Submissions by r.esquivel tagged accion


Audience: this game is aimed at people who like panama legends and their stories (the age range is from 10 years to 20 years). I chose this audience because many young people are attracted to fear games.

History: A long time ago there was a beautiful young woman who loved the parties late at night. On one occasion there was a party in a neighboring town and she of course did not want to miss it, the mother refused that night to take care of her son since she was tired of doing it while she was always going to enjoy her parties.

That night, because he wanted to go to the party, he left the baby in a basket near a river that was left on the road, with the intention of picking it up after the party. However, when he returned to the river to look for his son, he did not find it and began to cry: the river had taken him downstream. Regretted by the serious mistake she had made, she began desperately to look for it and still continues looking for him ...

Development: You and some classmates decide to verify if this legend is true and you venture into a forest to reveal the truth of this legend, this game can be cooperative or individual.

For the individual mode

You will have control of all the members of the group, each member has their skills that will help you solve riddles and register places.

You should be careful to find the spirit of the "WEEPING" because if she manages to catch one of your companions you will not see him again until after you finish the game or you find him.

Each character will have skills like:

  • Tracker: it is very good to differentiate marks and tracks that you find around the map.

  • Encryption: much of the riddles that find that character will facilitate you to move faster.

  • Sentinel: a born lookout with a very sharp sixth sense, which can alert the team with time to prepare.

For the cooperative mode

Before starting the game each player will have the option to communicate with his team, but if one is captured he will only have 20sec to describe the place where he is.


For PC

  • The movement controls are plowed by the keys (A, S, D, W)

  • To collect objects the key (E) will be used

  • When the player is captured, a first-person camera will be displayed that can be moved with the (mouse)

images: Kyle Marksteiner link:

Category: 3D, action, adventure, fights

Demography: this is the result that has a serious level of violence for an age range between 13 years to 40 years (and that for these ages is more or less differentiating from the real and the fictitious, also why it does not have blood in none of its aspects since it is assortments by gears that come out of the pieces when they are hit

Development: Some scientists had the idea of ​​giving life to the action figures to make epic matches. They managed to create action figures with special abilities, with their action figures, to fight epic battles with you and other people.

Development: The action figures can be assembled and configured for your battle style, a measure that allows you to level up, complete the pieces and the incisions, obtain pieces with which you can change, save and equip them so that the figure improves in the battles, make cooperative battles with your friends against another team.

The most different pieces of these are:

  • Common
  • Weird
  • Legendary
  • Epic

For the incursions faced to the bosses that have 5 times the amount of life of a high-ranking character, it will be balanced between the members of the squadron to make it more comfortable.
The reward system is based more on the definition of the team of your figure, so you can progressively raise it between the levels.
Some good things, which are:

  • Armor
  • Attack speed
  • Increased ability power



  • (For a better experience it is recommended to use console control).
  • You can adjust the controls if you prefer to use mouse and keyboard.

Music: ONE OK rock link:

Image: press link:

Audiencia: este juego está enfocado para los aficionados a este deporte ya los que les llama la atención. El rango de edad esta entre los 10 años a 40 años (está dirigido a ellos ya que puede que les guste el deporte pero solo verlo y con esto puede imaginarse ellos mismo enfrentándose a grandes estrellas del deporte.)

Genero: 3d, deporte, acción

Descripción: En un mundo en donde el deporte a nivel mundial es el tenis de mesa, todas las personas viven este deporte de tal manera que desarrollan súper habilidades que hacen cambios en los implementos que utilizan para dicho deporte.

Desarrollo: Tú eres un competidor de este deporte que aspiras a ser un jugador profesional, el mismo tendrá un árbol de habilidades le cual debe descubrir a medida que pasa cada nivel.
Pará descubrir tus habilidades tendrás que subir de nivel para desbloquear un tokkens que te permitirá mejorar el árbol de habilidades que deseas para llegar a ser un jugador profesional.

Tipos de juegos:

  • DEFENSIVO PURO: Jugador defensivo clásico con buen control por su gran precisión al golpear la pelota. Provoca muchos errores al contrario por su amplia variación de golpes defensivos cortados.

  • DEFENSIVO EVOLUTIVO: Juego principalmente defensivo que se beneficia de la combinación de los golpes defensivos con ataques inesperados. Es el símbolo del jugador defensivo es que nunca se sabe cuándo va a atacar.

  • ALLROUND: El jugador allround es aquel que combina el juego ofensivo y el defensivo al mismo tiempo con golpes de topspin y cortadas. En el revés suelen realizar golpes pasivos con muchos bloqueos mientras que en la derecha suelen ser un poco más ofensivos.

  • OFENSIVO DE ROTACIÓN: Este estilo de juego se caracteriza por los golpes de topspin cerca de la mesa o a media distancia. El topspin es necesariamente cargado de efecto y difícil de controlar. Se complementa con bloqueos, además de con grandes saques que hacen que inicien cada punto con ventaja.

  • OFENSIVO TOTAL: En esta estrategia están aquellos jugadores ofensivos que confían en la velocidad, el efecto y la técnica como sus armas principales. Los golpes no acostumbran a llevar mucho efecto porque basan su fuerza en los golpes directos y rápidos que ofrecen.

Nota: algunos términos del deporte serán explicados y tendrá forma de como guiarse con una guía que se le dará después de que pase el tutorial.
También deberán escoger tu equipo con el cual jugaras ya que cada raqueta están hechas para diferentes estilos de juegos.

Tendrás un libro en donde se irán anotando todas las habilidades aprendidas, las podrás consultas antes del partido o en el tiempo de receso.

Los partidos serán al mejor de 5 seds, ¿estás listo para enfrentarte a los demás en este juego tan frenético?


  • PC

  • Para aumentar la experiencia del juego se puede usar el VR.

  • se puede usar el ratón para los que no dispongan del VR.

  • para algunos golpes especiales deberán hacer combinaciones para activarlos si se
    juega por media de ratón y teclado.

  • se puede ajustar el color de la bola si sufren de algunas discapacidades.

  • el juego contendrá subtítulos para que el usuario pueda entender cada instrucción.

Música: MisthiC
