house giving you a notify box saying what he felt that day.

In the introduction will explain the a little of the character history and next of it you have to select 3 vehicles ( 2 different sedans and a SUV ). Above of that you have to chose where you want to go, in that moment, the calendar will appear showing you the days. It really depends of what you want to do, you can take the risk but all have consequences. Also you have a map of all 50 sites you can go but remember that the car need the benefits to go there for example
You want to go into a cave and explore it, but you also need a car which has the off road wheels. you can buy the SUV in that cases but is really expensive, and there is a chance that the car is too slow to reach it in less than 15 min. there enters the option of upgrades. You can also upgrade your car and spend a little bit of money in parts that can be useful. This will be a better option. In other way you can modify your vehicle using cosmetics or upgrading the engine.

The controls are simple:
Keyboards and mouse for pc
AWSD for movement, E for Actions, Tab to open the inventory, F for flashlight, Left-shift to run, Space to jump and the mouse to look around you.

  • In the car:
    W and S for forward/backward
    A and D for steering left or right
    L for front light
    E for actions
    Enter to seat on the driver seat ( you have to get in the car )
    Mouse to look around

In case of controller i recommend you to customize the buttons preference

Its not hard to play but your really have to think the benefits and consequences of those actions.

the radio of your car can use your own music if you want, choose your own playlist using a predetermined file in the game. Follow Instructions

Image credits: << >>