A submission by Penbee for Daily Art Club

Lambitymoon7 years ago


Penbee7 years ago

@Lambitymoon Thanks for the advice! I finally finished the letter I want to send so I will be sending it out very soon. It will be coming in a 9x12 photo mailer as I included some of the prints too!

Lambitymoon7 years ago

So cool.

So cool.

So cool.

Little advice on the fur one: Use a slightly thinner brush. It'll make the hairs feel more fuzzy. :)

More submissions by Penbee for Daily Art Club

A submission by Penbee for Daily Art Club

I haven't really been on Streak Club much. I'd like to post here more often. I'm still teaching myself animation on the side.

A submission by Penbee for Daily Art Club

The fun thing about learning animation has been animating such silly things | PB

Daily Art Club

Make art every day, how long can you last?

joined 3,370 days ago
