Submissions from 2017-10-10 to 2017-10-11 (11 total)

A submission for Daily Art Club

I don't know why I keep making these iterations.

A submission for Daily Art Club

last minute lazy day

I completed 100 hands and 100 feet for the first time in awhile and also I revisited old designs from an old project in my sketchbook. My aim is to plunder, redesign and rework old designs to assemble a portfolio that reflects my current abilities.


Only 2 months early (for a commission). Merry Christmas.

My right arm has been hurting since last Sunday and I finally went to the doctor yesterday. Turns out I strained my right arm from drawing so much, hehe whoops. Doc said until further notice, I must not draw and only use my right arm when necessary. It sucks this happened during Inktober, the one art challenge I look forward to now, but really it's just sad that I did this to myself. Lucky for me it's reversible. So alas, I must leave you once again, Streak Club. But I shall return~ <3<3<3